@chaion07 @kenshino @milana_cap @estelaris @netpassprodsr @joyously @sukafia @makewebbetter @cbringmann @rabbirshad199621 @iamshubhamnigam @atachibana @themiked @softservenet
- Attendance
- Note-taker & Facilitator selection for Next Meeting
- Categorization Project, Alterations Workflow, User Stories (discussion)
- Handbook Revamp
- Homepage Update
- Deadline for next 2 to 3 pages
- Project Updates
- Season of Docs
- New Member Mentor Training
- Tracking Slack Comments
- Monthly Coffee Breaks/Zoom sessions
- WCEU Online Contributors Day
- Open Floor
Notetaker: @makewebbetter
Notes Reviewed by: @chaion07
Facilitator: @chaion07
Facilitator for Next Meeting: @milana_cap
Follow the meeting on the Slack channel
Categorization Project, Alterations Workflow, User Stories
@estelaris completed 63 stories so far.(ref).
Instead of a zoom meeting, write-up is recommended by @kenshino ref and @estelaris agreed to complete that by this week. @chaion07 also ready for assisting as a supporting hand.
Handbook Revamp
@milana_cap provided a Handbook document – here, this document is not finished as she doesn’t have workflows for some projects, she’ll list once the draft is finished.For the missing ones she recommended “Report in Slack” as the default option.
Project Updates
@atachibana reported on thee-routing of the Codex page to Code Reference for Functions as 583 out of 1069 (54.5%) had been completed. He also felt that it was a considerate jump from 46.6% from last week by reaching 50% and more.!He also expressed his thanks to @stevenlinx, @collinsmbaka, and @immeet94 Ref
Season of Docs
After discussion and to considering a point that we need time to select the project ideas the deadline for project ideas submission was decided as 30th of April UTC 11:59
Recommended format for posting project ideas
Project name: Choose a concise but descriptive title.
Description: A longer description of the documentation work required. Describe your initial idea in detail. Offer opportunities for any interested technical writers to expand or refine the idea.
Related material: if any
All mentors are required to post at least one idea, and we need to choose 6 projects from 12 and 2 mentors per project.
And submit your ideas here before the deadline- 30th UTC 11:59
New members Mentor training
@sukafia shared the link to the working document – here
Including the tracking sheet for new members – here
He addressed that the team is welcoming new members alongside @softservenet @netpassprodsr and @milana_cap to make this happen. (ref)
Slack Comment Tracking
@kenshino suggested this to be proposed by one of the mentors as a project in the Season of Docs.
Monthly Coffee Breaks/Zoom sessions
@sukafia suggested if we can play around with features like Zoom breakout rooms and a few other features that’ll allow us to get to know each other in a fun way. But he wasn’t sure on the scheduling of the coffee break.
He will create a Doodle Poll for the schedule selection to the Coffee Break and update us regarding this.
WCEU Online Contributors Day
@milana_cap is going to write a post on WCEU Online Contributor Day on behalf of the Docs Team.
Open Floor
@joyously pointed out that there have been several questions here about the look of the Roles and Capabilities page, and towards the recent ticket that was posted. Was it that the table styles were lost? Did this get fixed? @milana_cap replied that she was on it as it hadn’t been fixed yet.
@netpassprodsr wanted to ask what was needed to move the doc’s page reformat initiative forward referring to the forums page
I’m applying as a mentor.
Basically, all our projects need help. Maybe HelpHub the most as it seems we understand its audience the least.
I am applying as a mentor also. We do need help with HelpHub.
👋howdy, Jon!
Thanks for sharing this. Do you have an idea of the time commitment for mentors per month or week? I want to help as a mentor.
I think I can help improve a particular part of the documentation (could be the WP REST API) as a mentor and steer that with a couple of writers.
Looking forward, peace!
We don’t yet know the time commitment or the structure yet. I’d reckon that once we have a working group, we can figure out how we’ll structure this to require a realistic amount of time from everyone. This will depend on the amount of volunteers we get.
This program looks interesting @kenshino …
I am interested to apply as a mentor. I believe time commitment for this program is set by the team at a later stage.
Looking forward to knowing more about it
I’m applying as a mentor.
It would be helpful for us to have a handful of information on all projects.
I’m applying to contribute as a Tech Writer for this.
Thank you!
I am replying to express interest in being a mentor for Season of Docs.
I’d like to apply as a mentor for the CLI team.
If we need more, I would love to explore about being a Mentor, could organize a few writers.
I am applying as a mentor also.
I am applying as mentor for the plugins and themes team @kenshino
I’m also applying for Tech Writer
I am applying as a mentor too 🙂
I am applying as a mentor for Season of Docs
I am applying as a technical writer
Bowing out of being pilar mentor for Docs team as I don’t have what I think would be the required time, already going on very minimal sleep.
That being said, I am interested in providing support for our other Docs team mentors in this process and helping, so if that would require applying, please list me.