
WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1

Posted June 7, 2009 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Development, Releases.

With Release Candidate 1, we think WordPress 2.8 is ready and complete.  Download it, test it, and tell us what you think.  If you don’t uncover any bad bugs, 2.8 will be released on Wednesday the 10th.

If you’re interested in what has changed since beta 2, consult the changelog.

110 Pings

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  1. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released about an hour ago: With Release […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Moves to Release Candidate 1 on June 7, 2009

  2. […] it yourself, read the release announcement, or see a list of changes since beta 2. Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 is now available. | WordPress Help Blog on June 8, 2009

  3. […] if you’re wanting to use the latest, greatest version of WordPress, which is now available in release candidate flavor, you’re either going to have to survive without a widgets panel for the time being, or you […]

    Pingback from Thesis 1.5 on WordPress 2.8RC — KingdomGeek on June 8, 2009

  4. […] eben wurde der erste Release Candidate (Freigabekandidat) von WordPress 2.8 veröffentlicht. Die Änderungen gegenüber der Beta 2 gibt es wie üblich im […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 ist da » Peruns Weblog on June 8, 2009

  5. […] [Fonte: WordPress Blog] […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Portugal » WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 (também em Português) on June 8, 2009

  6. Lançado o WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1…

    Olá mais uma vez!!! Vamos falar um pouco mais sobre o WordPress 2.8, que chegou finalmente em sua versão que pode vir a ser a versão oficial a ser lançada, porém ainda não é recomendável instalar pois podem haver falhas de segurança que causam……

    Trackback from Webord.net on June 8, 2009

  7. […] WordPress 2.8 RC1 has been released. Here is a link to the changelog from beta 2 to rc1. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 « Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins on June 8, 2009

  8. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released about an hour ago.   Here is their […]

    Pingback from WordPress - Fikri Online » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Moves to Release Candidate 1 on June 8, 2009

  9. […] ha lanzado ya la Release Candidate 1 (RC1) de su versión 2.8 (.zip). La fecha prevista para el lanzamiento oficial es el próximo 10 de junio […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 : Blogografia on June 8, 2009

  10. […] can also read the official post at the WordPress Development Blog, but it doesn’t say much more than I already have […]

    Pingback from JungleJar | WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Released on June 8, 2009

  11. […] 10th. Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of WordPress 2.8 is now available for downloads. According to the Official WordPress blog this may be the final RC released before WordPress 2.8 is released. With Release Candidate 1, we […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 Available for Download | Weblog Tools Collection on June 8, 2009

  12. […] Oleh Yuda pada Design, IT & Computer. Tagged: 2.8, new, whats, wordpress. Tidak ada Komentar For WordPress lover, currently release WordPress version is 2.7. The 2.8 version will be available on 10th June. For those who can’t wait, download the Release Candidate 1. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 What’s New « Weblog sWARNA on June 8, 2009

  13. […] Morgen um ca. 3 Uhr wurde das erste Release Candidate (RC) der neuen WordPress 2.8 Version Online zur Verfügung gestellt. Im Changelog sind alle Änderungen gegenüber der Beta2 […]

    Pingback from Adrian Sauer » WordPress 2.8 RC1 veröffentlicht » Von Adrian Sauer » niedergeschrieben, Änderungen on June 8, 2009

  14. […]  WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Out ! on June 8, 2009

  15. […] to release on 10th of June meaning just 2 days left for official final release of WordPress 2.8. WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 has been released and available for […]

    Pingback from Download WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 on June 8, 2009

  16. […] próxima la salida de la versión 2.8 de WordPress, pongo a vuestra disposición la traducción de la versión 2.8 RC 1 de WordPress, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 en Español « Reyson’s Blog on June 8, 2009

  17. WordPress 2.8 is now RC1…

    WordPress 2.8 RC1 download.

