WordCamp Asia 2020 Cancellation

WordCamp Asia 2020 Cancellation: Event Ticket and Travel Refunds

Due to the recent COVID-19 concerns in the region, Matt Mullenweg has decided to cancel WordCamp Asia 2020.

While we regret that we will not see you in Bangkok this time, we hope you understand that the organising team is standing by this decision to ensure the safety of all WordCamp attendees.

We don’t have any specific plans for the next WordCamp Asia at the moment but are hoping to hold it in early 2021. We will make announcements as soon as possible.

We have also been asked to evaluate the possibility of an online event in replacement of this cancellation. We believe our efforts are now best focused on making the best arrangements necessary to assist all affected participants. We will not be able to organise an online event.

WordCamp Ticket Refund

We will be sending out an email to everyone who purchased a ticket with a link and instruction for requesting a refund.

Edit: We now have the ticket refund instruction page.

In addition, we will provide a free ticket for the future WordCamp Asia event to anyone who registered for this event (even if you request a refund).

Hotel and Air

Please cancel your hotel and air bookings if they are fully refundable.

We will be working with hotel officials to clarify their cancellation policy to those who made a booking at our official hotel. We will share updates soon, no action on your side is required at the moment.

If you have trouble refunding your flight and hotel without fees, please use this letter.


We thank the sponsors for supporting us through this difficult period. We’ll be contacting the sponsors directly with details on how we’ll be handling the sponsorship funds.

We regret the inconvenience caused. The organising team would like to do our best to help you with any difficulties you face in an effort to rearrange your plan. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

84 Replies to “WordCamp Asia 2020 Cancellation: Event Ticket and Travel Refunds”

  1. This is such a shame. We were all looking forward to it, but given the health situation I agree it is the safest thing to do. Looking forwarding to one in the future.

  2. VERY DISAPPOINTED by your decision to cancel. There has been no public issuance of a warning by the Thai government concerning the Virus. All this cancellation is doing is adding to fear-mongering.

    You should of left the decision to attend up to the attendees and not arbitrarily cancelled it for everyone. When I purchased the ticket, I don’t think that I objectively left your organization the power to make life decisions for me. I am fully capable of doing that myself.

    1. First of all I agree to you that thr is no warning by local government authorities. I have been checking the health advisory and health ministry updates time to time as I’m traveling with my family so I have to be extra careful with this.

      On the other hand, WordPress organization took the decision for overall safety purpose. They expected a huge crowd and that could cause serious issues so that’s why I think they took this big decision. I’m very disappointed but I respect thr decision

      PS. I booked my tickets long back and I discussed with multiple city people and no one warned me so I made my decision and I came here 2days ago. So far I have seen no signs of trouble due to nCorona and people are enjoying the country. Cancellation of the WCAsia made my holiday duration long 🙂

      Anyway i’m up to meet people in Bangkok if anyone is interested.

  3. Oh, this is terrible news! But yes, we’d rather be safe than sorry, and gathering 1300 people at this moment is not sensible.

    Now, I will still be going to Thailand, since my flight ticket is non-refundable, and I’m already in Asia anyway. Is there anyone else going anyway? What about getting together for some workation, in some Thai beach instead of Bangkok? Anyone up for that?

  4. Understand this wasn’t an easy decision but very saddened by this news. I’ll still be in Bangkok that weekend if anyone will be around and wants to connect.

  5. Hello WordCamp Asia Team,

    Such a sad news but we understand the importance of attendees safety and I and my team appreciate your concern.

    Thanks for sharing the official news of refund on Wordcamp tickets, hotel and flight booking.

    Hope you see you soon next year.

  6. The whole world should stop moving and stop working due to this issue with the virus that’s 99,9% in China. I had a plan to visit this conference as I see an ideal opportunity to learn more about WP, since I am in Bangkok for the next three weeks. There is nothing to be concerned about. Wash your hands, wash yourself, take basic hygiene measures and you’ll be FINE!

  7. I understand that this was a tough decision, but at the end we should appreciate it as its good for all in current health situations. Its the right decision in larger interest.

  8. I think this is the perfect decision now. We should keep us safe.

    Attendees will come from several countries and I think at this moment this is risky.

    I’ve already purchased Air tickets, booked hotels but they are nonrefundable 😩

    However, if you announced this a bit earlier that would be great.

