
WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1

Posted June 21, 2009 by Ryan Boren. Filed under Development, Releases.

We’ve started work on the first maintenance release to 2.8.  2.8.1 will fix a handful of bugs that turned up in 2.8.  Today we’re releasing the first beta of 2.8.1.  Download it, and check out the bugs fixed so far.  Here are some of the notable issues that are fixed in beta 1.

  • Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change.
  • Dashboard memory usage is reduced.  Some people were running out of memory when loading the dashboard, resulting in an incomplete page.
  • The automatic upgrade no longer accidentally deletes files when cleaning up from a failed upgrade.
  • A problem where the rich text editor wasn’t being loaded due to compression issues has been worked around.
  • Extra security has been put in place to better protect you from plugins that do not do explicit permission checks.

If you would like to automatically upgrade from 2.8 to 2.8.1 Beta 1, follow these instructions.  Thanks for testing WordPress.

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  1. […] It didn’t take long to add a point 1By Austin on June 20, 2009 Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Announced already, WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 — WPCult on June 21, 2009

  2. […] está disponible para su descarga la primera versión beta de la próxima actualización de WordPress. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | TodoWordPress on June 21, 2009

  3. […] WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1. Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 under way already on June 21, 2009

  4. […] here: WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | Lukmanul Hakim.net on June 21, 2009

  5. […] WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 Released on June 21, 2009

  6. […] Even though 2.8.0 was just released, WordPress 2.8.1 was just released to the masses. Be sure to use the upgrade feature to save yourself time. That is all! No […]

    Pingback from 2.8.1 Release is out…mostly quick needed maintenance fixes. | the rabbit hole on June 21, 2009

  7. WordPress 2.8.1-b1…

    2.8.1 beta 1

    Trackback from V.J.Catkick@ on June 21, 2009

  8. […] original post here: WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | Opensource CMS | Just another Opensource News on June 21, 2009

  9. WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1…

    Całkiem niedawno ukazała się wersja 2.8 systemu wordpress. W dniu dzisiejszym opublikowana została beta wersji 2.8.1 usuwająca najbardziej uciążliwe błedy tej edycji czyli:

    naprawiono funkcję get_categories
    zmniejszono zapotrzebowanie na pami……

    Trackback from Blog prawie techniczny, a na pewno subiektywny on June 21, 2009

  10. […] Go to Source […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | GreyBlogs.com - Themes on June 21, 2009

  11. Download WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 – First Maintenance Release to 2.8…

    The first maintenance release to WordPress 2.8, baker release, WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 is available for download. The first beta of WordPress 2.8.1 has got many bugs fixed. You can get onto a development upgrade path to automatically upgrade to betas an…

    Trackback from TechHail : Technology Blog on June 21, 2009

  12. […] : Blog WordPress WordPress CMS […]

    Pingback from TiChou » WordPress 2.8.1 bêta 1 déjà disponible on June 21, 2009

  13. […] interesting new features. Well this time the news is that the hardworking team behind WordPress has released 2.8.1. Actually they have released Beta 1 of WordPress 2.8.1. You are encouraged to download this […]

    Pingback from Get your hands on WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | Geekword on June 21, 2009

  14. […] WordPress 2.8.1 är släppt och du kan se vilka fel som åtgärdats hittills i WordPress trac och i utvecklingsbloggen. Ingen svensk version kommer att skapas för denna betaversion. Språkfilerna är dock uppdaterade […]

    Pingback from WordPress | Sverige » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 on June 21, 2009

  15. WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 released…

    WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 has been released, which is a maintenance release.
    Most important fixes include:

    Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change….

    Trackback from Ramoonus.nl on June 21, 2009

  16. […] 2.8 yayımlanalı henüz 10 gün geçmişken WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 sürümü duyuruldu. Bu sürümde aşağıdakiler başta olmak üzere bazı hatalar […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 · Yakup Gövler - WordPress'e dair ne varsa on June 21, 2009

  17. […] さてダッシュボードが崩れるとかアップグレードで関係ないファイルが削除されるといった不具合が報告されていたWordpress2.8ですが、はやくも2.8.1のbeta1がリリースされました。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress2.8 beta1リリース » めもろぐ on June 21, 2009

  18. […] Source: WordPress.org […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | Premium WordPress Hosting on June 21, 2009

  19. […] […]

    Pingback from [ãÔßáÉ]:ÇáÕÝÍÉ ÇáÑÆíÓíÉ Ýí áæÍÉ ÇáÊÍßã - ÇáÕÝÍÉ 3 on June 21, 2009

  20. […] You can view the full post over at the development blog. […]

    Pingback from JungleJar | WordPress 2.8.1 Beta Released on June 21, 2009

  21. […] 以下は、2009年6月21日に書かれた WordPress.org 公式ブログの記事、「WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1」を訳したものです。日本語版は現在準備中です。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress | 日本語 » WordPress 2.8.1 ベータ 1 on June 21, 2009