    Trackback from SELINAP.COM on June 8, 2009

  18. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was released yesterday for […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 at Justyn’s Blog on June 8, 2009

  19. […] WordPress 2.8 RC 1 nashri e’lon qilindi. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 « UzBlogger on June 8, 2009

  20. […] Haberin kaynağına gitmek için ise burayı. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Yayınlandı | tasarhane.com on June 8, 2009

  21. […] ) Természetesen a fordítás már kész van, köszönhetően a zseniális magyar fordítóknak https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-release-candidate-1/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | µProvokativ on June 8, 2009

  22. […] WordPress.org have announced the release of RC1 for WordPress 2.8 and if things goes well with no major bug fixes, WordPress 2.8 could well be released to the public as early as 10.06.2008. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 available | Smart Blog Tips on June 8, 2009

  23. […] Ya se encuentra disponible la primera versión candidata de WordPress 2.8. Recuerda que el lanzamiento de la nueva rama de tu CMS favorito será el próximo miércoles por lo que supongo que esta será la última RC antes de darle paso a la versión estable. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 ya disponible | TodoWordPress on June 8, 2009

  24. […] Bientôt la release de WP2.8… Pour préparer cela, la RC1 est disponible. […]

    Pingback from WordPress pour tous » WP2.8RC1 on June 8, 2009

  25. […] this post: WordPress 2.8 RC1 has been released for download. Due to certain issues after upgrading, I won’t be using it. Instead, I’ve rolled […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 » BoltPress on June 8, 2009

  26. […] 10th. Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of WordPress 2.8 is now available for downloads. According to the Official WordPress blog this may be the final RC released before WordPress 2.8 is […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Download on June 8, 2009

  27. […] WordPress 2.8 rc1 yayınlandı. Haziran 8th, 2009 Yorum yapabilirsiniz. | Geri izleme Kaynak : https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-release-candidate-1/ […]

    Pingback from Derssaati » WordPress 2.8 rc1 yayınlandı. on June 8, 2009

  28. […] 2.8 Release Candidate 1 am 8. Juni 2009 in WordPress Releases Seit gestern Nacht ist nun der WordPress 2.8 RC1 zum Download erhältlich. Für die Pro’s unter Euch ist vielleicht ein Blick auf die […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | webdemar.com on June 8, 2009

  29. […] to release on 10th of June meaning just 2 days left for official final release of WordPress 2.8. WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 has been released and available for […]

    Pingback from Download WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | LEHSYS Blogger News on June 8, 2009

  30. WordPress 2.8 RC1…

    ตอนนี้ก็มี WordPress 2.8 RC1 ออกมาให้ดาวน์โหลดกันแล้วครับ หากทุกอย่างเรียบร้อยดี WordPress 2.8 ก็คงจะปล่อ……

    Trackback from XirBIT.Com on June 8, 2009

  31. […] Daniel Hedengren The first, and possibly only, release candidate for WordPress 2.8 is out now. Ryan Boren on the wordpress.org blog thinks that 2.8 is done, and if that is the case then the June 10th release date will hold firm. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Is Out | The Blog Herald on June 8, 2009

  32. […] WordPress development blog is reporting that WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 is available for download. If the release is […]

    Pingback from WordPress Watch » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 available for download on June 8, 2009

  33. […] you’re interested in WordPress 2.8 RC1 then have a look here for your own copy. Final will be released on Wednesday the 10th so wait a few days before you upgrade, or ask your […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 is out | Big Friendly on June 8, 2009

  34. […] dem angekündigten Termin (Mittwoch 10. Juni 2009) an dem der Final Relase erscheinen soll, den Relase Candidate 1 zum Download bereit […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | unser archiv on June 8, 2009

  35. […] ile ilgili son ayrıntıları ve WordPress 2.8 Release Condidate sürümünü buradan bulabilirsiniz. tweetmeme_url = […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 yaklaşıyor. | E-Gunluk.Net on June 8, 2009

  36. […] announced release candidate 1 for version 2.8. I have already upgraded it and it seems working faster. I […]

    Pingback from ShailaN » WordPress 2.8 RC1 Released! on June 8, 2009

  37. […] WordPress Blog. Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 - Gregorio Espadas on June 8, 2009

  38. […] versión WordPress 2.8, ya tiene su primera versión candidata a ser lanzada en algunos días. Hay mejoras importantes dentro de esta nueva versión, se promete su lanzamiento oficial el 10 de […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 - Willy Andres on June 8, 2009

