

WooCommerce 基于 WordPress 打造,是一种灵活且开源的电子商务解决方案。无论您是要创业,为现有实体店进行在线推广,还是为客户设计站点,您都可以快速入门并构建您想要的商店。

在新的或现有的 WordPress 站点上激活免费的 WooCommerce 插件,按照可选的向导,在几分钟内即可设置新的商店:

除上述基本功能之外,WooCommerce 还可以完全自定义和可扩展:

  • 选择适合您的品牌和行业的设计。
  • 借助免费和付费扩展程序改进商店:添加功能并与当地和全球电子商务 Web 服务集成。
  • 检查和修改核心插件代码的任何部分。
  • 利用钩子和过滤器修改功能。
  • 构建在 REST API 和 Webhooks 之上。

Open-source freedoms mean full ownership of content and data forever – plus the expertise of a friendly global community.

WooCommerce is built to allow store managers to run an eCommerce site themselves, no web developer needed. There is also a free WooCommerce mobile app (Android and iOS) for store management on the go.

WooCommerce is developed and supported by Automattic, the creators of Jetpack and WordPress.com, along with independent contributors. The official extension marketplace is on WooCommerce.com.


您可使用 WooCommerce 售卖任何形状和尺寸的实物和/或虚拟物品,内置支持产品变量,一种产品可有多种配置,并可让顾客即时下载虚拟物品,甚至可以售卖推广返利的产品。

这些只是开箱即用的选项。借助付费扩展程序,您可以扩展 WooCommerce 商店进行预订,提供会员服务,按订阅设置定期付款,制定动态定价规则以及更多功能。

开始每月订阅葡萄酒,为参加 10 次以上课程的成员提供瑜伽垫折扣,提供可配置的礼篮或个性化的珠宝,这一切都可以通过 WooCommerce 实现。


WooCommerce 附带接受主要信用卡、替代支付方式、BACS(银行转账)和货到付款的功能。

For additional options, WooCommerce also integrates with more than 140 region-specific gateways including popular choices like Stripe, PayPal, Square and Amazon Pay. Apple Pay and Google Pay are also supported.

Search for your payment service provider of choice on the official marketplace.


WooCommerce 的配送具有高度可配置性。调整内置设置可提供免费配送或固定利率配送,通过设置配送区域将配送限制为特定国家/地区,或者是向世界开放您的商店。

Official extensions connect you with hundreds of local and international carriers – including Royal Mail, FedEx, and Australia Post – and let you integrate with inventory management and fulfilment providers.

There are also extensions available to add delivery and shipping options and support strategies like buy-one-get-one free, free gifts, and add-ons. WooCommerce Shipping supports real-time calculations and printing labels at home.


WooCommerce store design starts with a theme of your choice. There are hundreds of free and paid themes available, including Storefront by Automattic — it’s free to all stores and you can choose to have it installed for you during the guided setup.

Storefront offers deep WooCommerce integration and prioritizes speed and uptime. You can add your brand and define your style by customizing Storefront yourself or adding one of several industry-themed Storefront child themes.

借助 WooCommerce 区块(在 WooCommerce 3.6 及以上版本中可用)进一步个性化商店的设计,使用这些区块向任何页面添加选项或产品,实现商务和内容的无缝融合。


向 WooCommerce 商店添加功能的最简单的方式就是使用扩展程序:

我们在 WooCommerce.com 市场上以及在 WordPress.org 代码库和 Web 上中提供了数百个官方扩展程序,这些程序均经过 WooCommerce 开发人员检查。


WooCommerce 可为您提供从税收到库存水平乃至客户帐户的完全控制权。添加和删除扩展程序,更改商店的设计和切换主题或者托管或支付服务提供商,您可以尽情操作。

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of data protection, WooCommerce gives you full ownership over what is tracked and stored. If you opt to share usage data with us, your data is anonymized and kept secure. At any stage, you can opt out of all forms of tracking while still enjoying all of WooCommerce’s capabilities.

