Enable jQuery Migrate Helper


С обновлением WordPress 5.5 инструмент миграции, известный как jquery-migrate, больше не будет включен по умолчанию. Это может привести к неожиданному поведению некоторых тем или плагинов, которые используют старый код.

Этот плагин служит временным решением, позволяя авторам плагинов и тем получить больше времени для обновления и тестирования своего кода.


  1. Upload to your plugins folder, usually wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
  3. That’s it! The plugin handles the rest automatically for you.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What does it mean that something is «deprecated»

Скрипт, файл или иной фрагмент кода считается устаревшим, когда разработчики заменяют его более современным или удаляют полностью.

How do I find and use the browser console

WordPress.org has an article about using the browsers console log to diagnose JavaScript errors.


Absolutely fabulous plugin. Solved an issue that relied on an author to update his plugin. Couldn't wait any longer so decided to research the problem and it appeared that WordPress 5.5 stopped support for older JQuery libraries. I then found you wonderful plugin. Installed it and in less than a minute everything just worked as it should. I even blogged about your great plugin.
Submitted a support ticket with fabthemes twice since their slider no longer worked after upgrading to WordPress v5.5. Waited months but did not receive a single reply. Stumbled upon this plugin and 1 minute later the problems were solved!
More people need to know about this as it helped fix a breaking sit eof mine - after hours onto support and caching and testing and BLAH BLAH BLAH
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Журнал изменений

v 1.0.1

  • Fix one of the admin notices being non-dismissible.

v 1.0.0

  • Initial release.