  22. […] sich zu 2.8 auftaten, haben die Entwicklung von 2.8.1 direkt starten lassen – schon gibt es eine Betaversion von 2.8.1. Wenn diese dann stable ist, werde ich auch […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 in Sicht | zeitsturz on June 21, 2009

  23. […] Wartungs-Release 2.8.1 wurde jetzt in der Version Beta 1 veröffentlicht. Die Entwickler haben damit zügig auf verschiedene Probleme, die durch 2.8 auftraten, […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 - Das Wartungs-Release 281 wurde jetzt in der Version Beta 1 veröffentlicht Die Entwickler haben damit zügig auf verschiedene Probleme die durch 28 auftraten reagiert Bis zum finalen Release wird es nicht mehr lange dauern, →, O on June 21, 2009

  24. WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1…

    O beta daquele que virá para corrigir os bugs do 2.8. Os principais bugs corrigidos:

    Certos temos estavam chamando get_categories() de uma forma que falharia no 2.8. O 2.8.1 contorna isso, assim esses temas não precisam mudar.
    O uso de memória n……

    Trackback from devlog on June 21, 2009

  25. […] Informationen über die Änderungen dieser ersten Betafassung sowie einen Download-Link für WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 findet man im WordPress Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 veröffentlicht | unser archiv on June 21, 2009

  26. […] ontwikkelaars bij WordPress zijn begonnen met het ontwikkelen van een eerste maintenance release voor WordPress 2.8. Deze nieuwe versie, met nummer 2.8.1,  zal een handjevol bugs […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | NAPNAM | Patrick Andriessen on June 21, 2009

  27. […] to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet BoxWordpress developers announced that they are curently working on a stable release form WordPress 2.8. Look here to see the fixed […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | The unblogger on June 21, 2009

  28. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-1-beta-1/ […]

    Pingback from 新宿ITベンチャーブログ - WordPress 2.8.1 beta1 リリースっ on June 21, 2009

  29. […] WordPress 2.8.1 Beta […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta out and not so smooth upgrade to 2.8 by Us | Smart Blog Tips on June 21, 2009

  30. […] get this update, click here. Comment (RSS) […]

    Pingback from » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta Net Patcher on June 22, 2009

  31. […] 「WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1」「WordPress | 日本語 » WordPress 2.8.1 ベータ 1」によると、関係のないファイルが全て削除されてしまう”自動アップグレードの問題“など複数の不具合が修正された「WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1」がリリースされたようです。修正された重要な問題一覧は以下↓ * Certain themes were calling get_categories() in such a way that it would fail in 2.8. 2.8.1 works around this so these themes won’t have to change. * Dashboard memory usage is reduced.  Some people were running out of memory when loading the dashboard, resulting in an incomplete page. * The automatic upgrade no longer accidentally deletes files when cleaning up from a failed upgrade. * A problem where the rich text editor wasn’t being loaded due to compression issues has been worked around. * Extra security has been put in place to better protect you from plugins that do not do explicit permission checks. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta1 - 鯖市場管理人SABAdminのブログ on June 22, 2009

  32. […] 2.8.1 Beta 1 am 22. Juni 2009 in WordPress Releases Gestern ist der erste Maintenance-Release WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 bereitgestellt worden. Dieser bessert einige Bugs aus, die mit 2.8 aufgetreten waren. Auch […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | webdemar.com on June 22, 2009

  33. […] hat gestern das erste Update für WordPress 2.8 veröffentlicht. Das Update beseitigt, neben vielen kleinen Bugs,  beispielsweise einige Probleme mit […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 released | kernreaktor on June 22, 2009

  34. […] Download: WordPress 2.8 | WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | TechBeta on June 22, 2009

  35. […] you could upgrade to WP 2.8.1 beta, which should have resolved both of the above issues – though equally there are other, unfixed […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 bugs? Try this | Blog Mum | WordPress made easy on June 22, 2009

  36. […] ce pe 11 iunie a aparut WordPress 2.8 Baker , pe 31 iunie , a aparut deja WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 , care vine sa rezolve bugurile existente in WordPress 2.8 , fiind doar o versiune de intretinere […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | ROMANIA INEDIT on June 22, 2009

  37. […] WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 on June 23, 2009

  38. […] via WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1. […]

    Pingback from Jo’s Other Blog | WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 on June 23, 2009

  39. […] jours après la version 2.8, la première mise à jour mineure pointe le bout de son nez… ou du moins sa première ébauche. Pour corriger des petits bugs découverts depuis la […]

    Pingback from L’hebdo WordPress : version 2.8.1 beta, BuddyPress, bbPress | WordPress Francophone on June 23, 2009

  40. […] WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 released […]

