Elisabeth Klaar

Helping Small Businesses During A Pandemic

Contributor: Elisabeth Klaar

In mid March 2020 it was clear that the coronvirus pandemic was going to have drastic consequences for daily life. Many local shops, market stalls and other food outlets would struggle to keep in touch with their regular customers. It was also worrying that lots of people would be stuck at home with only the …

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Tyler Lau

Embrace Who You Are and Others Will Follow

Contributor: Tyler Lau

Wondering how a university drop out with ADHD and a criminal record found a spot in the WordPress community? Read on to see why it’s often your “faults” that can make you a major asset to any product team. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a knack for spotting an opportunity to …

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Bud Kraus

Finding My Way With WordPress

Contributor: Bud Kraus

Wow, HeroPress! How did I even get here? Why am I even here? I’m hardly a hero after reading so many inspiring stories. Let me tell you mine. I do this with my usual reluctance which I will explain in a bit. The Beginning I got started with WordPress about 10 years ago. I was …

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Alexander Covtun

Thinking Outside the WordPress Box

Contributor: Alexander Covtun

Most people, when they discover WordPress, start on the challenging and rewarding path of developing themes, plugins and similar products. I decided to think outside the box. My name is Alexander, and my WordPress journey began in 2009. I’m from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. I originally discovered WordPress while looking for a content management system …

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Video from DoSummitGood

I recently took part in DoSummitGood, an online conference for people and organizations working to Do Good in the WordPress community. The organizers managed to get recordings of all the talks on YouTube the very next day, which is pretty impressive. In this talk I tell a lot more about what was going on in …

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Olga Glekler

14 Years’ Detour – Крюк длиной в 14 лет

Contributor: Olga Gleckler

Это эссе также доступно на русском языке Knowing what you want isn’t enough. At the age of fifteen, I was told to hurry up with my professional education, if I don’t get a free place at university no one will pay for me. Last one was obvious and not because of money. I didn’t know …

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