Adhun Anand
@adhun on, @codeboss on Slack
- Member Since: July 18th, 2012
- Location: Trivandrum
- Website:
- Job Title: CodeBoss
- Employer: AWSM innovations
Contribution History
Adhun Anand’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Meetup Organizer
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Closed ticket #44475, in Core Trac:
wp_trim_excerpt does not trim text if you pass text in.2 years ago
Created a new ticket, #40728, in Core Trac:
Added urlencode on wp_lostpassword_url()3 years ago
Created a new ticket, #40367, in Core Trac:
Proposal for a new functions file to add and manage custom hooks.3 years ago
Created a new ticket, #37848, in Core Trac:
Form fields misaligned on export.php4 years ago
WP Job Openings
Active Installs: 6,000+