
Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8

Posted December 24, 2008 by Jen. Filed under Development, Features.

Everyone knows by now that WordPress 2.7 is packed with new features. Now that it’s available (almost 600,000 downloads as I write this!), it’s time to start working on 2.8. There were dozens of things that got tabled during 2.7 due to time constraints, and there are a lot of high-rated features in the Ideas forum, so there are a lot of potential features under consideration.

Right now, the lead developers are thinking the top priorities for 2.8 will be widget management, theme browser/installer and performance upgrades. The rest of the development time will be taken up with bug tickets and additional features/enhancements from a prioritized list. To that end, we’ve posted a new survey for you to help us prioritize features for 2.8. The list pulls from the developers’ “2.7 leftovers” list as well as the most popular features from the Ideas forum. Just rank each feature and tell us your top pick (up to three). You also have the option of adding comments or additional suggestions, but this is not mandatory. For your response to count, you must rank all of the features in the list. The survey has only one page.

Note that media features are not included in this list as we will be posting a separate survey for media-specific features soon.

Cast your votes any time this week, but as always the sooner the better. This survey will close at noon on December 31, 2008 UTC.

In the new year, we will be reviving scheduled IRC developer chats, where the lead developers will discuss the week’s progress on feature development, providing opportunities for people to ask questions or make suggestions. These will be held early in the day on Wednesdays (U.S. Wednesday), and the specific time will be posted here on the development blog once it’s been finalized.

As a related aside, we spent a significant amount of time during 2.7 development sifting through Trac tickets that really shouldn’t have been there. Feature ideas and requests do not belong in Trac, they belong in the Ideas forum. Please reserve Trac for reporting bugs and things that need fixing (typos, code enhancements, etc.). If you are asking for a new UI, a new feature, or a new approach to coding something, that’s not an enhancement, it’s a new feature. New features will be entered into Trac by developers once it has been determined that the feature should be included in core. To help speed up development, moving forward we will close Trac tickets that are actually feature requests, with the comment that they should be posted in the Ideas forum instead. Please help the developers maximize their time by following this guideline.

Thanks for your help!

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  1. […] updating to the newest WordPress release. But WordPress is already talking 2.8! Check out there post and cast your […]

    Pingback from Features for WordPress 2.8 — WPCult on December 24, 2008

  2. […] WordPress development blog just posted a link to a survey about what features should be in WordPress 2.7. If you use […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Feature Survey - Will Anderson on December 24, 2008

  3. […] if you haven’t upgraded for wordpress 2.7 yet, the team is busy now for the upcoming version of WordPress 2.8. Here are the priorities for wp 2.8: Right now, the lead developers are thinking the top priorities for 2.8 will be widget management, […]

    Pingback from The Upcoming WordPress 2.8 on December 24, 2008

  4. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 December 23, 2008 Everyone knows by now that WordPress 2.7 is packed with new features. Now that it’s available (almost 600,000 downloads as I write this!), it’s time to start working on 2.8. There were dozens of things that got tabled during 2.7 due to time constraints, and there are a lot of high-rated features in the Ideas […] […]

    Pingback from WordPress start develop WordPress 2.8 : thexwarrior’s blog on December 24, 2008

  5. […] WordPress has put up a survey for users to help suggest features for version 2.8. Hurry up and cast your vote so your opinion counts. The survey closes at noon on December 31, 2008 UTC. [Link] […]

    Pingback from Suggest Features for WordPress 2.8 — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks on December 24, 2008

  6. […]  WordPress blog Etiquetas: administración, blog, blogs, desarrollo, errores, optimizar, tema, temas, […]

    Pingback from Priorizando características para el nuevo WordPress 2.8, Carrero on December 24, 2008

  7. […] should 2.8 bring? Well, the inexorable drive toward the future continues with this post on the WordPress development blog about prioritising features for 2.8, and the associated survey. So I though I would take this opportunity to tell you what I think 2.8 […]

