“Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm in WordPress site building and publishing, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. Right now, the project is in the first phase of a four-phase process that will touch every piece of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual — and is focused on a new editing experience, the block editor.
The block editor introduces a modular approach to pages and posts: each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing WordPress users to create media-rich pages in a visually intuitive way — and without work-arounds like shortcodes or custom HTML.
The block editor first became available in December 2018, and we’re still hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for the next three phases of work. The Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest version of the block editor so you can join us in testing bleeding-edge features, start playing with blocks, and maybe get inspired to build your own.
User Documentation: See the WordPress Editor documentation for detailed docs on using the editor as an author creating posts and pages.
Developer Documentation: Extending and customizing is at the heart of the WordPress platform, see the Developer Documentation for extensive tutorials, documentation, and API reference on how to extend the editor.
貢献者の方へ: Gutenberg はオープンソースプロジェクトであり、コードから設計、ドキュメントからトリアージまで、すべての貢献者を歓迎します。協力方法の詳細については Contributor’s Handbook をご覧ください。
Gutenberg プロジェクトの開発ポータルは、Github の https://github.com/wordpress/gutenberg にあります。
このプロジェクトについての話し合いは、Make ブログや Slack の #core-editor
- core/social-link-
- Gutenberg
- core/block
- Gutenberg
- core/calendar
- Gutenberg
- core/tag-cloud
- Gutenberg
- core/post-comments
- Gutenberg
- core/rss
- Gutenberg
- core/legacy-widget
- Gutenberg
- core/categories
- Gutenberg
- core/latest-comments
- Gutenberg
- core/archives
- Gutenberg
- core/navigation
- Gutenberg
- core/search
- Gutenberg
- core/template-part
- Gutenberg
バグ報告、機能の提案、あらゆるご意見をぜひお寄せ下さい。GitHub issues ページで既存のイシューを検索するか、新しく作成して下さい。プラグインフォーラムでの報告をイシューとして分類しているため、GitHub リポジトリのほうがより早く回答が得られますし、無駄な手間も省けます。
プロジェクトの4つの段階は、編集、カスタマイズ、共同作業、そして多言語化です。プロジェクトの詳細については、マットの2019年と2018年の State of the Word 講演で知ることができます。さらに、Make WordPress Core ブログで更新をフォローできます。
To read the changelog for Gutenberg 7.8.1, please navigate to the release page.