WordPress Beta Tester




默认情况下,启用此插件可将您的网站切换到point release更新通道。

对于更勇于尝鲜的用户来说,可以选择切换到bleeding edge (trunk)的开发版本。




有一个设置是跳过自动更新成功发送的电子邮件。 启用此功能将不会向管理员用户发送自动更新成功的邮件。只有在自动更新失败时才会发送。

其他设置选项可能包含用于测试中需要设置常量的新功能的选项。选中的功能会将常量添加到用户的 wp-config.php 文件中,格式如下:

define( 'WP_BETA_TESTER_{$feature}', true );






  • 这里显示了插件的主管理页面
  • 这里显示了插件的其他设置页面
  • 这显示了仪表盘小工具


  1. 上传到你的插件文件夹,通常是wp-content/plugins/
  2. 在插件界面启用插件。
  3. 转到工具… Beta测试来配置插件。
  4. 在多站点配置下,导航到“设置… Beta测试”以配置插件。
  5. 前往 [仪表盘]→[更新] (3.0 之前版本为 [工具]→[升级]),然后更新至最新的 Beta 版本。


Always make a backup when testing development releases. Worked great on my end allowing me to see WP 5.5 RC1 and RC2 with improved performance. Thank you for giving us a plugin that allows us to see the future of WordPress!
I am a very new user of WordPress Beta Tester but I never show as a supporter as WordPress Beta Tester there has all item available and plugins also amazing. The installation system is very easy as a new member/user I am feeling exiting any hesitation wasn't working in my mind. I was thinking for a short time I am playing an interesting game.


“WordPress Beta Tester” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


“WordPress Beta Tester”插件已被翻译至24种语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

将“WordPress Beta Tester”翻译成您的语言。




3.0.10 / 2021-01-11

  • re-write WP_Beta_Tester::get_current_wp_release() to check https://api.wordpress.org/core/stable-check/1.0/
  • fix WPBT_Core::get_next_versions() if user on current release
  • tweak WP_Beta_Tester::channel_switching_modification() to work correctly with $wp_version <= $current_release and if on current release

3.0.9 / 2020-12-01

  • add conditional for filter to fix core_update_footer(), fixed in r49708
  • simplify some preg_match() calls
  • fix PHP warning

3.0.8 / 2020-11-28

  • fix some PHP errors when using older versions of WP, for testing updates directly from these older versions like when using Core Rollback plugin

3.0.7 / 2020-11-24

  • tweak to channel_switching_modification()

3.0.6 / 2020-11-21

  • improved flow between Bleeding edge and Point release

3.0.5 / 2020-11-18

  • don’t show beta as a next version when on RC

3.0.4 / 2020-11-17

  • fix to correctly downgrade from Bleeding edge to Point release nightlies.
  • hide stream options other than Nightlies for Point release channel until new Updates API changes
  • add settings for future Updates API above
  • added channel_settings_migrator() for switching between Bleeding edge and Point release channels

3.0.1 – 3.0.3 / 2020-10-27

  • fixed regex to get next versions
  • really didn’t need to use ReflectionClass 🤦‍♂️, thanks @pbiron
  • use ReflectionClass to get static variable $core_update_constant from class WP_Beta_Tester into class WPBT_Core

3.0.0 / 2020-10-23

  • major refactor for new core update API, thanks @dd32!
  • now requires PHP >5.6
  • allows for overrides when using the WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE constant
  • update on-screen help

2.2.13 / 2020-09-05

  • enclose WPConfigTransformer in try/catch

2.2.12 / 2020-08-10

  • fix intermittent PHP warning #21
  • deactivate and die if user attempting to run with wordpress-develop

2.2.11 / 2020-08-01

  • minor cleanup

2.2.10 / 2020-05-01

  • sanitize, escape & ignore
  • move multiline boolean operator to front of line, new guidelines in WPCS
  • fix correct_versions_for_downgrade() for being on current release version

2.2.9 / 2020-03-24

  • delete development RSS feed transient after core upgrade

2.2.8 / 2020-03-17 🍀

  • add Dev Notes and Field Guide links to dashboard
  • add text/link for bug reporting to trac
  • add help tabs to screen
  • arbitrarily changed settings page id from wp_beta_tester to wp-beta-tester 😏

2.2.7 / 2020-03-02

  • update trac link in callout for closed or reopened tickets on the milestone
  • only show Beta Tester Settings page link in callout with appropriate privileges, using manage_network_options and manage_options
  • menu to Settings page also checks privileges as above

2.2.6 / 2020-02-25

  • removed extra </li> in dashboard callout, 4th time’s the charm 😭

2.2.5 / 2020-02-25

  • less greedy regex for matching release posts in RSS for dashboard callout

2.2.4 / 2020-02-25 🤦‍♂️

  • added dashboard widget for network dashboard

2.2.3 / 2020-02-25

  • add dashboard widget callout for testing

2.2.2 / 2020-02-22

  • fix for strange Core API response where preferred version response contained the word ‘version’. We now grab the last word of that response

2.2.1 / 2020-02-20

  • fix some i18n strings, thanks @pedro-mendonca

2.2.0 / 2020-02-19

  • added support for updating to the beta/RC offer. Based on and with tons of help from @pbrion, thanks Paul 👏🏻
  • fixed so a downgrade from ‘unstable’ to ‘point’ serves the correct download
  • test and exit from Extra Settings if wp-config.php is not writeable

2.1.0 / 2019-09-17

  • add extra setting to skip successful autoupdate emails
  • add description to checkbox settings
  • composer update


  • add update version information to settings page text


  • a11y fixes for settings tabs
  • update wp-cli/wp-config-transformer


  • a11y fixes for checkbox, thanks @audrasjb


  • fix for incorrect last updated message


  • near complete re-write to use more OOPy practices
  • put distinct process into separate classes
  • allows for multiple settings tabs for addtional settings


  • remove extraneous code
  • add GitHub Plugin URI header


  • fixed error message for downgrading version, thanks @andreas-andersson


  • don’t use $GLOBALS


  • updated a few strings and correct typos
  • run through WPCS linter
  • fixed translation strings to include HTML in context and properly escape with wp_kses_post()
  • fixed link to settings page under Multisite


  • change wording from blog to website


  • Escape output
  • Indicate that Bleeding edge nightlies are trunk
  • 新的截图
  • code improvements from linter


  • Remove anonymous function for PHP 5.2 compatibility.


  • fixed PHP notice for PHP 7.1
  • made URL scheme agnostic


  • Fixed to work properly under Multisite.


  • Update tested up to version to 4.7.
  • Fix the location of the settings screen in Multisite (moved under Settings in Network Admin).
  • Minor text fixes.


  • Update tested up to version to 4.5.
  • Fix PHP7 deprecated constructor notice.
  • Change text domain to match the plugin slug.
  • Update WordPress.org links to use HTTPS.
  • Remove outdated bundled translations in favor of language packs.


  • 更新测试到4.2版本。
  • 更新截图
  • Fix a couple typos.

See old-changelog.txt for previous changelog items