100% agree with @pedro_gaspar, these plugins really help with WordPress translation contribution workflow 🌟💯
👉 Tr… https://t.co/M4siJ2KnlT

Thank you to all the wonderful #polyglots around the world helping #WordPress users everywhere!

You can update on demand the translations of your preferred plugins and themes with the plugin Force Update Transla… https://t.co/yjWAjOw7Pd

You can focus on translating all your preferred plugins, by checking its translation stats right from your installe… https://t.co/ocpWpGCrjG

If you are focusing on WordPress core translation, you can set your WordPress language to ANY Locale, even if it ha… https://t.co/bLDyQ5qCPi

Hey #WPPolyglots,
Happy International Translation Day!
Here are some suggestions of mine… https://t.co/uylyxu1TgF

Dia 1 de Outubro, pelas 21:30, meetup de tradução do ecossistema #WordPress para Português [pt_PT].… https://t.co/iDag52JWP8

@Glekler We will organize an online meetup for #WPTranslationDay and also help attendees to get into Slack, as this… https://t.co/SOuSXN1JBL

Wie letzte Woche im Meetup angekündigt sind wir auch dieses Jahr wieder beim #WPTranslationDay dabei und organisier… https://t.co/KZUsXiSFPC

#コテンラジオ オスマン帝国シリーズの文字おこしのお手伝いを1時間半ほどやり(あと2回分でコンプ!)、#WPTranslationDay でプラグインの翻訳を小一時間ほど進めてたら次の日になってしまった。オスマン帝国の理解が少し深まった。

🎇 Does your locale have #WPTranslationDay?
If not, you can make your own event 🎉, just a little online hangout with… https://t.co/h9jPt4MYF9

Podcast #42. ¿Sabes que #WordPress está traducido en 169 idiomas? Aprende a colaborar en #WPTranslationDay… https://t.co/h5Pq4e1pje

Finally! Updating theme translation file is now supported. Hope this plugin helps for inviting more new WordPress t… https://t.co/opHODrRvOe

Podcast #42. ¿Qué es el #WPTranslationDay y cómo puedes colaborar? #WordPress https://t.co/etVDAbLQFZ https://t.co/OUsZrZtAyA

Thanks for those who’ve already offered to help with voiceovers & caption translations for videos helping new contr… https://t.co/C030s00zbG

Podcast #42. 14.000 voluntarios colaborarán en el #WPTranslationDay para traducir el ecosistema #WordPress… https://t.co/KJekPj0Ga2

Congratulations to @yoast on your 10 years. Thanks for your support for #WPTranslationDay & sharing our stories of… https://t.co/7Ips2RCRge

Great fun translating #WordPress with you and others. Thanks to all who supported the three mini events with Bengal… https://t.co/Gk4a6UBjwD

@NonStopNewsUK @tareq_cse @mayeenulislam @iambhargavmehta @macgraphic @mizpress @NonStopNewsUK Thank you so much fo… https://t.co/Zc76nk1xsC

Another three great events to translate #WordPress. Many tips by @tareq_cse, @mayeenulislam, @iambhargavmehta & oth… https://t.co/zjD8WFBts5

আসুন, ওয়ার্ডপ্রেস বাংলায় অনুবাদ করতে আমাদের সহায়তা করুন।

A huge shout out to @NonStopNewsUK for her relentless dedication & support with the mini event for @TranslateWP 202… https://t.co/34yn27uatp

We are Live on the WordPress Bangla Translation Day 2020 Mini Event.
আমরা লাইভে আছি জয়েন করুন
Joining Link:
Faceb… https://t.co/OniEG388f1

@WPCalendario @wpkolkata Thanks @WPCalendario. Read about the translation mini events taking place to encourage exi… https://t.co/Ig8mD8U8sA

Come and translate #WordPress from English to #Bengali at mini-translation events today (16 May 2020).… https://t.co/HTZ79kF8gM

If you are thinking about how to promote translation locally or as part of a local Meetup, connect with us. We orga… https://t.co/Rkz8s14Z0H

A day to translate English WordPress into Bengali.
Event Link: https://t.co/hcllURdCAk
To Participate, Registratio… https://t.co/AbvTlXWE0X

#WPBangladesh GTE team is organzing @WordPress Bangla Translation Day on 16 May,2020 starting from 11AM.
For det… https://t.co/BGblQwD8CA