    Pingback from What should 2.8 bring? - WP FUN on December 24, 2008

  8. […] an article on the official WordPress blog, Jane “working on experience stuff” Wells writes that after 600,000 WordPress 2.7 downloads, it’s about time to work on WordPress 2.8. Screw […]

    Pingback from You like WordPress 2.7? Help making 2.8 even better! « TheNextWeb.com on December 24, 2008

  9. […] belt to start working on WordPress 2.8 Development. Jane Wells from Development Team has posted a new blog post on official wordpress blog roughly converting roadmap to WordPress 2.8 Development process. One […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Development Started - Demo - Hi5 Arena SharingBB on December 24, 2008

  10. […] I’ve only just started using the internet to make this blog, and a few others, and chose the utterly fabulous WordPress 2.7 to do it with. WordPress 2.7 was only released during the early part of December and already those clever programming bods over at WordPress.org are talking up their ideas for WordPress 2.8. […]

    Pingback from Just when you think you’ve got the best WordPress … at Tweet Box Live on December 24, 2008

  11. […] Na blogu WordPressa pojawiła się informacja o kolejnej ankiecie. Tym razem developerzy pytają nas o to, nad czym powinni się skupić pracując nad WordPress 2.8 zapowiadanym na marzec. […]

    Pingback from Ankieta na temat pożądanych funkcji w WordPress 2.8 - Tomasz Topa on December 24, 2008

  12. […] För bara 13 dagar sedan så släpptes WordPress 2.7 men redan nu så börjar arbetet med att skapa WordPress 2.8. Mer om WordPress 2.8 kan du läsa här. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 on December 24, 2008

  13. […] [via] […]

    Pingback from Ôß èÝëåôå íá äåßôå óôï WordPress 2.8; on December 24, 2008

  14. […] jau mūžība pagājusi. Jebkurā gadījumā gribēju painformēt, ka WordPress lapā ir raksts ar jautājumiem par to, ko vajadzētu ieviest jaunajā WordPress 2.8 versijā. Un tiek piedāvāta iespēja […]

    Pingback from Ko es gribētu redzēt WordPress 2.8 versijā | Pods.lv on December 24, 2008

  15. […] team is looking ahead to what features should go into version 2.8. To that end, they have announced a survey to find out what features the community thinks is most important. It presents a list of several […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 features survey - geek ramblings on December 24, 2008

  16. […] 14 hari mengeluarkan WordPress 2.7, kini pihak pembangun WordPress sudah mula membincangkan mengenai fungsi yang bakal disertakan dalam WordPress 2.8 yang mana bakal dikeluarkan kelak. […]

    Pingback from Apa Anda Mahu Dalam WordPress 2.8? | aMaNz on December 24, 2008

  17. […] Cast your vote here. […]

    Pingback from Have your say for 2.8 on December 24, 2008

  18. […] WordPress 2.7 har knappt kommit ut och redan så börjar folket bakom WP att prata om version 2.8. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 : Sadsmiles blogg on December 24, 2008

  19. […] to Geek Ramblings for this tidbit. WordPress has announced a survey to gather info about the features the WP community wants in version […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Survey - Whatcha Want!? | Brian Dusablon on December 24, 2008

  20. […] de información | WordPress Development Blog etiquetas: actualización, Blogs, encuestas, nueva versión, sugerencias, WordPress Ningún […]

    Pingback from Dos bits - ¿Tienes alguna idea para WordPress 2.8? on December 24, 2008

  21. […] Green Couch to WordPress 2.7 and have been lovin’ every minute of it since. And already, the WordPress Cool Peoples are working on WordPress 2.8 and they want YOUR input on how to add/improve the WP 2.7 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Development Underway | Paotie's Green Couch | Crumblings of Things on December 25, 2008

  22. […] 26, 200812:11 am WordPress 2.8 in development stage – Suggest Features WordPress dev team started working on next major release i.e. WordPress 2.8. The lead developers are thinking the top […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 in development stage - Suggest Features on December 26, 2008

