

„Gutenberg“ je kodowe mjeno za cyłu nowu paradigmu we wuwiwanju a wozjewjenju sydłow WordPress, kotryž chce cyłe wozjewjenske dožiwjenje rewolucionować, kaž je Gutenberg z ćišćanym słowom činješe. Tuchwilu je projekt w prěnjej fazy štyrifazoweho procesa, kotryž kóždy dźěl WordPress nastupa — wobdźěłowanje, přiměrjenje, zhromadne dźěło a wjacerěčnosć — a koncentruje so na nowe wobdźěłowanske dožiwjenje, na blokowy editor.

Blokowy editor modularny přistup k stronam a přinoškam zawjeduje: Kóždy wobsahowy dźěl w editorje, wot wotstawka do wobrazoweje galerije hač k hłowemu nadpismu, je swójski blok. A runje tak kaž fiziske bloki, dadźa so bloki WordPress přidać, rjadować a přerjadować, zo bychu wužiwarjam WordPress zmóžnili, strony z wjele medijemi na wizuelnje intuitiwne wašnje wutworić — a to bjez prowizoriskich rozrisanjow kaž krótke kody abo swójski HTML.

Blokowy editor je so w decembru 2018 k dispoziciji stajił, a dźěłamy hišće ćežko na polěpšenju dožiwjenja. Za to wutworjemy dalše a lěpše bloki a kładźemy zakład za přichodne tři dźěłowe fazy. Tykač Gutenberg wam najnowšu wersiju blokoweho editora skići, zo byšće móhł najnowše funkcije testować, započńće z blokami hrać, a snano inspirowany swójski wutworić.

Wotkryjće wjace

  • Wužiwarska dokumentacija: Hlejće dokumentaciju editora WordPress za podrobne dokumenty wo wužiwanju editora jako awtora, kotryž přinoški a strony wutworja.

  • Wuwiwarska dokumentacija: Rozšěrjenje a přiměrjenje stej žro platformy WordPress, hlejće wuwiwarsku dokumentaciju za wobšěrne nawody, dokumentaciju a API-referencu wo tym, kak móžeće editor rozšěrić

  • Sobuskutkowarjo: Gutenberg je projekt wotewrjeneho žórła a wita wšěch sobuskutkowarjow wot koda do designa, wot dokumentacije do wupruwowanja. Hlejće přiručku sobuskutkowarjow za wšě podrobnosće wo tym, kak móžeće pomhać.

Wuwiwanske srjedźišćo za projekt Gutenberg je na Github pod:

Diskusija za projekt je na blog Make a na kanalu #core-editor w Slack, registrowanske informacije.


Tutón tykač 13 blokow skići.



Kak móžu swoje komentary zdźělić abo kak móžu pomoc při zmylku?

Bychmy so wo wašich zmylkowych rozprawach, funkcijowych namjetach a druhich informacijach wjeselili! Wopytajće stronu problemow GitHub, zo byšće eksistowace zmylkowe rozprawy pytał abo nowu rozprawu wutworił. Mjeztym zo pospytujemy wozjewjene zmylkowe rozprawy přehladować, kotrež su so tu w tykačowym forumje zdźělili, dóstanjeće spěšnišu wotmołwu (a wobchadźeće duplikaty), hdyž wšitko je centralizowane w repozitoriju GitHub.

Što jako přichodne za projekt přińdźe?

Štyri fazy projekta su wobdźěłowanje, přiměrjenje, zhromadne dźěło a wjacerěčnosć. Móžeće wjace wo projekće a fazach wot Matta w jeho rozmołwach Staw swěta za 2019 a 2018 zhonić. Nimo toho móžeće aktualizacijam w blogu Make WordPress Core slědować.

Hdźe móžu wjace wo Gutenberg čitać?


