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Welcome to the official blog of the translators team for the WordPress open source project.

This is where we discuss all things related to translating WordPress. Follow our progress for general updates, status reports, and debates.

We’d love for you to help out.

Translate WordPress

You can help translating WordPress to your language at any time. Just log in to the translation platform with your WordPress.org account, and suggest translations. If you want to help in managing and validating translations, please make sure to get in touch with the existing language team and follow the glossaries & style guides if the team has them.

Don’t see your language?

Request support for it by following this guide.

Weekly Meetings

We have meetings every week and at various hours every week. Check Slack in #polyglots (the schedule is on the sidebar of this page or the meeting schedule page). You are also welcome to ask questions on the same channel at any time!

Posting here

In order to post to this site, you will need to log in with your wordpress.org account. Your first post may take a while to show up, as it is moderated. Please follow our tag policy when posting.

#5-5, #announcement

Translate WordPress

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WordPress 5.5 ready to be translated

WordPress 5.5, planned for August 11, 2020, is now ready to be translated on translate.wordpress.org!

The strings are in the development projects. The strings for WordPress 5.4 have been moved to projects/wp/5.4.x.

As usual, a few of the new strings are related to updates to the block editor. Thus existing translations from the Gutenberg project have been copied to the WordPress project. The same was done for the WordPress Auto-updates feature plugin, also part of WordPress 5.5.

Happy translating! 🌏🌍🌎

#announcement #5-5

Polyglots Handbook reorganization

@lidialab and I have been working together on the Polyglots Handbook reorganization effort. The goal is to propose a new order of the Handbook that will, hopefully, improve the user experience and to update any pages that may be out-of-date or missing. 

To begin, we identified five different “user types” to identify the types of people who might use the Handbook. Those were:

  • Individual/new translation contributors
  • Editors (General Translation Editors and Project Translation Editors)
  • Locale managers
  • Polyglots Global Mentors
  • Developers (theme and plugin authors)

We decided to approach the changes by identifying which pages in the Handbook were related to which user type. If you’re curious, you can see how we did that in our Google Doc here.

Proposed reorganization

At this point, we’ve come up with an outline for the proposed new order of the Handbook pages. There are a few new pages that we will need to write, and all the existing pages would benefit from having someone review them for any updates or improvements. Here’s what we propose for the new outline:

Call for feedback and volunteers

For next steps, we’d like to:

  • Ask for any feedback on the proposed reorganization of the Handbook. Have we missed any user groups? Would one page fit in a better section? Would a section benefit from a new page?
  • Simultaneously, we would like to open a call for volunteers to help with reviewing and writing documentation. (We will post more information below.)
  • Once all the documents have been reviewed and updated, we will add and publish any changes live on the site.* 

Our target deadline is June 30th, 2020, which will give us an entire month for feedback and volunteers. At the end of the deadline, we will post an update and revisit next steps.

How to Help

If you’re interested in helping, we’ve created this spreadsheet for volunteers to sign up. Please type your WordPress.org username next to the page you would like to work on. 

  • To edit existing pages, please copy the content into a Google doc. Add your Google doc to the Polyglots Handbook folder (ping @lidialab or @evarlese if you need access). Then, use the Suggesting mode to make edits/changes so it is easier to track changes. 
  • For new pages, please write them in a new Google doc and save to the Polyglots Handbook folder.

WCEU Contributor Day is June 4th (don’t forget to register if you haven’t already!) and we would love for anyone to work on this during that time. If you are new to Polyglots, support Polyglots but don’t speak another language, or if you would like to contribute to Polyglots in a new way, we would appreciate your help. Both during contributor day, and before or after Contributor Day!

* As a note: while we will change the order of the Handbook, we also want to maintain the permalinks for each page as much as possible. (Props Lidia for thinking of this!) Before publishing new pages, we will need to set up redirects so that links to the old URLs continue to work seamlessly.

PTE Request for [Subscribe to Category]

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for:

Abonneren op Categorie

We have a number of great translation editors that we’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin(s). Please add the following WordPress.org users as translation editors for their respective locales:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Ultimate Gift…

PTE Request for http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-gift-cards-lite/ – Ultimate Gift Cards For WooCommerce

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for Ultimate Gift Cards For WooCommerce. Please add the following WordPress.org users as translation editor for respective locale:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


Hello, because I’ve did some…

Hello, because I’ve did some translation for #en_CA in the past my org profile also has a Canadian “site”.

But it’s not my native language. I’m already removed as PTE for this language.
Can a GTE of #en_CA remove the Canadian “site” from my profile?

Thanks in advance!



No, contributions made cannot be removed from your profile.

I app…

I apply to be a translation editor.

1.Themes: Zakra
Address: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://wordpress.org/themes/zakra/
Translation type: Simplified Chinese (China) zh_CN

2.Plugins:LuckyWP Table of Contents
Translation type: Simplified Chinese (China) zh_CN

3.Plugins:Embed Code
Translation type: Simplified Chinese (China) zh_CN


Tag for #zh_CN added (and mentioned here in order to notify the team).

Weekly Polyglots Chat – July 29, 2020 (6 UTC)

Here’s the agenda for our weekly chat.

This meeting will be held at Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 12:00 PM UTC in the #polyglots channel in the Making WordPress Slack.


Meeting archive

Weekly Locale Stats

Below stats are dated 2020-07-29 compared to 2020-07-22 (differences between brackets).