  23. […] WordPress Development Blog: Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 : WebNetiques on December 26, 2008

  24. […] WordPress Development Blog: Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 : Dragonfly Networks on December 26, 2008

  25. […] 2.8 ya está comenzando, y en el blog oficial han publicado una noticia que a muchos les gustará: nos piden nuestra opinión para ver qué novedades incluir en WordPress […]

    Pingback from Vota las novedades que quieres ver en WordPress 2.8 | Sumolari.com on December 26, 2008

  26. […] o wersji 2.8 swojego blogowego skryptu CMS. Na blogu deweloperskim Jane Wells w temacie Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 pisał o nadchodzących […]

    Pingback from Szykuje się WordPress 2.8 ? | Custom devBlog on December 26, 2008

  27. […] 2.8: Already work is ongoing for WordPress 2.8 and WordPress wants your feedback. In “Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8,” Jane Wells invites people to take a poll on what are the top priorities WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress News: 650,000 WP 2.7 Downloads, BuddyPress, Theme Threat, Schwag, and More | The Blog Herald on December 27, 2008

  28. […] 2.7 released, work is ongoing for WordPress 2.8 and WordPress wants your feedback. In “Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8,” Jane Wells invites people to take a poll on what are the top priorities WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Survey: What Do You Want in the Next Version of WordPress? « Lorelle on WordPress on December 27, 2008

  29. […] 来自WordPress官方博客 Jane Wells的最新文章,目前开发团队正在募集关于WordPress下一个版本2.8的功能投票,目前团队打算将插件的安装和管理、浏览器兼容性及性能优化作为下一个版本的开发重点。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 的未来需要你来决定 | 丸子 on December 27, 2008

  30. […] WordPress team is working hard to prioritize features for wordpress 2.8. They even have a pool where you can vote for the features. If all the companies that offer paid software would do the same thing and properly use the results, we probably would have more features that we need in the software we buy. WordPress 2.8 is on development stage, I hope it would be ready sooner then they plan to release it. I could not find the planned release date on there website. Source: WordPress. […]

    Pingback from Prioritizing features for wordpress 2.8 on December 27, 2008

  31. […] blog. If two items of WordPress related news isn’t enough for you then how about the WordPress 2.8 features being finalised for a March 2009 release. They don’t hang […]

    Pingback from Rawkes Weekly – 27 December 2008 » Captain's Blog » Rawkes on December 27, 2008

  32. […] WordPress team is looking for your input on prioritizing the focus of its development of the 2.8 release.  Having been a user/support since […]

    Pingback from WordPress team is looking for feedback for the 2.8 release. | The Evolutionary IT Blog on December 27, 2008

  33. […] team is already working on the 2.8 release and there is even a survey, where you can participate and give votes for prioritizing features. […]

    Pingback from WordPress until 2009, and beyond on December 28, 2008

  34. […] förvisso tycka att utvecklarna är förtjänta av några veckors vila, men de är redan igång med arbetet kring nästa version, […]

    Pingback from Tyck till om WordPress 2.8 | Andreas Karman on December 28, 2008

  35. […] hengst posted a message on Twitter “rank WordPress 2.8 feature set http://tinyurl.com/9hk6ue” 2 hours ago – Comment – Like This was written by benh. Posted on Sunday, December 28, […]

    Pingback from Develonizer › rank WordPress 2.8 feature set http://tinyurl.com/9hk6ue (via Twitter) on December 28, 2008

  36. […] Aujourd’hui, ils vous invitent à choisir sur quelles fonctionnalités l’équipe de développement devrait se focaliser prioritairement pour WordPress 2.8 (annonce officielle : Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8). […]

    Pingback from Sondage sur les fonctionnalités attendues pour WordPress 2.8 | WordPress Francophone on December 28, 2008

  37. […] No post sobre a pesquisa no blog oficial ainda informa que a pesquisa iria até o dia 31 de dezembro, infelizmente eles decidiram encerrar […]

    Pingback from Quais serão os novos recursos do WordPress 2.8? | pBlog on December 28, 2008