  39. […] June 8, 2009 Posted Under: Web Development WordPress 2.8 is set to be released this June 10. WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was already released the other day and has been available for […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Ready for Release on June 8, 2009

  40. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1. June 8th 2009 | Posted by Tech Staff // WordPress 2.8 is ready to release but it will release on 10 June, Wednesday. Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of […]

    Pingback from Download WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1. | Technogati on June 8, 2009

  41. […] önce üst üste Beta1 ve Beta2 sürümleri yayımlanan WordPress 2.8 sürümünde sona gelindi. Duyuruda WordPress 2.8 stabil sürümünün 10 Haziran Çarşamba günü, sürpriz olmazsa yayımlanacağı […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 Yayımlandı · Yakup Gövler'in Not Defteri on June 8, 2009

  42. […] updates on this topic.ADVERTISEMENTS Few days back WordPress 2.8 Beta 2 was released. Now wordpress 2.8 RC 1 is released. According to wordpress, its final version may be released on 10th […]

    Pingback from Download WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate (RC) 1 | TricksDaddy on June 8, 2009

  43. […] 以下は、2009年6月7日に書かれた WordPress.org 公式ブログの記事、「WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1」を訳したものです。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress | 日本語 » WordPress 2.8 リリース候補1 on June 8, 2009

  44. […] Silversmith recently gave you all a preview of WordPress 2.8. I am pleased to announce that Release Candidate 1 has just been released. If no major bugs are found, this will be released as the complete version in 2 days […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Released on June 8, 2009

  45. […] erste Release Candidate von WordPress 2.8 ist veröffentlicht. Die finale Version soll dann am 10. Juni 2009 […]

    Pingback from t3n-Linktipps: WordPress-Twitter-Plugin, YouTube-Website, freiesMagazin, Column-Design, TYPO3 Q&A-Session, WordPress 2.8 RC1 » t3n Magazin on June 8, 2009

  46. […] har man släppt vad som troligen kommer att bli den ända releasekandidaten för WordPress 2.8. Man har åtgärdat ett antal saker sedan beta 2. Målsättningen är att […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC 1 | WP-Support Sverige on June 8, 2009

  47. […] har man släppt vad som troligen kommer att bli den ända releasekandidaten för WordPress 2.8. Man har åtgärdat ett antal saker sedan beta 2. Målsättningen är att […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Sverige » WordPress 2.8 RC 1 on June 8, 2009

  48. […] har man släppt vad som troligen kommer att bli den ända releasekandidaten för WordPress 2.8. Man har åtgärdat ett antal saker sedan beta 2. Målsättningen är att […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC 1 | Eyesx on June 8, 2009

  49. […] I am pretty excited about WordPress 2.8 and eagerly waiting for it. If you want to get your hands dirty with it right now, you can try out WordPress 2.8 Release candidate 1. […]

    Pingback from Exciting new features for developers in WordPress 2.8 - Night Dreaming (by Sudar) on June 8, 2009

  50. […] pokazał się WordPress 2.8 RC1. Znaczy to, że wersja stabilna coraz bliżej…  Chętni do zabawy mają możliwosć […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 | NomadowyBlog.pl on June 8, 2009

  51. […] WordPress 2.8 RC 1By Austin on June 8, 2009 Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.WordPress version 2.8 RC 1! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC 1 — WPCult on June 8, 2009

  52. […] 2.8 is one step closer to being released. The first release candidate is now available: WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1. I have been using WordPress 2.8 beta on a few sites now for a few weeks and have not experienced […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | Sandbox Development and Consulting Inc. on June 8, 2009

  53. […] WordPress 2.8 am Mittwoch den 10. Juni 2009… […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | Webwork Stream your World on June 8, 2009

  54. […] ternyata wordpress masih terus mengembangkan diri dengan mulai membangun versi 2.8 yang menurut blog resmi wordpress akan diluncurkan sesuai jadwal pada tanggal 10 Juni 2009. Untuk mengetahui apa perbedaan versi 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Fingers Movement » WordPress 2.8 RC1 sudah bisa dinikmati on June 8, 2009

  55. […] version Release Candidate 1 est sortie hier. Il ne s’agit pas encore de la version finale et définitive mais c’est comme si. En […]