有了 WooCommerce,您的数据便属于您。使用托管电子商务平台的风险之一是,如果提供商关闭,您就会失去商店。WooCommerce 商店数据是前瞻性数据,您可以免费导出全部内容,将站点转移到所选的任何位置。

开发人员为什么喜欢使用 WooCommerce

我们最初创建 WooCommerce 时便考虑到了开发人员的需求。WooCommerce 具有 REST API,几乎可以集成任何服务。您可以随时随地绝对安全地访问商店数据。

开发人员可以使用 WooCommerce 轻松创建、修改和扩展符合客户规格的商店,甚至是通过扩展程序或自定义解决方案增强其功能。

无论您要构建的商店规模如何,WooCommerce 均可提供强大的框架,为基本商店乃至企业级商店提供支持(在一个中央位置提供内容和商务)。

WooCommerce 由专业的开发人员团队进行审核,这些人跨时区工作,来确定并修补发现的任何和所有漏洞。每次发布时会更新全面且易于访问的文档。您可以通过我们的文档了解如何创建客户需要的站点。


WooCommerce 是发展最快的电子商务社区之一。我们感到自豪的是,用户经常指出社区提供的大量帮助以及在线提供的丰富资源是他们喜欢 WooCommerce 的原因。

There are 80+ WooCommerce Meetups taking place in cities across the world that you can attend for free and even get involved in running. WooCommerce also has a regular presence at WordCamps across the globe – and we’d love to meet you.

If you’re interested in contributing to WooCommerce we’ve got more than 350 contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head to the WooCommerce GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in.

WooCommerce is currently 100% translated into 24 languages, including Danish, Ukrainian, and Persian. If you’re interested in helping to localize WooCommerce by adding your local language, visit translate.wordpress.org.


“WooCommerce” has been translated into 55 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions. Translate “WooCommerce” into your language.

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



This plugin provides 17 blocks.

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  • 建议使用 PHP 7.2 或更高版本
  • 建议使用 MySQL 5.6 或更高版本

Visit the WooCommerce server requirements documentation for a detailed list of server requirements.


自动安装是最快捷的方式,因为 WordPress 自身即可处理文件传输以及解压,您不需要离开您的浏览器。要自动安装 WooCommerce,仅需登录 WordPress 后台,点击插件菜单下的安装插件即可。

在搜索字段中,键入“WooCommerce”,然后点击“搜索插件”。找到后,您可以查看相关的详细信息,例如发布时间、评级和说明。当然,更重要的是,您可以进行安装!点击“立即安装”,WordPress 便可立即开始安装。


手动安装方法需要您下载我们的电子商务插件并使用您喜欢的 FTP 工具上传到您的服务器。WordPress codex 介绍了如何这么做





WooCommerce 自带一些样本数据,您可以使用这些数据查看产品的外观;通过 WordPress 导入程序导入 sample_products.xml。您还可以使用核心 CSV 导入程序或我们的 CSV Import Suite 扩展程序导入 sample_products.csv



如需获取设置和配置 WooCommerce 方面的帮助,请参阅我们的用户指南

有关 WooCommerce 扩展或主题的问题,请参阅我们的 Codex


您如果遇到问题,可以在 WooCommerce 插件论坛提问。

有关 WooCommerce.com 中提供的付费扩展程序的帮助,请使用我们的帮助台

WooCommerce 与我的主题兼容吗?

可以!WooCommerce 可以使用任何主题,但是需要设置一些样式。请参阅我们的 Codex 获取帮助。如果您在寻找内置 WooCommerce 集成的主题,我们建议使用 Storefront


您可以在 WooIdeas 面板上对新功能和扩展程序进行投票并发出请求。


报告有关 WooCommerce GitHub 代码库的错误。您还可以在我们的支持论坛中报告这些问题。

Rest API文档在哪儿?

您可以在 WooCommerce REST API Docs 上找到我们的 REST API 文档。

WooCommerce 很棒!我可以做贡献吗?

