
WordPress is continually under development. Currently, work is underway on Phase 2 of the Gutenberg project. The Gutenberg project is a reimagination of the way we manage content on the web. Its goal is to broaden access to web presence, which is a foundation of successful modern businesses. Phase 1 was the new block editor, which was released in WordPress 5.0, you can see that in action here. Throughout 2020 there is a focus on full site editing as we continue to progress through Phase 2.

项目执行主任Josepha Haden在这篇文章中概述了该项目在2020年的7个优先处理事项:

  • 为导航菜单创建区块。
  • Build a WordPress.org directory for discovering blocks, and a way to seamlessly install them.
  • 为用户提供一种选择插件和主题自动更新的方式。
  • Provide a way for themes to visually register content areas, and expose them in Gutenberg.
  • 升级小工具编辑区域和定制器以支持区块。
  • 为用户提供一种选择自动更新主要核心版本的方式。
  • Form a Triage team to tackle our 6,500 open issues on Trac.

Want to get involved? Head on over to Make WordPress! We can always use more people to help translate, design, document, develop and market WordPress.

Currently planned releases

Here are the current planned releases, and links to their respective milestones in our issue tracker. Any projected dates are for discussion and planning purposes, and will be firmed up as we get closer to release.

版本 计划
5.5 (Trac) 八月 2020
5.6 十二月 2020
5.7 三月 2021
5.8 六月 2021
5.9 九月 2021
6.0 十二月 2021

For more information on the planned release schedule, please read the Make WordPress Core post about the tentative release calendar for 2020-2021.

The month prior to a release new features are frozen and the focus is entirely on ensuring the quality of the release by eliminating bugs and profiling the code for any performance issues.



While Phase 2 of Gutenberg is expected to continue at least through 2020, there are already plans for Phase 3 and 4. During the State of the Word from WordCamp US 2019, Matt shared the following vision for phases in Gutenberg:


  1. Easier Editing — Already available in WordPress, with ongoing improvements
  2. Customization — Full Site editing, Block Patterns, Block Directory, Block based themes
  3. Collaboration — A more intuitive way to co-author content
  4. Multi-lingual — Core implementation for Multi-lingual sites