Registration for WordCamp Europe 2020 Online opens tomorrow!

The first WordCamp Europe Online is just a few weeks away and we’re so excited! From tomorrow, you’ll be able to register for tickets on our website.

The organising team has been busy transitioning WCEU from an in-person conference to an online event. We’re working hard to deliver the type of WCEU experience the WordPress community has come to love and look forward to. 

We have a lot more to announce in the coming weeks, but starting tomorrow (Monday, 27 April), you will be able to register for a free ticket to WCEU. Ticket holders will have full access to the conference (4-6 June), and the opportunity to sign up for the online Contributor Day, taking place on 4 June.

How much do tickets cost?

Thanks to our amazing sponsors, tickets for WordCamp Europe 2020 Online are absolutely free!

What do tickets include?

  • Two days of presentations, Q&A sessions, contributing and networking, with full access to all conference content
  • The opportunity to register for a free Contributor Day ticket
  • Access to networking with our sponsors and speakers
  • The chance to meet members of the global WordPress community

Do I need to register for a ticket to watch the event?

We strongly recommend registering for a ticket, as this will give you the full WCEU experience. This will give you access to Q&A sessions, networking opportunities with speakers, sponsors and other attendees, and the opportunity to join the online Contributor Day on 4 June.

If you would rather not register, you will still be able to watch the talks. However, you won’t be able to take part in networking, Q&A sessions or Contributor Day.

How do I register for a ticket?

You will be able to register on the WCEU 2020 website.

We’ll be announcing the start of registration on our social channels tomorrow, so keep an eye out for updates on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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