    Pingback from WordCast 57: El Capitan WordPress | Bitwire Media on June 23, 2009

  41. […] news e curiosità sono presenti sui post ufficiali di WordPress Italy e WordPress.org, tra cui la notizia che il team di sviluppatori di WordPress è già al lavoro per la versione 2.9. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1, tutte le novità - Geekissimo on June 23, 2009

  42. […] Check out the 2.8.1 download to see if it clears up some issues. Share and […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Killed My Blog! on June 24, 2009

  43. […] Download it here […]

    Pingback from Wp Themes Planet » New WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 Released on June 24, 2009

  44. […] لله وشكر له وحده تم ترقيت المدونة إلى أخر تحديث نزل من tuufy.2.8.1-beta1 الوورد بريس الشهيرة في أدارة محتويات المواقع .. فعلاً […]

    Pingback from توفي | مدونة تعشق الريادة | » ترقيت مدونة توفي إلى WordPress 2.8.1-beta1 on June 24, 2009

  45. […] 21号wordpress官方发布了2.8.1 Beta 1,官方网站上说明是为了解决修复2.8中出现的问题,2.8正式版刚刚发布没多久,就出来了2.8.1 Beta 1,更新速度实在迅速,不过这只是测试版,还并不是正式版的2.8.1,本测试版本主要解决5个BUG,大家也可以去官方查看原文并下载WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1。 1.修复2.8某些主题出现错误方式调用get_categories() 而使主题不能用 2.修复控制板存储容量,某些用户因为耗尽内存在载入中控制板而导致网页不完整 3.修复自动升级失败无意删除不应该删除的文件 4.解决了2.8版中文件压缩问题导致文本编辑器不能加载加强保护措施,避免有些没有明确许可验证插件对系统的影响 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1测试版发布 | Happy every day on June 24, 2009

  46. […] WordPress 2.8.1beta1 est disponible. La liste des modifications – en anglais – est disponible sur le blog des développeurs. […]

    Pingback from Le Weblog de Frederic Bezies » Archive du blog » En vrac’ rapide et libre. on June 24, 2009

  47. […] WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 Released […]

    Pingback from WordCast 57: El Capitan WordPress | Kym Huynh on June 25, 2009

  48. […] La nuova versione di WordPress beta è scaricabile da https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-1-beta-1/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 è arrivata la beta - Come Faccio Per on June 25, 2009

  49. […] sürümünü yayınlayalı çok olmadan hemen çalışmalara başlamış ve 2.8.1 versiyonu için ilk beta‘yı yayınlamış […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 | tasarhane.com on June 25, 2009

  50. […] sabemos la razón real para esta beta, pero, según se señala en el blog de WordPress ya están trabajando en la versión 2.8.1, para resolver algunos bugs en la 2.8, como problemas con […]

    Pingback from Gv-Design » Blog Archive » WordPress a las carreras on June 25, 2009

  51. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-1-beta-1/ Comparte este contenido […]

    Pingback from ayudaweb » WordPress 2.8 en Español para descargar on June 26, 2009

  52. […] WordPress 2.8 was released on June 11 and in roughly 12 days they have achieved a major milestone;  Their 1 millionith download.  Most users are holding out on upgrading fearing early release bugs and what not so the real number would have been alot higher.  WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 already has been released fixing numerous bugs and adding some security features.  Read all about it here. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8 Celebrates their 1 Million Download | WPThemes.com - WordPress Themes on June 26, 2009

  53. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-1-beta-1/ Delivery status notifications ( Teslim durumu bildirimleri ) Admin Haziran 26th, 2009 11:30 #0 Bir yorum yönetici tarafından onaylandığında, sonraki yorumlar sistem tarafından otomatik olarak onaylanacaktır. Henüz yorum yok. […]

    Pingback from Derssaati » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 yayınlandı. on June 26, 2009

  54. […] Official Link: http://www.wordpress.org […]

    Pingback from [blog update]: WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 | NaughtyCat on June 27, 2009

  55. […] Taken from WordPress development blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta Installation Guide | Sendal Jepit Blog on June 28, 2009

  56. […] günlerde WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1 sürümü yayınlanmıştın, nedense önemli olmayacağını düşünerek o gün bu konu ile […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 2. | E-Gunluk.Net on June 29, 2009

  57. […] Beta 1 ¦ Download It ¦ Go Home […]

    Pingback from Development of WordPress v2.8.1 Under Way « iNulled.org on June 29, 2009

  58. […] teníamos WordPress 2.8, ya tenemos “danzando” WordPress 2.8.1 y sus correspondientes Beta 1 y Beta […]

    Pingback from aulambra.com » WordPress 2.8.1 Beta on July 4, 2009

  59. […] WordPress 2.8.1 är släppt och du kan se vilka fel som åtgärdats hittills i WordPress trac och i utvecklingsbloggen. Ingen svensk version kommer att skapas för denna betaversion. Språkfilerna är dock uppdaterade […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 1 on July 26, 2009

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