Releases: 204 (±0) locale, 66 (±0) up to date, 2 (±0) behind by minor versions, 5 (±0) behind by one major version, 49 (±0) behind more than one major version, 80 (±0) have site but never released, 2 (±0) have no site.
Translations: 204 (±0) total, 9 (+7) at 100%, 23 (-4) over 95%, 43 (-4) over 90%, 49 (+1) over 50%, 80 (±0) below 50%, 122 (±0) have a language pack generated, 3 (±0) have no project.
Requests: There are 44 unresolved editor requests out of 3 499 (+18) total and 11 unresolved locale requests out of 141 (+4) total.
Translators: There are 691 (-1) GTE, 4 642 (+36) PTE and 44 295 (+141) translation contributors.
(A wordpress.org account could have multiple roles over different locale)
Site language: 55,738% (-0,042%) of WordPress sites are running a translated WordPress site.

5.5 translation status & update

  • French = 98%, Russian = 100%, Japanese = 95%, Korean = 12% so far.
  • @cansmile said they are starting Korean core translation from scratch for correct consistency issues
  • Let’s test new features! Lots of new UI elements, block editor changes, and auto-plugin/theme update feature

Polyglots Handbook progress

  • @casiepa made a good point about having fresh pairs of eyes on docs. If you are not familiar with the documentation, that’s a good reason to participate in the review process & give feedback 😉
  • You can find tasks on the Prioritized Tasks, or ask questions in #polyglots Slack channel any time

Italian Translation Day

  • @casiepa joined part of the event. There was a very nice overview of translation and how to contribute. Several new PTEs were added.

Achievements & Open Floor

Hi @tobifjellner, Can you please…

Hi @tobifjellner,
Can you please check 3 new messages of my plugin “Subscribe to Category”. I did translate them with google but not being a Swedish speaker at all I cannot check this.

At first, I couldn’t find it. Then I found out that my “collegaue” had already checked those strings, and one was OK. I translated the remaining two strings for you.
This kind of quick requests are usually better discussed via Slack. Why don’t you sign up for an account with the global Slack team for WordPress contributors, via http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://make.wordpress.org/chat/
But for Swedish, in most cases we check pending translations relatively quickly.

Many Thanks,
I will join Slack asap.

PTE Request for [Coronavirus (COVID-19)…

PTE Request for [Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker by Symptoma]

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://wordpress.org/plugins/symptoma-covid19/ – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom Checker by Symptoma. We’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin. Please add the following WordPress.org users as CLPTEs so we can manage the translations our selfes:

— en_GB @helle1 , @symptoma

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


Hi @helle1

You need to suggest some strings for en_GB first. Just ping me when you have done so.

By the way, are you requesting PTE or CLPTE status?

For the moment being, I’ve removed the tag for #en_GB
@helle1 please add a comment here (possibly tagging #en_GB or mentioning @markscottrobson in order to notify them directly without my intervention). Alternatively, you could just ping Mark on Slack, that’s fine, too.

Hallo @helle1! Da ich Deinem Aktivitätslog entnommen habe, daß Du aus Österreich bist, habe ich Dir die entsprechenden Rechte gegeben. Bitte denke daran, daß neben dem allgemeinen Regelwerk der deutschsprachigen Community (Durchkopplung usw.) subsidiär auch noch der spezifische österreichische Glossar zu berücksichtigen ist.

@tobifjellner: Done for de_AT

Hallo @helle1! Da du deutschsprachiger Plugin-Autor bist, können und wollen wir dir die PTE-Rechte für de_DE natürlich nicht verweigern. Daher bist du nun PTE.

Wir möchten dich an dieser Stelle allerdings auf Styleguide, Komposita und Glossar hinweisen. Wir empfehlen dir, deine deutschsprachigen Strings entsprechend zu erstellen, um deinen Nutzern eine möglichst hochwertige, professionelle und konsistente Lokalisierung zu bieten. Das Polyglots-Team unterstützt dich gerne bei allen Fragen oder der Umsetzung im deutschen Slack #polyglots Channel. So tritt man dem deutschen Slack-Channel bei.

Zudem scheint es bei den Originalstrings noch einen Fehler zu geben. Hier sind meines Erachtens Platzhalter statt der richtigen englischen Sätze/Wörter drin.

Done for de_DE @tobifjellner

PTE Request for weDocs

I’ve suggested translations for this plugin and would like to have them reviewed. I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: WeDocs
URL: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://wordpress.org/plugins/wedocs/

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Bappi Theme

Hello Polyglots, I am the author for

It would be kind if you add me as translation editor for:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for [UnderConstructionPage and all of our plugins, if possible]

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for [UnderConstructionPage: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://wordpress.org/plugins/under-construction-page/ ] and would like to ask you, if possible, to add the following users as PTE for all of our plugins (so I don’t have to send separate posts for each plugin), including UnderConstructionPage. Here’s the link to our profile ( WebFactory: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://profiles.wordpress.org/webfactory/ ).

If you have any questions, just comment here and let me know, please. Thank you!


Hey @ijurisic87

I”ve added @larryl79 to every project you maintain as developer (21 of them, if I’m counting right).

Hey @djzone,
Yes, that’s right, thank you very much!

(Post Title) PTE Request for [Woostify theme]

Hello Polyglots, I am the theme author for Woostify http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20200730144237/https://wordpress.org/themes/woostify/ . Please add the following WordPress.org users as translation editors for their respective locales:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


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