

“Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm in WordPress site building and publishing, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. Right now, the project is in the first phase of a four-phase process that will touch every piece of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual — and is focused on a new editing experience, the block editor.

The block editor introduces a modular approach to pages and posts: each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing WordPress users to create media-rich pages in a visually intuitive way — and without work-arounds like shortcodes or custom HTML.

The block editor first became available in December 2018, and we’re still hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for the next three phases of work. The Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest version of the block editor so you can join us in testing bleeding-edge features, start playing with blocks, and maybe get inspired to build your own.

اكتشف أكثر

  • User Documentation: See the WordPress Editor documentation for detailed docs on using the editor as an author creating posts and pages.

  • Developer Documentation: Extending and customizing is at the heart of the WordPress platform, see the Developer Documentation for extensive tutorials, documentation, and API reference on how to extend the editor.

  • Contributors: Gutenberg is an open-source project and welcomes all contributors from code to design, from documentation to triage. See the Contributor’s Handbook for all the details on how you can help.

The development hub for the Gutenberg project is on Github at:

Discussion for the project is on Make Blog and the #core-editor channel in Slack, signup information.

الأسئلة المتكررّة

كيف يمكنني إرسال تعليقات أو الحصول على مساعدة بشأن خطأ؟

نود أن نسمع تقارير الأخطاء ، واقتراحات الميزات وأي تعليقات أخرى! يرجى التوجه إلى صفحة مشكلات GitHub للبحث عن المشكلات الحالية أو فتح ملف جديد. على الرغم من أننا سنحاول حل المشكلات التي تم الإبلاغ عنها هنا في منتدى المكون الإضافي ، فسوف تحصل على استجابة أسرع (وتقليل ازدواجية الجهود) من خلال الحفاظ على كل شيء مركزي في مستودع GitHub.

ما التالي من أجل المشروع؟

The four phases of the project are Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual. You can hear more about the project and phases from Matt in his State of the Word talks for 2019 and 2018. Additionally you can follow updates in the Make WordPress Core blog.

أين يمكنني قراءة المزيد عن Gutenberg؟

Where can I see which Gutenberg plugin versions are included in each WordPress release?

View the Versions in WordPress document to get a table showing which Gutenberg plugin version is included in each WordPress release.


30 أغسطس، 2020
Using Gutenberg slows me down. More clicks to find/do things. Have to come up with shortcuts to do the things you could speedily do before on the old editor. I feel Gutenberg is a narrow-minded approach to post-editing simply because I don't think WordPress appreciated all the different ways people were using the old editor. I feel they had a single vision, went for a minimalistic design, but practically made editing posts harder for users like me. I care about how my posts look when they're published, not how they look when I'm editing them - when I'm editing them I want varied and easy customisation. Moreover, I dislike how it's more and more being forced on users and how we have to download a plugin to disable it. Like many others, I don't like using too many plugins on my site. I use the Code Editor a lot and on Guternberg I have to do finger gymnastics to open up the Code Editor with the keyboard shortcut and it always opens me right at the top of the post so I lose my place everytime. Previewing posts takes longer on Gutenberg too. You can't open up other WordPress menu items on Guternberg too (you have to open a new tab in your browser to find them again.) The more preference I see being given to Guternberg the more I start pondering about leaving WordPress altogether. Editing posts on a regular text editor would be faster than this. I appreciate the WordPress team's vision behind this, and I appreciate they're working hard on it. But right now at least for a user like me, it's not a good experience.


27 أغسطس، 2020
Tried to use it a few times now and it's frustrating. Maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't appear to have anywhere near the design and customization options as SiteOrigin's Page Builder.
27 أغسطس، 2020
Very nice that wordpress have two editor modes. For some projects I'm using classic editor for another builder. Everything looks impressive.
26 أغسطس، 2020
The block editor is the most annoying release in the history of all updates. I'm not sure why advanced users have sacrifice efficiency just so wordpress can appeal to the lowest common denominator.
26 أغسطس، 2020
De verdad que lo he intentado, me propuse darle una oportunidad y crear algunas webs con Gutenberg, al principio más o menos funcionó bien, a pesar de que su usabilidad es muy mala, pero cada tanto, bloques que han funcionado se rompen y los convierte en código html, es imposible trabajar así. Los bloques reutilizables parecian una buena idea, pero cuidado, el día menos pensado te desaparecen o dejan de funcionar. Le doy una estrella por la opción de agrupar que es lo único que vale la pena.
إقرأ جميع المراجعات 3٬181

المساهمون والمطوّرون

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سجل التغييرات

لقراءة سجل التغييرات في الإصدار 8.8.0 من Gutenberg، رجاءً توجه إلي صفحة الإصدار.