是的,您可以!加入我们的 GitHub 代码库


Why do you publish an update which causes so much harm?!?! Would be nice if you can provide the previous version.
Very low performance after update. I thought they add admin plugin to main plugin because fixing low performance of the first one.
Please developers who set up webshops! Don't rely on Woocommerce because you will be disappointed with the way templates work. Because Woocommerce uses a custom page template, most themes will put that behind a paywall. Leaving you only allowed to edit the blog and page template, and not the product page. Also they use a hierarchy so you have to edit the order of meta details. I have never seen such a poorly written plugin before. PLEASE STAY ALERT DON'T DOWNLOAD IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!
Read all 3,524 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WooCommerce” has been translated into 60 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WooCommerce” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


4.0.1 – 2020-03-18

* Enhancement – Update Action Scheduler to 3.1.4. #25966
* Enhancement – Bump Woocommerce Admin dependency to version 1.0.2. #25961
* Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-admin to v1.0.3 #25975
* Fix – Add usage_count meta before using it in a query. #25882
* Fix – Corrected argument type validation in plugin installer API. #25858
* Fix – Use standard admin_url function instead of absolute path. #25884
* Fix – Reverted the performance optimization made to variation saving. #25950
* Fix – Send dummy params to evaluate_cost method to detect validation errors. #25946
* Fix – Made the package shipping check more permissive. #25916
* Fix – Fix admin notes table does not exist errors when upgrading to 4.0.x. #25891

WooCommerce Admin
* Enhancement – Onboarding: business step: add Google Ads extension install.
* Tweak – create database tables on an earlier hook to avoid conflicts with core WooCommerce.
* Fix – Add Report Extension Example: Add default props to ReportFilters.
* Fix – Product report sorting by SKU when some products don’t have SKUs.
* Fix – type warning on install timestamp in PHP 7.4.
* Fix – PHP error when WooCommerce core is Network Active on Multisites.
* Fix – missing database table errors on WooCommerce upgrade.
* Fix – undefined const WC_ADMIN_VERSION_NUMBER when WP < 5.3
* Fix – Made the admin note loading more resilient to prevent failures when loading notes with invalid content_data. #3926
* Fix – Removed replace_actionscheduler_store_class function. #3936
* Fix – Rename Google Shopping image asset. #3931
* Fix – Fix calling protected has_satisfied_dependencies on outdated plugin. #3938
* Dev – Add Changelog script.
* Dev – Fix failing tests after WC core merge.
* Dev – Bump WooCommerce tested up to tag.
* Dev – Update prestart script so readme.txt stable tag is updated.

Action Scheduler
* Fix – Re-create tables if needed on Scheduled Actions screen load. #492
* Fix – Add null action check on Scheduled Actions screen list rows. #493
* Fix – Fix context on ignored action log message. #481
* Fix – Restore scheduled action row and bulk action processing on WooCommerce Status screen. #487
* Fix – Include logs table re-create missed in #492. #495
* Fix – Ensure valid table name in save action. #498