  38. […] No post sobre a pesquisa no blog oficial ainda informa que a pesquisa iria até o dia 31 de dezembro, infelizmente eles decidiram encerrar […]

    Pingback from Quais serão os novos recursos do WordPress 2.8? | pBlog on December 28, 2008

  39. […] original de Jane Wells. Vols saber quan hi ha una nova entrada? Suscriu-te al meu RSS o reb les novetats per […]

    Pingback from Les prioritats principals de WordPress 2.8 on December 28, 2008

  40. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 (WordPress › Blog) Nice simple poll for prioritization of WordPress 2.8 features. Go vote! (tags: wordpress development productmanagement) […]

    Pingback from links for 2008-12-28 (Jarrett House North) on December 29, 2008

  41. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 2.7 was an excellent release. The crew are taking a poll on which features should make it into 2.8. Poll is open through December 31. […]

    Pingback from Weekly Links #33 | GrantPalin.com on December 29, 2008

  42. […] Aujourd’hui, ils vous invitent à choisir sur quelles fonctionnalités l’équipe de développement devrait se focaliser prioritairement pour WordPress 2.8 (annonce officielle : Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8). […]

    Pingback from Hebergement .TV » Blog Archive » » Sondage sur les fonctionnalités attendues pour WordPress 2.8 on December 29, 2008

  43. […] impreuna cu echipa de dezvoltare a platfomeri wordpress se pregatesc sa lanseze o noua varianta. WordPress 2.8 o sa fie disponibila incepand cuanul 2009 si se va axa, in mare, pe widget-uri. Succesul acestei […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 | blog.RohanMEDIA.com on December 29, 2008

  44. […] blogu WordPressa opublikowano listę priorytetów związanych z budową tej platwormy w wersji 2.8. […]

    Pingback from Nowości wordpressa | Blog :: Informatyka :: Programowanie on December 29, 2008

  45. […] Tai yra nepilnas WordPress kurėjo Jane Wells pranešimo vertimas į lietuvių kalbą. ČIa pateikta tik esmė. Jeigu norite perskaityti originalų pranešimą anglų kalba, tai galite padaryti čia. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 funkcijos « Vien tik WordPress on December 29, 2008

  46. […] team is not taking a well-deserved break. On the WordPress official blog, I spotted a post: Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8. Everyone knows by now that WordPress 2.7 is packed with new features. Now that it’s available […]

    Pingback from Vote for WordPress Access at tim o’brien photos on December 29, 2008

  47. […] que lo tengo, a WordPress 2.7. En unos días la última versión ha conseguido más de 600.000 descargas y es que el programa merece la pena. Las mejoras son mayoritariamente internas pero hacen la vida […]

    Pingback from Daniel García Peris - Blog » Archivo del blog » Actualización del blog con WordPress on December 30, 2008

  48. […] Jane Wells сообщает, что приоритетными направлениями в WordPress 2.8 станут […]

    Pingback from Блог камрада Spaceman’a » Архив блога » Переезжаем на WordPress on December 30, 2008

  49. […] management is item #1 on the list of possible priorities for WordPress 2.8 development. Head on over there before the end of the year and take the survey to put your two cents […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Better Widgets? on December 30, 2008

  50. […] Via WordPress › Blog » Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8. […]

    Pingback from Priorities for WordPress 2.8 ∞ Sigurdhsson on December 31, 2008

  51. […] Jane Wells posted an entry on the WordPress Blog today about version 2.8 and gives us some hints as to what we might expect in the next release candidate! Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from Cotton Rohrscheib - Blog Archive » WordPress › Blog » Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 on December 31, 2008

  52. […] belt to start working on WordPress 2.8 Development. Jane Wells from Development Team has posted a new blog post on official wordpress blog roughly converting roadmap to WordPress 2.8 Development process. One […]

    Pingback from Default WordPress 2.8 Development Started - Demo - SharingBB on December 31, 2008

  53. […] haberin devamında şunlar yazıyor […]

