Jetpack 由 出品


安全、性能和站点管理:使用 WordPress 的最佳方式是与 Jetpack 结合使用。


Jetpack 是您的站点安全特遣队,可保护您的站点免受强力攻击和未经授权登录的侵扰。基本保护功能永久免费,另外高级版套餐还延长了备份时间,并提供自动修复功能。Jetpack 的全套站点安全工具包括:

  • 强力攻击保护、垃圾邮件过滤以及停机时间监控。
  • 对整个站点进行备份,可以每天备份一次,也可以实时备份。
  • 使用可选的双因素验证确保安全登录。
  • 恶意软件扫描、代码扫描和自动威胁解决方案。
  • 记录您站点上的每一处更改,简化故障排除流程。
  • 来自 WordPress 专家的快速、优先支持。


激活站点加速器工具,减少页面加载时间。我们将优化您的图像并通过强大的自有全球服务器网络提供这些图像,还能加快您的移动站点速度,降低带宽使用量(还能省钱!)。连接 Jetpack 后可畅享以下权益:

  • 图像和静态文件(如 CSS 和 JavaScript)通过我们的服务器(而非您自己的)提供。
  • 由 Elasticsearch 提供支持的相关内容和站点搜索,不消耗您服务器即可获得相关结果。
  • 延迟图像加载以获得更快的移动体验。
  • 通过我们的内容分发网络实现无限的高速视频内容交付。


创建和定制 WordPress 站点,优化站点以吸引访客、增加收入,并享受统计数据节节高升带来的快感。使用以下功能,创建、共享站点,并见证站点的蓬勃发展:

  • 高级站点统计数据和分析功能,可了解您的受众。
  • 数百款专业主题,可针对您的特定市场定位打造专业站点。
  • 直观、强大的定制工具,让您的网站与品牌相得益彰。
  • 简单易用的 PayPal 付款按钮,便于销售产品和服务。
  • 适用于 Google、Bing、Twitter、Facebook、以及 的搜索引擎优化工具,可最大限度地扩大站点覆盖面。
  • 广告项目,包括 AdSense、Facebook 广告、AOL、Amazon、Google AdX 和 Yahoo 的优质项目。
  • 与官方 WordPress 移动应用程序集成,可以随时随地管理您的站点。






安装免费、快速、简单。通过我们的站点安装 Jetpack 只需要几分钟时间。


  • 通过强力攻击保护、恶意软件扫描、垃圾邮件过滤和停机时间监视将黑客拦截在外。使用按需备份和还原来保护您的站点数据。
  • 页面加载速度更快,并且可通过我们庞大的全球内容交付网络为您的图片和静态文件提供支持。
  • 使用专业设计的 WordPress 主题、区块和小组件定制您的网站。
  • 在社交媒体渠道上推广您最新的文章、页面和产品。



安装免费、快速、简单。通过我们的站点安装 Jetpack 只需要几分钟时间。


或者,通过插件目录安装 Jetpack,或将文件手动上传至您的服务器,然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。如果您需要其他帮助,请参阅我们的详细说明


Jetpack 是免费的吗?

是的!Jetpack 的核心功能永远是免费的。

这些包括:站点统计、适用于图片的高速 CDN相关文章停机时间监控、强力攻击保护自动共享至社交网站、边栏自定义以及各种其他功能。


Jetpack 的付费服务包括实时备份、安全扫描、高级套餐主题、垃圾邮件过滤、视频托管、站点获利、搜索引擎优化工具、搜索、优先支持以及更多内容。


为什么我需要 帐户?

由于 Jetpack 及其服务由 提供和托管,因此必须提供 帐户,Jetpack 才可正常运行。

我已经有 WordPress 帐户,但该帐户无法使用。我该怎么办? 帐户与登录自托管 WordPress 站点所用的帐户不同。如果您可以登录,则说明您已经有 帐户了。如果不能,您可以在安装时创建一个,步骤非常简单。


安装 Jetpack 后,您即可在、官方 WordPress 移动应用程序和 Jetpack 控制面板上查看统计信息。

如何参与 Jetpack 开发?

所有级别的开发者均有机会参与开发。详细了解如何参与 Jetpack 开发,或考虑加入我们的测试项目


This plug-in takes over your site. It can, I kid you not, block you from logging in and is way too heavy on your site - kills speed. Best remove it before you start and after your site is up and running, determine your exact needs.
Read all 1,480 reviews

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  • Release date: April 14, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • General: avoid conflicts with other plugins interacting with the AMP plugin and the admin bar.
  • Infinite Scroll: avoid breaking functionality on sites without any footer.
  • Infinite Scroll: avoid any conflict that may cause some posts to be missing from Infinite Scroll load.
  • Site Health Tools: improve messaging to make translations easier.
  • Contact Info Widget: avoid the display of notices in the widget settings when an API key is set via a filter.
  • Top Posts Widget: provide default for newly added parameter to avoid errors when using third-party plugins interacting with stats.


