1. René Hermenau
    · Reply

    Happy Birthday PHP!
    25 Years and I still love PHP with every release more and more.

    As many of my colleagues and developer friends use PHPStorm as their favorite PHP editor and as it is for most PHP devs THE editor I’d like to mention that the jetbrains developers also celebrate the 25 Year of PHP and for the next 6hours they still provide us with a 50% discount.

    I am not involved in PHPstorm nor I am working for them. I do not earn anything by sharing this information.
    I am just a end-user who thinks this information could be beneficial for many PHP devs as they already use this editor and pay for it every year. What is a celebration without any gifts.


  2. Ricardo
    · Reply

    It’s true. We all owe a tribute and respect to PHP. It was a landmark in programming. But not a goodbye tribute. Just a big congratulations one.
    I just hope it endures in this crazywonderful world of programming, with everybody jumping around from one language to another – making the DRY method weird to be comprehended.
    I hope all developers see the potential in it. It’s not just an old language. It’s a SS language.
    Internet will always be a Server thing. PHP lives in the core of its existence. This is so powerful. Maybe to powerful for some.
    I really hope all around PHP evolves in a way that makes it a modern and pertinent solution.
    PHP has some of the best developers. It can’t sleep. It can’t be “sleeped”. And it must attract new ones.
    Congratulations to all PHP programmers, maintainers and visionairs out there.


  3. Jitendra Sondur
    · Reply

    Thanks a ton PHP! You are wonderful server side scripting language. Providing bread and butter to millions of people in the world
    Looking forward to PHP 8!


  4. Miriam Schwab
    · Reply

    So grateful for PHP! In case you missed it, Zeev Suraski, a lead author of PHP and co-founder of Zend (and now CTO of Strattic), spoke about PHP 8 and the future of PHP at WCEU 2020. Worth taking a look: https://youtu.be/df3Nx1vyswU?t=5355


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