    Pingback from Muhammed YILDIZ / / / duygusal bir delinin güncesi … » Blog Archive » WordPress 2.8 ‘in Ayak Sesleri ! on December 31, 2008

  54. […] the folks over at WordPress are already talking about 2.8. Check out their blog post here, and then take the survey here. More […]

    Pingback from Foobar Studios » WordPress 2.8 ALREADY?! on January 1, 2009

  55. […] por si no lo habías visto, WordPress te invita a participar en una encuesta para conocer qué funcionalidades quieres que traiga el WordPress 2.8 Artículos […]

    Pingback from Comparativa WordPress vs Drupal | flapa on January 2, 2009

  56. […] The trend for new version’s of WordPress result in an “urgent” security fix/bug fix just a few weeks later is very consistent. While I think the people over at Automattic are awesome, and I love them for continuing to improve the (arguably) best blogging platform in existance, they always seem to create problems with new versions of WordPress. (they’re already talking about v2.8) […]

    Pingback from Grievances with New Versions of WordPress | plainbeta on January 2, 2009

  57. […] source: wordpress.org […]

    Pingback from Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 -- addiehf™ on January 4, 2009

  58. […] به في الاصدار القادم2.8 مثل ما وضحت فريق التطوير عبر الموقع الرسمي بانعقاد الاجتماع الاول للمطورين في بدايه العام […]

    Pingback from حسن الشيخ » عام جديد للوردبريس واستعداد لتطوير 2.8 on January 4, 2009

  59. […] что-нибудь умное – посему просто цитата о Вордпрессе: Everyone knows by now that WordPress 2.7 is packed with new features. Now that it’s available (alm…. На самом деле, когда я писал эту заметку, то счетчик […]

    Pingback from Проснулись? А 2009-й то наступил! :) : I Raphael :) on January 5, 2009

  60. […] zu integrieren und bestehende Bugs zu fixen. Schauen wir, ob die Nutzer das auch so sehen und die Abstimmung zu den Wünschen in Version 2.8 diesem Punkt eine berechtigte hohe Priorität gibt. Auf der Wunschliste der WordPress-Nutzer […]

    Pingback from WordPress, ein Ausblick für 2009 « WordPress Deutschland Blog on January 6, 2009

  61. […] de är måna om sina användare har de frågat vad folk tycker och jag väntar med spänning på svaren. Man fick kryssa för hur mycket man önskade vissa […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 på gång on January 7, 2009

  62. […] WordPress 2.7 recently got released, the developers are already at work, taking ideas and suggestions for WordPress 2.8. I’m a big fan if WordPress, but there are still areas where it needs […]

    Pingback from What I’d Like to See in WordPress 2.8 - doDesign on January 7, 2009

  63. […] semaines après la sortie de la version 2.7, l’équipe de développement mettait en ligne un sondage pour recueillir les priorités des utilisateurs pour la prochaine version 2.8, prévue sous quelques […]

    Pingback from Un million de téléchargements pour WordPress 2.7 | Veille et intelligence économique pour les PME TPE on January 8, 2009

  64. […] What I do not like, though, is that automated plugin and theme installation as well as many plugins themselves require FTP or FTPS. Adding SFTP doesn’t even seem to be on the to-do list for 2.8. […]

    Pingback from FTP, FTPS, SFTP & WordPress | mriedel.org on January 8, 2009

  65. […] The ever-present topic of the existing bugs will also employ the next versions and one is thinking whether or not it is worth implementing less functionality and to fix existing bugs. Lets see, if the users are also of this opinion and whether or not they vote for these requests to be included in version 2.8.. […]

    Pingback from WordPress - An Outlook For 2009 - WP Engineer on January 9, 2009

  66. […] belt to start working on WordPress 2.8 Development. Jane Wells from Development Team has posted a new blog post on official wordpress blog roughly converting roadmap to WordPress 2.8 Development process. One […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Development Started - Demo | Nxt Gen on January 10, 2009

