Sabbatical Planning

In three months, I will be taking a planned sabbatical which will be a chance for me to refocus and practice a new skill or two. It is also a chance for the WordPress project to identify tasks and processes for which I am a single point of failure. My sabbatical will begin on June 8, 2020 and I will resume work with the project on September 21, 2020.

Fortunately, there are a lot of amazing contributors in the project who have agreed to offer their support for our ongoing efforts:

  • Andrea: Community, Polyglots, Training, Marketing
  • Mark: Design, Accessibility, Test, TRT?
  • Alex: Meta, Docs, Hosting, Privacy, PRT?
  • Jonathan: Core, Triage, Security, Support
  • Jeff: Core, Mobile, CLI/Tide, WPTV
  • TBD: Marketing, Support, WPTV

Between now and June 8, I will spend a lot of time making sure that these good people have the tools and knowledge they need while I’m out.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do share them in the comments below. 🙂