    Pingback from L’hebdo WordPress : WordPress 2.8 RC1, astuces et Buddypress | WordPress Francophone on June 8, 2009

  56. […] habe heute WordPress 2.8 RC 1 installiert und muss sagen, ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der neuen Version. Besonders hervorzuheben […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC 1: Erste Eindrücke » Beitrag | Benjamin Vötterle » Bennis Welt on June 8, 2009

  57. […] 想要嘗鮮的朋友可以先下搶先版(Release Candidate 1)試試看!或等到 10/06 正式版發佈吧! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 發佈 | Without Boundaries on June 8, 2009

  58. […] several weeks of development, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate (RC) 1 is now available for public to download. This will be the release version if no further bugs are […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 » SoftSift on June 9, 2009

  59. […] have been a surprise for me this morning when I was logging in into my dashboard. I saw a newest update from wordpress blog that inform me if the status of next wordpress was changed. Previously, […]

    Pingback from .:: Kamty’s Little Page ::. » WordPress 2.8 RC 1 Available on June 9, 2009

  60. […] 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Released According to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released several hours ago. Here […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Released - Windows Help Forum on June 9, 2009

  61. […] mean official version almost on schedule to release tomorrow, June 10th, 2009. According to the Official WordPress blog this may be the final RC released before WordPress 2.8 is […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 | WordPress on June 9, 2009

  62. […] version 2.8 is scheduled for general release tomorrow, 10 June 2009. For the past few days WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 has been available for those interested in having a […]

    Pingback from ordPress – Install Version 2.8 | I Do Info Tech on June 9, 2009

  63. […] am 08.06.09 wurde der erste Release Candidate von WordPress 2.8 veröffentlicht. Die Liste der Änderungen gegenüber der Beta 2 ist beachtlich […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 ist raus - Brandt Aktuell on June 9, 2009

  64. […] Morgen soll die neue 2.8 Version von WordPress erscheinen. Also Daten sichern, Plugins auf die Kompatibilität prüfen, und ab gehts. Für ganz ungeduldige […]

    Pingback from Endspurt WordPress 2.8 « Dackworld | und es hat nichts mit einer Ente zu tun on June 9, 2009

  65. […] WordPress 2.8 RC1已发布,看来距离2.8正式版推出的日子也不远了。即便不是生拉硬扯,一个程序版本的更替,也还是和人的生老病死有些类似。 […]

    Pingback from 常州◎婚礼 on June 9, 2009

  66. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 можно […]

    Pingback from Вышел WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 - Персональный блог Веб-мастера on June 9, 2009

  67. […] 2.8 RC1 9. Juni 2009 | Veröffentlicht in BlogWelt Das war wieder klar, dass ich mir unbedingt den Release Candidate 1 von WordPress 2.8 installieren muss. Aber Testen muss eben sein, bevor ich eine neue Version auf die Horde der […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 | blog@netplanet on June 9, 2009

  68. […] Кому не терпится скачать: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-release-candidate-1/ […]

    Pingback from Первый кандидат в релизы WordPress 2.8 RC1 | темный Незнайка | светлый WordPress on June 9, 2009

  69. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 release Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 | Michael Aulia -Technology and Reviews on June 9, 2009

  70. […] entnehmen kann, wird morgen am 10. Juni WordPress mit der Version 2.8 released. Zur Zeit ist der Release Candidate 1 schon zum download […]

    Pingback from Artistluv» Blogarchiv » Morgen kommt WordPress 2.8! on June 9, 2009

  71. […] be the only and final RC released before the final release. This is what the official WordPress blog had to say about the RC1: With Release Candidate 1, we think WordPress 2.8 is ready and complete. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 available for download | Geekword on June 9, 2009

  72. […] Boren announced the WordPress 2.8 Candidate 1 was released, you can download it and report any bug to them. And the […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Candidate 1 Released - Blog Reign on June 9, 2009

  73. […] alles gut geht, steht uns WordPress 2.8 ab morgen zur Verfügung. Wie die Macher in ihrem Blog selbst berichten, soll WordPress 2.8 ab Mittwoch den 10. Juni zum Download bereit stehen. Zu einer Verzögerung […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 steht in den Startlöchern « AdClicks-Agent.de on June 9, 2009