  67. […] la version 2.8 prévue pour normalement Avril 2009, cette nouvelle version devrait apporter bien de nouvelles fonctionnalités par rapport à la […]

    Pingback from Venez tester WordPress 2.8 | Jean-Baptiste - Blog perso, Actualités, High-Tech, WordPress, Webdesign on January 10, 2009

  68. […] to upgrade. It seems to have gone without a hitch, which is a relief! (And apparently they’re already talking about 2.8! Geez you […]

    Pingback from Surasshu Sound » New song: denpa denpa denpa denpa on January 11, 2009

  69. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 By Jane Wells. Filed under Development, Features. […]

    Pingback from Hello world! |  on January 13, 2009

  70. […] releases in comparison to previous ones. The main new features will be those chosen in the latest survey or those filed on the bug tracker. On no previous release has WordPress ever had a survey about […]

    Pingback from Enough With the Speculation < Hello, Dolly on January 13, 2009

  71. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 […]

    Pingback from First Test Post « ToilAndHumor on January 13, 2009

  72. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 December 23, 2008 Everyone knows by now that WordPress 2.7 is packed with new features. Now that it’s available (almost 600,000 downloads as I write this!), it’s time to start working on 2.8. There were dozens of things that got tabled during 2.7 due to time constraints, and there are a lot of high-rated features in the Ideas WHAT TO DO NOW? Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. […]

    Pingback from Rahadian Talking » Features in the Ideas on January 14, 2009

  73. […] meddelar Matt’s gäng att WordPress 2.8, som är på gång, kommer vara minst lika funktionsspäckad som 2.7 och dessutom kommer […]

    Pingback from WordPress instruerar via WordPress.TV och WordPress 2.8 på gång « EPiServer Polopoly Sharepoint CMS blogg on January 19, 2009

  74. […] Aujourd’hui, ils vous invitent à choisir sur quelles fonctionnalités l’équipe de développement devrait se focaliser prioritairement pour WordPress 2.8 (annonce officielle : Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8). […]

    Pingback from Sondage sur les fonctionnalités attendues pour WordPress 2.8 | Le Pixel Shoppe on January 19, 2009

  75. […] orijinalini […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 sürümünde olacak yenilikler için anket on January 24, 2009

  76. […] a comment. You can also check out more information on WordPress 2.8, the next version of WordPress, here. Share and […]

    Pingback from 5 Things that WordPress Needs on January 28, 2009

  77. […] Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 By Jane Wells. Filed under Development, Features. […]

    Pingback from Prioritizing Features for WordPress 2.8 | Darren Hester on February 22, 2009

  78. […] el blog oficial de WordPress, ya están hablando sobre algunas de las novedades que vamos a encontrar en la nueva […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 - Arde Troya on March 21, 2009

  79. […] sera bientôt disponible en version 2.8.  WordPress 3.0 est prévu pour le mois […]

    Pingback from Quelques nouveautés de l'open source et du libre pour les mois à venir | Philippe.Scoffoni.Net on April 1, 2009

  80. […] Check out the survey. Share and Enjoy: […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Wish list | csull.com on April 3, 2009

  81. […] özellikler eklenmiş..Özellikleri hakkında bu sayfaya ve diğer bilgileri için bu sayfalara […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Beta | Anarschi | Klasik Bir Hayat on May 23, 2009

  82. […] maklumat lanjut mengenai WordPress 2.8, sila ke https://wordpress.org/development/2008/12/prioritizing-features-for-wordpress-28/ Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress aku dah upgrade! | Fadzly Blog on June 11, 2009

  83. […] adresten download edip, şu ve şu adresten features ları […]

    Pingback from Mehmet AYDIN » WordPress 2.8 on June 15, 2009

  84. […] versions versus other features. Jane Wells starting with WordPress 2.7 has used PollDaddy to conduct similar surveys in order to measure what the overall community felt should be included in the next […]

    Pingback from Could BuddyPress Be The Poster Child Of WordPress? on June 22, 2009

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