  • Release date: April 7, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Secure Sign On: fix conflict that would block one from logging in to their site via the Secure Sign On option.


  • Release date: April 7, 2020
  • Release post:

Major Enhancements

  • Search: our new Instant search experience will allow your visitors to get search results as soon as they start typing.


  • Autoloader: improve performance when loading a large number of files.
  • Blocks: improve discoverability of multiple blocks by reviewing keywords used in the block search.
  • Blocks: improve the display of error notices in Jetpack’s embed blocks.
  • Blocks: better differentiate paid blocks from free ones.
  • Blocks: improve layout of block style previews.
  • Blocks: list blocks both as part of a Jetpack Collection and in their proper category. Requires WordPress 5.4.
  • Calendly block: display an error when the embed URL is not found.
  • Comment Likes: improve performance by removing dependency on Noticons.
  • Contact Info Widget: improve the display of Map API key notices.
  • Custom CSS: add support for more CSS 3.0 properties: mask , scroll, and object-fit.
  • Dashboard notices: allow the use of different Jetpack logos.
  • Embeds: enable inline PDF previews.
  • Eventbrite Block: offer additional alignment options.
  • Facebook Embeds and Facebook Page Plugin Widget: improve performance and compatibility with caching plugins.
  • Facebook Page Plugin Widget: add new layout options (Cover Photo and Call To Action).
  • Gravatar Hovercards: avoid loading Gravatar assets when not needed on the page.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: improve performance of the feature by avoiding the use of jQuery.
  • Infinite Scroll: improve performance of the feature by avoiding the use of jQuery.
  • Jetpack Videos: improve performance of Video queries with better caching.
  • Lazy Images: improve performance of the feature by avoiding the use of jQuery.
  • Likes: improve performance when loading resources used by the Likes feature on the front-end of your site.
  • Map Block: slightly decrease Zoom on maps with multiple points.
  • Map Block: improve the look of the map style picker.
  • Protect: improve detection of IP on servers using custom IP Headers.
  • Revue Block: update the layout of the default placeholder appearing when you first insert the block.
  • Site Health: add new card informing you of your site’s synchronization status with
  • Social Menus: add Ravelry support.
  • Widgets: add Ravelry support to Social Icons widget.
  • Widgets: improve performance of the Search and Milestone widgets.
  • WooCommerce Analytics: add additional information to events (plugin version, information about blocks and shortcodes).
  • WordAds Block: update “hide on mobile” toggle layout.
  • WordAds: update ad loader support for Google Chrome.
  • WordAds: improve performance of the display of all ads.
  • Toolbar: log user out of when attempting to log out from the site.


  • Blocks: ensure that all blocks are displayed nicely, even when using the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin.
  • Blocks on International sites: ensure that blocks can be translated when using Jetpack’s Site Accelerator feature.
  • Comment Likes / AMP Plugin: avoid loading Likes on AMP views.
  • General: Jetpack now requires WordPress 5.3 and newer.
  • Multisite Networks: better detect the main site of a network when synchronizing data with
  • Recurring Payments Block: implement AMP view for full compatibility with the AMP plugin.


  • Connection: ensure that the “Disconnect” button is easily accessible on mobile.
  • Connection: fix connection issues for sites with a plan in a “pending” state.
  • Connection: improve connection flow when starting to connect your site from the dashboard.
  • Dashboard: clarify wording and display of the Backup & Scan cards.
  • Dashboard: fix layout issues within the Stats Widget in the dashboard.
  • Form Block: fix button colors not saving correctly.
  • Google Calendar Block: ensure calendars are properly displayed regardless of the width option picked in block styles.
  • Publicize Block: update wording in custom message field to clarify how the feature works.
  • Pinterest Block: check for valid Pinterest URLs when embedding them into a new block.
  • OpenTable Block: fix layout issue when using Wide and Full-width sizes.
  • OpenTable Block: fix PHP warning occuring when a block is created but not configured.
  • Recurring Payments Block: ensure that the minimum payment option respects the chosen currency for the button.
  • Shortcodes: Fix Crowdsignal poll embeds when using the P2 theme.
  • Simple Payments Block: avoid issues when pasting email addresses into the email field.
  • Site Logo: avoid PHP notices in the Customizer, when no logo is set yet.
  • Widgets: fix conflicts between some themes and the live countdown feature in the Milestone Widget.
  • Widgets: avoid display issues in the Top Posts Widget, when displaying posts from Custom Post Types.