  74. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 With Release Candidate 1, we think WordPress 2.8 is ready and complete. Download it, test it, and tell us what you think. If you don’t uncover any bad bugs, 2.8 will be released on Wednesday the 10th. – By WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress Articles for june 9 2009 | WPStart.org - WordPress themes, plugins and news on June 9, 2009

  75. […] Mai multe informatii despre release notes si bug-urile descoperite pana acum puteti gasi pe blog-ul oficial: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-release-candidate-1/ […]

    Pingback from wordpress 2.8 se lanseaza maine (10 iunie) « software-testing.ro on June 9, 2009

  76. […] Source: WordPress.org […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 is out | Premium WordPress Hosting on June 9, 2009

  77. […] 7 de Junho foi lançado o WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1, isto significa que a versão final está praticamente pronta, se não […]

    Pingback from Lançado WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | Web Inovadora on June 9, 2009

  78. […] WordPress 2.8 RC-1   Download dari sini   2.2MB […]

    Pingback from Test WordPress di localhost | bimbingan belajar . Net on June 10, 2009

  79. […] lagi kalau tidak ada aral yang melintang (bugs lah), menurut WordPress.org di postingya di sini: https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-release-candidate-1/. Jadi, bagi semua penggemar dan pengguna skrip WordPress.org untuk berblogging, jangan lupa nak […]

    Pingback from Kisah WordPress 2.8, Majlis Kahwin Hafiz Bitol dan Lain-lain : Blog Pemasaran Internet Melayu on June 10, 2009

  80. […] View original here:  WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | bllogger on June 10, 2009

  81. WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1…

    Well it very well seems to be coming along really quickly from 2.7 to 2.8 in such a small time but hey the the newer design of 2.8 is excellent.
    Download 2.8 RC1 and test it out if there are no Bugs Resported they will release it today (Well not Austra…

    Trackback from Jimmy's Blog on June 10, 2009

  82. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate surumunu buradan […]

    Pingback from Yeni WordPress Surumu: WordPress 2.8 | Linkopedi on June 10, 2009

  83. […] lama saya mengupgrade wordpress ke versi baru, sekarang wordpress sudah merilis wordress 2.8  RC 1. dan ketanya versi final adalah hari ini June 10th […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Update | Refusal Of Mind on June 10, 2009

  84. […] morgen komt de nieuwe WordPress uit. Als ze de serverload en het aantal queries per request niet minstens halveren krijgen de […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8, graag of niet - Duncan Hills on June 10, 2009

  85. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released several hours […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 Released - tech-Know kishan on June 10, 2009

  86. […] Here’s the one-step upgrading I did for upgrading from 2.8-Beta2 to 2.8-RC1. […]

    Pingback from animeBSD · WordPress 2.8: coming soon on June 10, 2009

  87. […] 1 (RC1). De Release Candidate kan vanaf vandaag worden gedownload vanaf het daarvoor gemaakte artikel op de officiële […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 nu beschikbaar « Designkot on June 10, 2009

  88. [wordpress] WordPress 2.8 Release….

    WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1
    このリリース候補1で、WordPress 2.8の準備が完了したと私たちは考えています。ダウンロードして、テストして、みなさんの考えをお知らせく……

    Trackback from La Thinking Motion. on June 10, 2009

  89. […] instead of taking the sensible approach and waiting until the weekend to upgrade, I installed the release candidate a few days ago. (It’s not quite that bad. I did test it on my other blog first. Or does that […]

    Pingback from Upgrades: WordPress and CommentLuv « Speed Force on June 10, 2009

  90. […] Download WordPress 2.8rc1  […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8rc1 Is Out | Yojance Rabelo on June 10, 2009

  91. […] Eintrag zum Beta-Post. Teilen und geniessen: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 kommt heute | forall.ch - worldwide! on June 10, 2009

  92. […] just finished migrating our http://www.Nogent-Citoyen.com local community site to WordPress 2.8 RC1 and well… I have to say up to now everything […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 rocks! | Yann "Bug" Dubois on June 10, 2009

