Where next for #WCEU?
The application process has closed, and a WordCamp Europe 2020 host city has been selected!
After Leiden, Sofia, Sevilla, Vienna, Paris, Belgrade and Berlin, where will WordCamp Europe travel to next? Here’s an opportunity for your local WordPress community to join a historic lineup of destinations!
Every year since 2013, WordCamp Europe is organised by a team composed of two main groups: a local team and a global team. The local team is comprised of members of the host city’s WordPress community, while the global team is built around experienced WordCamp organisers from across Europe, most of whom have participated in one or more past events.
Hosting WordCamp Europe is a big responsibility. This is why the local and global teams work as one, bringing together in-depth knowledge of the local community and years of experience.
When will WordCamp Europe 2020 take place?
WordCamp Europe takes place in June, excluding the last weekend to avoid interfering with summer vacations in many European countries. Options for 2020 are:
- 4-6 June
- 11-13 June
- 18-20 June
You can apply with any of these in mind, and the final date will be decided after the selection process.
Application survey
Each year we aim to improve the application and selection process, so please read what follows carefully, even if you have participated in the past.
Who can apply?
Any team that has organised one or more successful WordCamps in a European city, with at least one in 2017 and/or 2018.
What is the first step?
We help all candidates to prepare the best possible application using the WCEU Slack workspace. If your team is interested in hosting, the first step is to email us at host@wp-europe.org.
On 13 December 2018 we will hold a preliminary online AMA session to answer as many questions as we can about the process.
How do we apply?
To apply, fill out this survey. Note that it is possible to save it partially filled, then come back later to complete it. It will only be final when the application period ends.
Speaking of which, when does the application period end? You have until 28 February at 23:59 CET to apply. Applications are closed.
How is the WCEU 2020 host city selected?
The survey has five sections:
- The first section allows us to get to know the team.
- The second section is about your local community and WordCamps.
- The third is about the venue and the budget. It is important to note that we will help you answer these questions to ensure that all applications are within budget range and present the right venue characteristics. We won’t use data from this section to rank applications and make the selection.
- Sections four and five are about the Contributor Day and After Party venues and budgets, and work pretty much like section two.
- Section six concerns cost of living in your city and selecting the best destination for attendees. There are objective and measurable data points used to rank cities and make a selection.
- Finally, section seven is qualitative information about your city, which serves as a starting point for conversation in case two or more candidates tie for first place.
Can I apply with more than one venue?
Yes, as long as they are in the same city. Complete the survey in its entirety for each venue. Do this only for the main venue; there is no need to apply multiple times if you have different Contributor Day or After Party options. Pick the best for your application.
What about transparency?
To guarantee total transparency during the process, all applicants receive the same help in the appropriate public channel of the WCEU Slack workspace. No question is considered or answered in a private message.
We will compare applications using questions asked in sections three and four of the survey. All answers are then ranked — best one receives four points, the last one zero, and the ones in between two points each.
Our goal is to help all teams file a solid application, then select the one that will make the event the most desirable for attendees, both in cost and accessibility.
What happens if my team is selected?
We will select the host city for 2020 by 15 March 2019 at the latest. A few members of that team will be invited by the current team to participate in the final phase of organisation for WordCamp Europe 2019 in Berlin to become as familiar as possible with the process.
The host city for 2020 will be announced during closing remarks in Berlin.
Are you a current organiser of a local WordCamp in Europe and have a team that wants to host the event in your city? If the answer is yes:
- Email host@wp-europe.org to join the conversation.
- Participate in the AMA session on 13 December 2018.
- Apply to host WCEU 2020 by 28 February 2019.
- Receive a decision by 15 March 2019.
We look forward to chatting with you about hosting WCEU in your city. Good luck!
I’m very curious who will call himself as a host for this. Keep me posted please