Registration for WCEU Online 2020 is now open!


Register for your free ticket to WordCamp Europe 2020 Online

Tickets for WordCamp Europe 2020 Online are now available!

The event will take place over 4-6 June, with a virtual Contributor Day on 4 June followed by two half days on 5 and 6 June of talks, networking and opportunities to get to know the WordPress community. 

Read on to find out more about the event and to sign up for your free ticket to the 8th annual WCEU.

Free tickets to WCEU

All tickets to the event are free and will give you access to:

  • Two days of presentations, Q&A sessions, contributing and networking, with full access to all conference content
  • The opportunity to register for a free Contributor Day ticket
  • Access to networking with our sponsors and speakers
  • The chance to meet members of the global WordPress community

Contributor Day registration

The first-ever virtual WCEU Contributor Day will take place on 4 June.

Contributor Day is designed to give conference attendees the opportunity to give back to the WordPress community in real-time by documenting, translating, developing the WordPress user interface, coding and providing support for WordPress with teams of like-minded people.

Tickets to Contributor Day are free. You can register your place when you sign up for your WCEU ticket – simply check the box to say you would like to take part.

Don’t worry if you’re not sure which team you would like to join, you will have the chance to choose later. You can find out more about all the ways you can help here

The number of Contributor Day attendees is limited, so please only select this ticket option if you are planning to attend.

Register for your ticket

Follow the below link to register for your ticket to WCEU Online 2020.

If you would rather not register, you will still be able to watch the talks and Q&A sessions. However, without a ticket, you won’t be able to participate or have access to some Q&A video sessions or any of the networking rooms with sponsors, speakers and other attendees.

Description Price Remaining Quantity

Free ticket for the first ever WordCamp Europe Online!
Free 215

Registration closes at 23:59 on 3 June