Thanks for 2019, and Happy New Year!

It’s already 2020 in Japan but still 2019 somewhere in the world, right? I’ve written a long Japanese version of my year in review but I also wanted to share something here as well.

Looking back, it’s been a great year thanks to some unexpected (but good!) changes and opportunities, like being selected as an inaugural WordCamp Asia Global Lead, leading Polyglots tables at WordCamp Europe Contributor Day, team change at work, or visiting Bangkok with my daughter and friends.

I’m most grateful not for what happened, but for everyone who has supported and helped me throughout those events – some of them I got to know for the first time in 2019!

Thank you: WordPress Polyglots Team, WordCamp Asia/Tokyo organizers and mentors, WordPress Tokyo Meetup co-organizers, Automatticians, and family and friends.

My hope for 2020 is that I can be as resourceful and helpful as you are. And of course, I’ll do my best to organize WordCamp Asia!


4 thoughts on “Thanks for 2019, and Happy New Year!

  1. Happy new year, Naoko!

    1. Thanks Filipe! Wishing you the same for you and your family too!

  2. Happy New Year Nao 🙂

    1. Happy New Year! 😁

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