4.0.0 – 2020-03-10

  • Enhancement – Included information about packages in the System Status Report. #25584
  • Enhancement – New WooCommerce Admin. #25011
  • Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks to v2.5.12 #25587
  • Enhancement – Updated Action Scheduler to 3.0.1. #25566
  • Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-admin to v0.25.1. #25620
  • Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks to v2.5.13. #25696
  • Enhancement – Added the WC Admin enabled db update notice. #25736
  • Enhancement – Update Action Scheduler to version 3.1.1. #25745
  • Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks to v2.5.14. #25807
  • Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/woocommerce-admin to v1.0. #25822
  • Enhancement – Update dependency woocommerce/action-scheduler to v3.1.2. #25859
  • Performance – Improved the client-side preparation for variation saving. #25382
  • Tweak – Enhance order details and payment summary. #25504
  • Tweak – Increase new onboarding group test to 50%. #25501
  • Tweak – Increased range and precision for min_price and max_price in the product meta lookup table. #25253
  • Tweak – Move action scheduler to external via composer. #25404
  • Tweak – Only update the customer IP address when order gets created from admin. #25137
  • Tweak – Remove WooCommerce Admin install alert. #25502
  • Tweak – Removed WC Admin from the Setup Wizard if it’s already active. #25562
  • Tweak – Set email header table width to 100% for full width. #25294
  • Tweak – Simplified MaxMind integration title. #25522
  • Tweak – Update ‘Country’ to ‘Country / Region’ label. #25530
  • Tweak – WooCommerce.com plugins auto-install and update improvement. #25532
  • Fix – Add missing closing tag. #25319
  • Fix – Added validation to the cost field for flat rate shipping. #24919
  • Fix – Address in shipping calculator malformed for Canada. #25149
  • Fix – Adjusted package shipping rates to only be visible when a full address is entered. #25128
  • Fix – Check for WooCommerce Admin feature plugin class before adding install notice. #25395
  • Fix – Corrected the performance issues caused by the Cash-On-Delivery plugin’s initialization process. #25512
  • Fix – Duplicate webhook deliveries. #25183
  • Fix – Fix fatal error that would occur when calling the WC_Payment_Gateways::set_current_gateway() function and there is no WC session. #25322
  • Fix – Fixed adding multiple items to cart from any product listing page. #24818
  • Fix – Fixed get_discount function return type. #25567
  • Fix – Fixed possible multiple is_vat_exempt order meta in order creation. #25426
  • Fix – Fixed wrong context help for translators. #25496
  • Fix – Make WC_Shipping::is package shippable less strict. #25386
  • Fix – Prevent undefined wp_delete_user() error while removing inactive accounts. #25489
  • Fix – Removed constants and autoloader from the uninstall script. #25589
  • Fix – Removed the lowercase conversion for product search terms that caused incorrect results to case sensitive searches. #25314
  • Fix – Restored the default behavior of “Shipping destination” option. #25571
  • Fix – Set image CSS on emails to be max-width: 100% so that they don’t break the email template. #24764
  • Fix – Setup wizard shipping setup verification logic correction. #25540
  • Fix – Fixed typo in label. #25645
  • Fix – Added the missing “bestRating” and “worstRating” params to structured schema data. #25667
  • Fix – Replaced deprecated Jetpack::is_staging_site call. #25670
  • Fix – Avoid Automattic\Jetpack\Constants in main woocommerce class. #25697
  • Fix – Change the namespace of the WC Admin Package class and update WC Admin package. #25701
  • Fix – Unmark completed AS migration during the update to make sure AS migration happens. #25707
  • Fix – configure Jetpack plugin before trying to connect/register. #25742
  • Fix – Check configure exists before calling to support older JP versions. #25747
  • Fix – Prevent edited attribute notice being hidden by new dashboard. #25757
  • Fix – Corrected the cache invalidation behavior of order item CRUD actions. #25734
  • Fix – Don’t show duplicated update notifications on Woo Screens. #25828
  • Fix – Escape MaxMind database URL. #25682
  • Fix – System status report should correctly identify inactive package. #25830
  • Dev – Added support for placeholder attribute in quantity inputs. #25418
  • Dev – Added tax_status and tax_class columns to the product meta data lookup table. #25428
  • Dev – Introduced woocommerce_top_rated_widget_args filter. #25320
  • Dev – Introduced woocommerce_admin_process_variation_object hook. #24929
  • Dev – Added actions before and after grouped product list to allow adding custom rows. #25093
  • Dev – Added filter to tweak whether a product has enough stock while attempting to pay for an order. #25230
  • Dev – Added the automattic/jetpack-constants package and replace PHP constant definition checks with it. #25516
  • Dev – Added a triggerHandler called checkout_place_order_success on a successful order during the checkout process. #25289
  • Dev – Allow filtering of default meta value inside WC_Data::get_meta even if meta key not found. #24066
  • Dev – Includes Emogrifier composer package instead of including into includes/libraries. #25525
  • Dev – Introduce WC_Countries::get_vat_countries for returning a list of countries that uses VAT and refactor WC_Countries::get_european_union_countries with backward compatibility and deprecation to remove the VAT functionality from there. Brexit, remove GB from WC_Countries::get_european_union_countries. #24943
  • Dev – Introduced woocommerce_download_product_filepath filter. #25485
  • Dev – Introduced woocommerce_email_content_type filter. #25405
  • Dev – Updated woocommerce_email_from_name and woocommerce_email_from_address filter arguments to include wp_email() default data. #25405
  • Dev – Introduced woocommerce_shortcode_products_query_results filter. #25573
  • Dev – Removed hash_equals() polyfill as it was no longer needed. #25474
  • Dev – Removed unused .order-actions CSS. #25581
  • Dev – Applies woocommerce_maxmind_geolocation_database_path in MaxMind database migration. #25681
  • Dev – Support both .data() and .dataset for formdata in add to cart requests. #25726