22. apryla 2020
No começo me pareceu imprestável, mas depois que aprendi a usar acredito seja muito melhor que os concorrentes no modo gratuito, não usei no modo pago para comparar, mas se fosse usar algum seria esse devido ao fato de já saber usá-lo.
19. apryla 2020
The new Gutenberg editor is potentially very good, let down by a bad user interface/experience (UX) for beginners: which is all of us, when we see it for the first time. For the experienced user, the interface is OK. Someone who is new Gutenberg MUST have cues and help. There are few of these. Help is hidden in the ⋮ menu, several clicks away. The page is a blank canvass, with no similarity to a document (like the classic editor). Some icons are meaningless, and hovering your cursor over them shows no tooltip. In my opinion, the editor needs the following: On-screen help and cues (that can be disabled when the beginning is comfortable), eg. contained in the sidebar, that can be disabled later The "page" area to have a different colour to the background (eg. white on grey), ideally corresponding to the selected them To return to the Admin menu, there should be a "X" and not a W icon which hints at viewing pages. Or better yet, the Gutenberg editor should follow the layout of the familiar Appearance/Customise editor, and let us edit in-place.
17. apryla 2020
The Gutenberg was maybe a great idea but awful execution. Too many bugs one way or another (build in editor in WP has one set of bugs, editor from Gutenberg plugin has another set, and both are impossible to work in comfortably). What is worth now even if I disable Gutenberg I still have troubles becuase some content was created in it and, for example, FooGallery is not visible in visual mode of editor if a page was created in Gutenberg (you can see code for gallery in html mode, but not gallery itself in visual mode).
17. apryla 2020
Hi, I can't cut/paste blocks - most of them and I cannot scroll with my mouse while dragging them. This is making editing with Gutenberg impossible for content beyond 2K words with more multimedia, otherwise I would have to spend whole day using the arrows. Very unintuitive! Crazy!
16. apryla 2020
I had high hopes for the latest update that came along with WP v5.4. The wise old sage said, "Never buy version 1 of anything", but by this time Gutenberg ought to be better. I'm not too picky about stuff like an editor. The choice of editors is a very personal thing. Problem is that Gutenberg was pretty much rammed down everyone's throat. Yes. I know there are options for falling back to the classic editor. The problem is that Gutenberg does bring a lot of tantalizing capability to the table, so it's a dilemma. Like Jimmy Durante, "Should I stay or should I go?" All the block manipulation stuff is really nice. Problem is that for a writer like me - particularly a writer based way out in the sticks like me, whose only broadband connectivity option is a high latency geostationary satellite link, Gutenberg is abysmally sssslllloooowwww for ordinary text editing. I'm no typing wizard, but over the satellite I can easily overrun the type ahead buffer in just a few seconds. Since I also make a lot of typing errors, going back to correct them is extremely inconvenient and time-consuming. Before you say it, No! It's not interaction with any of my plugins (e.e. Yoast). I've tried it all. I do have an absolutely essential text editing additions plugin that I'm using. That is certainly part but definitely not all of the problem. It's so bad that I've taken to writing my P blocks and correcting the typos in Notepad, and pasting the finalized blocks into Gutenberg. The main culprit is the latency of the link. When I'm up at my weekend location with its landline DSL connection, the editor works fine (when the DSL itself is working - but that's another story). So come on Starlink - or even better yet, come on Gutenberg fix for this issue.
Čitajće 3.084 pohódnoćenjow

Sobuskutkowarjo a wuwiwarjo

„Gutenberg“ je softwara wotewrjeneho žórła. Slědowacy ludźo su k tutomu tykačej přinošowali.


„Gutenberg“ je so do 47 rěčow přełožił. Dźakujemy so přełožowarjam za jich přinoški.

Přełožće „Gutenberg“ do swojeje rěče.

Na wuwiću zajimowany?

Přehladajće kod, hladajće do SVN-repozitorija abo abonujće wuwiwanski protokol přez RSS.

Protokol změnow

To read the changelog for Gutenberg 7.9.1, please navigate to the release page.