
Untuk menjalankan WordPress, kami sarankan dukungan host Anda:

  • Versi PHP 7.3 atau lebih tinggi.
  • Versi MySQL 5.6 atau lebih tinggi ATAU versi MariaDB 10.1 atau lebih tinggi.
  • Dukungan HTTPS

That’s really it. We recommend Apache or Nginx as the most robust and featureful server for running WordPress, but any server that supports PHP and MySQL will do. That said, we can’t test every possible environment and each of the hosts on our hosting page supports the above and more with no problems.

Note: If you are in a legacy environment where you only have older PHP or MySQL versions, WordPress also works with PHP 5.6.20+ and MySQL 5.0+, but these versions have reached official End Of Life and as such may expose your site to security vulnerabilities.

Meminta segera

Berikut adalah surat yang dapat Anda kirimkan ke penyedia hosting, salin dan gunakan!

I’m interested in running the open-source WordPress <> web software and I was wondering if my account supported the following:

  • PHP 7.3 atau lebih tinggi
  • MySQL 5.6 atau lebih tinggi ATAU MariaDB 10.1 atau lebih tinggi
  • Nginx atau Apache dengan modul mod_rewrite
  • Mendukung HTTPS

Terima kasih!

Tidak diperlukan, tetapi disarankan untuk keamanan yang lebih baik

Hosting is more secure when PHP applications, like WordPress, are run using your account’s username instead of the server’s default shared username. Ask your potential host what steps they take to ensure the security of your account.