  93. […] if you’re wanting to use the latest, greatest version of WordPress, which is now available in release candidate flavor, you’re either going to have to survive without a widgets panel for the time being, or you can […]

    Pingback from Thesis 1.5 on WordPress 2.8RC on June 10, 2009

  94. […] Noul WordPress trebuia sa fie lansat astazi, 10 iunie dar, deocamdata este diponibil doar Release Candidate. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC 1 | Totul despre promovarea blogurilor! on June 10, 2009

  95. […] installed WordPress 2.8 rc 1.. and already loving it. Still wondering what I’m going to do whit this domain apart from […]

    Pingback from Hello world! @ Arend Maatkamp on June 10, 2009

  96. […] It appears to be a bit of a bug fix release but if you’ve not checked already, you can download the 2.8 release of WordPress. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 released welcomebrand on June 11, 2009

  97. […] vor ein paar Tagen die Release Candidate 1 der WordPress Blog Version 2.8 erschienen ist wurde vor ein paar Minuten die WordPress Version 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Adrian Sauer » WordPress 2.8 endlich verfügbar » Von Adrian Sauer » umgeswitched, Veränderungen, WordPress-Blogs, Administrationsbereich on June 11, 2009

  98. […] sedikit dan kebetulan dapat berita bahwa WordPress telah mengeluarkan update terbarunya yaitu “WordPress 2.8 Release” . Nah karena saya masih menggunakan wordpress 2.7 maka dengan isengnya saya mau coba untuk […]

    Pingback from cara mudah upgrade versi wordpress | shedtya on June 13, 2009

  99. […] WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 六月 13, 2009 With Release Candidate 1, we think WordPress 2.8 is ready and complete.  Download it, test it, and tell us what you think.  If you don’t uncover any bad bugs, 2.8 will be released on Wednesday the 10th. If you’re interested in what has changed since beta 2, consult the changelog. «上一集相册: 傻笑笑 […]

    Pingback from only13 » photo » 啊啊啊 on June 13, 2009

  100. […] Anúncio | Download | […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | WPThemesPT.com on June 13, 2009

  101. […] 10th. Release Candidate 1 (RC1) of WordPress 2.8 is now available for downloads. According to the Official WordPress blog this may be the final RC released before WordPress 2.8 is released. With Release Candidate 1, we […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 Available for Download - 7 x 24 Free ! on June 14, 2009

  102. […] What did I missed? Well, I you hadn’t known also, after the beta was up they already released RC1 and not long after that, the official version is already […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 is UP! | Mundane Scribblings on June 14, 2009

  103. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released about an hour ago.   Here is their […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 | TechyPunky on June 15, 2009

  104. […] WordPress 2.8 RC1 released, 2.8 to come out tomorrow […]

    Pingback from WordCast 55: Only the French | WordCast on June 17, 2009

  105. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released about an hour ago.   Here is their […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Moves to Release Candidate 1 | Fresh News - Blog Design, WordPress, Blogger, and Web Development on June 26, 2009

  106. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released about an hour ago.   Here is their […]

    Pingback from » WordPress 2.8 Moves to Release Candidate 1 on July 8, 2009

  107. […] to the official WordPress blog, WordPress 2.8 Release Candidate 1 was officially released about an hour ago.   Here is their […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Moves to Release Candidate 1 | Download E-Books Free Video Training Courses Softwares on July 9, 2009

  108. […] cam atât am avut de spus. Dacă vă interesează mai multe detalii vă invit să parcurgeţi jurnalul oficial în care sunt trecute toate modificările până la versiunea 2.8.1 RC inclusiv şi dacă […]

    Pingback from Stefa Media » WordPress 2.8.1 e gata on July 9, 2009

  109. […] ha lanzado ya la Release Candidate 1 (RC1) de su versión 2.8 (.zip). La fecha prevista para el lanzamiento oficial es el próximo 10 de junio […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC1 on July 16, 2009

  110. […] har man släppt vad som troligen kommer att bli den ända releasekandidaten för WordPress 2.8. Man har åtgärdat ett antal saker sedan beta 2. Målsättningen är att […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 RC 1 on July 27, 2009

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