Podcast #42. ¿Qué es el #WPTranslationDay y cómo puedes colaborar? #WordPress https://t.co/etVDAbLQFZ https://t.co/OUsZrZtAyA

Thanks for those who’ve already offered to help with voiceovers & caption translations for videos helping new contr… https://t.co/C030s00zbG

Podcast #42. 14.000 voluntarios colaborarán en el #WPTranslationDay para traducir el ecosistema #WordPress… https://t.co/KJekPj0Ga2

Congratulations to @yoast on your 10 years. Thanks for your support for #WPTranslationDay & sharing our stories of… https://t.co/7Ips2RCRge

Great fun translating #WordPress with you and others. Thanks to all who supported the three mini events with Bengal… https://t.co/Gk4a6UBjwD

@NonStopNewsUK @tareq_cse @mayeenulislam @iambhargavmehta @macgraphic @mizpress @NonStopNewsUK Thank you so much fo… https://t.co/Zc76nk1xsC

Another three great events to translate #WordPress. Many tips by @tareq_cse, @mayeenulislam, @iambhargavmehta & oth… https://t.co/zjD8WFBts5

আসুন, ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস বাংলায় অনুবাদ করতে আমাদের সহায়তা করুন।

A huge shout out to @NonStopNewsUK for her relentless dedication & support with the mini event for @TranslateWP 202… https://t.co/34yn27uatp

We are Live on the WordPress Bangla Translation Day 2020 Mini Event.
আমরা লাইভে আছি জয়েন করুন
Joining Link:
Faceb… https://t.co/OniEG388f1

@WPCalendario @wpkolkata Thanks @WPCalendario. Read about the translation mini events taking place to encourage exi… https://t.co/Ig8mD8U8sA

Come and translate #WordPress from English to #Bengali at mini-translation events today (16 May 2020).… https://t.co/HTZ79kF8gM

If you are thinking about how to promote translation locally or as part of a local Meetup, connect with us. We orga… https://t.co/Rkz8s14Z0H

A day to translate English WordPress into Bengali.
Event Link: https://t.co/hcllURdCAk
To Participate, Registratio… https://t.co/AbvTlXWE0X

#WPBangladesh GTE team is organzing @WordPress Bangla Translation Day on 16 May,2020 starting from 11AM.
For det… https://t.co/BGblQwD8CA

The @WordPress #Translation Team for Bangla is going to celebrate @TranslateWP 2020 on the 16th May. The GTE’s… https://t.co/WYvbycxpdk

From the #WPPolyglots worldwide, sending good luck to everyone taking part in today’s mini #WPTranslationDay online… https://t.co/XPdTYaxkat

@AudrasJb @cardinalinsider Let’s celebrate the French-speaking WordPress community and its mini-event later today (… https://t.co/32iCHutQqe

Until we meet again for the next global #WordPress Translation Day, there’s a chance to celebrate the French-speaki… https://t.co/LBe4fE5SUz

The wonderful French #WordPress translation team is hosting a virtual event this Friday 17 April 2020. Please suppo… https://t.co/hv9m9GCAk3

Vous lisez l’anglais et écrivez le français ? C’est le moment de vous lancer et participer à la grande aventure… https://t.co/K92V3akfD5

Next Friday, the French WordPress translation team will host a virtual event: WP Translation Day FR 🇫🇷🌐🙌
#WordPress… https://t.co/SCByRpp9ll

Participez à la traduction de #WordPress à l’occasion du #WPTranslationDay en remote c’est possible et ça se passer… https://t.co/dlAGUVVNVH

Podcast #42. ¿Qué es el #WPTranslationDay y cómo puedes colaborar? #WordPress https://t.co/cAonZ5Ztj1 https://t.co/bRxaSlriMY

Podcast #42. Colabora con la Comunidad #WordPress en el #WPTranslationDay y ayuda en su traducción #WordPress… https://t.co/jv5ZCrdil2

Annual #WordPress survey is open and available in five other languages so far, well done #WPPolyglots… https://t.co/5nLILbOUvE

Podcast #42. Durante 24h tendrá lugar el #WPTranslationDay para ayudar en la traducción de #WordPress #WordPress… https://t.co/aYdOC5zCFy