    Wish we can meet again in a future WordCamp. God bless all of us.

  9. Kudos to WordCamp. Considering the safety of the members of a community is the first thing any community should be focusing on. And WordCamp Asia organizers have made the right choice.

    In the meantime, WordCamp Asia cancellation its so bad to hear. Waiting for the new date and time announcement.

    WordPress ♥ Love

  10. It was close call and I’m sure discussion was long and hard to cancel it.
    WCAsia team did an amazing job of putting together yet another flagship conference, bit with this circumstances I think we as community have to do our thing. Someone people already wrote about not canceling.

    We can still make unofficial gatherings around Bangkok and Thailand. If you are there post your status so we can spread the word around. Share pubs or coffee shops you will be working from. Share dinner plans if you want to meet up with others.

    And #WCAsia team; THANK YOU again and see you next year!

  11. It is unfortunate for all the organising team who worked very hard to make first ever WCAsia possible but our faith are with you and we will once again make WCAsia bigger and better in coming year.

    The taken decision is betterment of all community members and in time as well. I appreciate the policy of refund for tickets and all from organising team.

    Please let us know if any of team members need any additional support domestically in APAC from we people. We will be always happy to help.

    Bravo Organising team & Matt for this hard decision.

    Let us meet soon once again in another WordCamp for happy WordCamping.

  12. Thank you WordCamp Asia team organizers and volunteers. We were really looking forward to the conference but felt that we had to cancel to be on the safe side. We support your decision on this, and we are glad to know that you prioritize the health and safety of the entire WordPress Community. See you all in WCAsia 2021!

  13. Sincere commiserations to the organising team, and to the whole regional community that put so much into the groundwork of this event, and indeed the coalescence of the vibrant regional community that’s growing so fast. This is a difficult decision to make, especially in the absence of clear guidance from the WHO and national authorities. However, we’ve seen in the last few weeks that the risk associated with gathering large groups of people is significant – even if no-one becomes ill, the potential of requiring isolation if there’s a suspicion of exposure means disruption could be widespread and hugely inconvenient.

    What is clear is that this was a WordCamp on it’s way to being an amazing success, and that everyone involved should be proud of the work put in and the impact thus far. All over the world we look to the Asia community as an example of rapid growth and maturation, of enthusiasm and passion. This was the best WordCamp that never happened, and your next one is all the more keenly anticipated.

  14. I think Matt Mullenweg has taken the right decision. Though we will miss a great event but still safety is anyone’s primary concern. Thank you Matt Mullenweg. Though we feel sad, but it can be arranged later.

    I like another thing, registered people will get free tickets for upcoming events. Matt Mullenweg, you won my heart.

  15. What is clear is that this was a WordCamp on it’s way to being an amazing success, and that everyone involved should be proud of the work put in and the impact thus far.


  16. So sad to hear this – can only imagine how disappointing it must be for the organising team. However, it’s definitely the right decision and hopefully the team can bring their efforts to life another time.

    For those who are still going to be in Bangkok for that weekend, there’s a meetup page and Facebook group to discuss an informal and unofficial get together.

    Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/WordCamp-Asia-Meetup/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/194074981672606/

  17. I’m so sorry to hear that! but in case you decide to cancel, we will definitely understand your decision and it will be accepted.
    See you next WordCamp!
    Thank you.

  18. Feeling sad, I really want to come to this event to get new insights about wordpress, blogs and websites 🙁

    Looking forward for WCAsia 2021 ♥

  19. Wise move. Was looking forward to the inaugural WordCamp Asia this year, but the coronavirus situation looks bad.

    Thanks for postponing the event 🙂

  20. Im getting following error while trying to request refund

    PayPal error: You are over the time limit to perform a refund on this transaction (10009)
    Cannot refund the transaction at this time. Please try again later.

  21. Hey WCAsia team, I’m getting following error while trying to ask refund

    PayPal error: You are over the time limit to perform a refund on this transaction (10009)
    Cannot refund the transaction at this time. Please try again later.

    Can anyone help

  22. We can still make unofficial gatherings around Bangkok and Thailand. If you are there post your status so we can spread the word around. Share pubs or coffee shops you will be working from. Share dinner plans if you want to meet up with others.

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