@francina facilitated on this agenda. @sageshilling compiled this summary; @marybaum edited.
Celebration: WordPress turns 17!
@francina asked the group: What’s the next 17 years of WordPress look like? And then commented, “Futuristic I hope, maybe some steampunk.”
Which led to this barrage from the group:
- Radio buttons everywhere.
- Marquees.
- Blink tags, it’s all about attention grabbers.
- Even more admin messages.
- More animated gifs? I’m going to have nightmares. (edited)
And this commentary:
- Well that’s me not sleeping tonight.
- No dancing baby unless it’s Leo [son of a Core committer]
@francina got the meeting underway by pointing out two Highlighted/Need Feedback Blog Posts:
As often happens on a Wednesday, just before devchat, the Editor team issued a major release. This week: Gutenberg 8.2.0 featured block patterns and significant speed boosts, plus a long list of other enhancements.
To quote @francinadirectly: “Really, kudos, Gutenteam!”
Through the rest of today, May 28, 2020. @jeffpaul has been shepherding this process and will announce the new reps.
5.4.2 update
@whyisjake will lead 5.4.2 and confirmed he’s planning on this minor release in two weeks.
Last week the group agreed on releasing a public beta June 3 and the full release June 10th.
@whyisjake added that there is one ticket left in the milestone, and it has security implications. In the interest of making the web safer, the folx working on that ticket are thinking of backporting it to version 5.1 – which would be an exception to the project’s current policy
@audrasjb gave his Accessibility update: two of three 2020 projects will make it into 5.5. The first of those, Alternate Table Views Choices, will likely be ready to discuss next week.
Open Floor
@garrett-eclipse brought a proposed UI change from Meta, that would add a dev-note field in Trac:
Also from Meta, the act of adding a PR to a ticket will toggle some keywords: has-patch/needs-patch/needs-refresh and needs-unit-tests/has-unit-tests.(meta:#5080)
Garrett thanked @dd32 for working on this, and @desrosj told the group it’s on his priority list for the next several days.
@johnstonphilip asked the group to discuss ticket #50214: Consider introducing the concept of “Editors”, and several people immediately got going in a lively thread.
@desrosj proposed a new enhancement in this ticket: #50268: Improve the plugin/theme auto-update emails
@Howdy_McGee asked for some eyes on his patch of #50070: ‘post_type’ query variable not set for taxonomy queries
Per his comment on the agenda, @apedog asked the group about avenues to overturn decisions that have already been made.
@justinahinon asked about next steps on APAC-friendly meetings, per http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200529165705/https://make.wordpress.org/core/2020/04/29/proposals-an-apac-dev-chat-town-hall-meetings/
And to end the chat on a high note, @carike announced that Sitemaps will merge into 5.5!
@francina </devchat>
#core, #dev-chat, #summary
Myself and a few other contributors can help out with all of the above points, as well as on the day, as it relates to the privacy component specifically. :coffee:
Thanks @jeffpaul I’ve ran through the ‘Getting Started at a Contributor Day’ page and made a few minor updates;
I don’t know much about Gutenberg contrib so left that mostly untouched just updated it’s heading format to match the rest of the document.
Let me know if anything I added was incorrect.
Here is a link to the video for the privacy component:
Has anyone worked on the core video / other components yet?
Happy to help with all of these items. I also plan to be present for Contributor Day, so I am able to help then as well.
@desrosj seems like the biggest item needed by Thursday, May 14th is a video intro about the Core team. If you’re able to record and post that, then I’ll focus on trying to clear my calendar to make devchat tomorrow and help chase down the other items needed for the Core team.
Minutes of the core-privacy meeting, which covers the planning for WCEU Contributor Day:
I have added GitHub to the tools section.
I’d like to suggest separate working groups for GB, for auto updates and for sitemaps?
It would be incredibly helpful for an editor working group to facilitate an exercise where new contributors can create a block pattern(s) and document the process.
Just uploaded a vid on the theme Core is More than Code. Footage comes in at 1:27.
Updated planning for privacy component here:
@jeffpaul Please remember to add the names for the Core facilitators here:
I have already added facilitators for the privacy component.