WordCamp News

WordCamp Europe 2020 is moving online!

After making the sad but necessary decision to postpone the Porto edition of WordCamp Europe to June 2021, we are excited to announce that we are taking WordCamp Europe 2020 online and creating a free, virtual event for you all.

WordCamp Europe 2020 Online will take place over 4-6 June, with a virtual Contributor Day on 4 June followed by two half days of live-streamed talks and workshops.

Our organising team is working hard to finalise the remaining details and we hope to be able to share more information with you soon.

What does this mean for…

…Attendees: entry to WCEU Online 2020 will be free. We will be releasing more information about how you can participate in the event soon.

…Sponsors: we will be in touch shortly about refunds and how you can get involved in WCEU 2020 Online.

…Speakers: we will be contacting you each soon with more information.

…WCEU Porto ticket holders: all paid tickets will be refunded by 10 April. It may take up to 15 days for the refund to appear in your account, depending on your bank.

WCEU 2021: WordCamp Europe 2021 is still due to take place in Porto, Portugal on 3-5 June next year.

What’s next?

We will be sharing more details with you in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our blog and social channels – if you haven’t done so already, you can sign up for News updates below.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or suggestions, or if you just want to say hi, send us a message on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.

Look after yourselves and we’ll see you soon!

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WordCamp Boston 2020: Cancelled

WordCamp Boston 2020 has been cancelled due to concerns and uncertainty related to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.

This decision was a very difficult one to make and was only made after monitoring all aspects of the global COVID-19 pandemic for several weeks. The decision can be boiled down to the answer to one question:

“Are we convinced that we can successfully plan and execute an inclusive, safe event for everyone that wishes to attend and meets the high standards for our event established over the last 10 years with the information that we have available to us at this time?”

Because we could not confidently answer yes to this question, the decision has been made to cancel.

The organizers will continue monitoring local, national, and international recommendations from the government, CDC, and other health experts. The idea of a larger scale Boston WordPress meetup event resembling a mini-WordCamp remains on the table should the pandemic be brought under control later this year and public gatherings are deemed safe.

We are also investigating ways that we could potentially host an online version of WordCamp Boston at some point this year.

This is an abbreviated version of the announcement post from the event’s own website which includes a breakdown of the organizing team’s thought process and all information that was used to make this decision. Please take the time to read the entire announcement.

Categories Cancellations, Events | No replies yet

An Important Update On WordCamp Kent 2020

In light of the increased concerns over large gatherings and the recommendations of the CDC regarding COVID-19 in the US, the WordCamp Kent organizers have decided to move to a 100% online event this year.

We considered other options, such as postponing or canceling, but we believe we can provide an exceptional experience for attendees.

The plan is to stick to our original date of May 30-31. We are still in the process of working out the logistics of the online event, however, we have full faith in our team’s ability to improvise and pull together to make this a fulfilling and fun conference for you.

We are in the early stages of changing the format and determining how exactly it is going to look for attendees. Over the next week, the organizers will be working with WordCamp Central to determine what we need to host a successful online event in coordination with our speakers, volunteers, and sponsors.

Over the next week we’ll be posting more details so please subscribe for updates if you haven’t already. You can also keep in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook.

Your patience and understanding are much appreciated. The WordCamp Kent organizers are looking forward to hosting you for a great event in May!

Categories Events, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Barcelona 2020 cancelled

Almost a month ago, the news from COVID19 was not very encouraging and, after giving it some thought, we have proposed that the best option we have is not to celebrate the WordCamp Barcelona 2020.

These days we are all confined at home for a simple and double reason: not to catch the virus, and not to infect others. The main objective is to try to reduce the possibilities of contagion, and although I am sure that we will all be on the streets again soon, when next autumn-winter comes, knowing that a vaccine will still take time, the options of doing an event and having people who are already going through it with the new flu season do not seem the best option, as we could find ourselves in the same situation like the current one.

So, waiting for a better option, we’ve canceled WordCamp Barcelona 2020 for the good and health of all.

We hope that a team will be formed again when the situation is more stable and that this event, which we were so excited about, can be resumed.

But not everything is lost, because from May 6th to 9th 2020 you will have the chance to attend the WordCamp Spain Online.

A virtual hug from the whole #WCBCN organizing team.

Categories Cancellations, WordCamps | 2 replies

WordCamp Centroamérica cancellation: See you in 2021!

The organizing team of WordCamp Centroamérica 2020 has decided to postpone the event taking into account the safety of everyone.

Thank you for your understanding and for your interest in making this first event a success.

Read full note here.

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | No replies yet

WordCamp Bilbao 2020 Cancelled :(

Due to the current situation that we are experiencing due to the COVID-19, we have decided to cancel the WordCamp Bilbao 2020.

During last days we were planning on postponing Wordcamp Bilbao 2020 to some time later this year but we couldn´t reschedule it so we made the painful decision to cancel the WordCamp :(

All tickets will be refunded, as well as the sponsorship refunds.

We would like to thank our speakers, sponsors, volunteers, and attendees for supporting us. See you in 2021!!

Stay safe, we’ll meet soon.

Kind regards,

WordCamp Bilbao organization team

Fernan Díez, Juan Carlos Alonso, Gabri González, Laura Díez, Fran González, Gorka Ruiz, Eva Jiménez, Saray Ortíz, Gorka Urrutia, Marta Torre, Alfonso Rodríguez, Marta Liarte, Jon González, June Echebarría, Rosa Pérez

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | No replies yet

WordCamp Irun 2020 Cancelled

Due to the health and safety situation caused by Covid-19, with great regret, the WordCamp Irun team has decided to cancel the 2020 WordCamp.

We are sad. It was a difficult decision because we really wanted to continue contributing to this fantastic community through our WordCamp. But the situation has surpassed everything. All tickets and sponsorships will be refunded.

We want to thank all the people who in one way or another were interested in being part of this WordCamp (attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers) and all the support that we have received in social media and off-line. You all increase our desire to organize WordCamp Irun 2021. We hope to see you in Irun in the future!

If all goes well, see you in 2021!

Thank you all for caring!

Stay safe! 

Organization team: Olatz Goikoetxea, Raquel García, Pablo Moratinos, Olivier Carrion, Sergio Castillo, Oscar Socorro, Enara Franco, Josean and Iban Vaquero. (special mention to Mikel Ecenarro)

Categories Cancellations, Events, General, News, WordCamps | Tags | No replies yet

Attending WordCamp San Antonio 2020?

Thanks to Terri Bedore of the WordCamp San Antonio organizing team for this great info to help maximize your Virtual WordCamp experience!

Due to a certain pandemic, some things for WordCamp San Antonio 2020 will be different (and some will be the same) this year. The biggest change is that we have the pleasure [and challenge] to be the FIRST 100% virtual WordCamp! Not only that – we’re doing it LIVE and for FREE.

And let me tell you, pivoting from in-person to virtual in just 2.5 weeks is nothing short of a miracle. (BIG shout out to all my fellow organizers, volunteers, WordCamp Central, and our sponsors. You all rock!)

Requisite tl;dr

  • Register for WordCamp San Antonio already!
  • All the action happens on the WordCamp San Antonio website.
  • Test Links
  • Install Zoom package
  • Get Comfortable
  • Be Patient (it’s our first time!)
  • Follow the Code of Conduct
  • Optional – Use Chrome, Create Crowdcast + Zoom accounts

How are we going do it?

All sessions will be streamed on the WordCamp San Antonio website and links to all the extras will be here, too, arranged into Tracks that you can easily move between. We will have Hallways where you can go chat with your fellow Campers, just like a live event and Sponsors will have Tables where you can talk to their reps and learn more about their offerings. Some of them are also holding contests, Happiness Bar sessions (help with your WordPress questions), and other goodies. Be sure to check them out!

We’ll be using Crowdcast.io and Zoom.us to deliver the virtual video goodness. Each WordCamp Track will have its own page with the Crowdcast stream and Hallway (Zoom) links, along with links to our Campmaster and Glamper Sponsors’ Tables which will also be Zoom meetings. We promise it will be easy to navigate!

And YES! The sessions will be recorded and available for playback later on the WordCamp San Antonio website and WordPress.TV. We do not have a date for those to be ready, but will get them up as soon as possible.

Do I need to do anything special?

Not really. The biggest prep I’d do is to test all the links we’re sending you today (we’ll send it out as soon as the web pages are ready) and tomorrow (as a reminder) and make sure you can use Zoom.

Now Zoom likes to install a package, so make sure to do that the night before so you don’t walk into the hallway sessions late. (If you’ve never used Zoom before, the Zoom Client for Meetings download will pop up, requesting an install. It’s legit. You can do it the day before and /or choose from their other options here.)

PROTIP: phones are not your friend for something this long; use a computer or tablet when possible.

If you’ve really never used Zoom before, here is a handy cheatsheet of the controls, divided up based on your device.

Settings. I highly recommend making sure your setting are set to “mute” and “video off” upon entering a meeting. Actually, I believe our setup will force this. DO NOT PANIC if you can’t see or hear yourself, just use the cheatsheet link above to un-mute + show what you want (more on camera stuffs below).

Then tomorrow, bring your patience hat (bc 1st time usually = glitches), a favorite beverage, hole up in a cozy corner, and get ready to learn, laugh, commiserate, and fall in love with WordPress all over again!

Optional items.


They are both browser-based and both state they work best on Chrome (I only use Chrome for dev testing, but hey, when in Rome…).

I have a Mac and use it to speak with potential clients so I have + use the Zoom app. You can see other options on their download page.

No app for Crowdcast.


Creating accounts are not required, but doing so will allow you to customize your profile and experience. (It’s free to create an account.)

Your face won’t be live in this one – just an image in the registered and chat areas.

Crowdcast will pull in the gravatar image associated with the email you registered with (If you have not created a gravatar, go here).

The gravatar image is a bit grainy, which works fine in the chat, but not so much if you are a profile stalker like me. 😆 So I added one (it’s the same as my gravatar but higher res; I shouldn’t have to remind you but I’m a mom and a moderator who’s been instructed to allow banning for inappropriate conduct + content, so – make sure to keep it G/PG!)

Categories Events, News, WordCamps | 1 reply