Recap of the Diversity Outreach Speaker Training meeting on June 27, 2018

Start time stamp in Community-Team Slack

Attending: @jillbinder @miriamgoldman @dianewallace



Reports on what folks in the team are working on




A theme for today: People in our team have been doing great things and some of the items are stalled because I have been in heavy client deadline land for the last few weeks.


@jillbinder‘s report:

@lswanson and @jillbinder have been focusing on getting our team trained up so that we can start running the workshop, training others to run the workshop, and make group decisions.

I thiiiiink everyone in our team who wanted training has gotten it? Let me know. Plus we always get new members and we’ll want to train them too. We’ll keep running them of course. For internal to our team and external to our team.


@lswanson‘s report:

@larryswanson ran a Train the Trainers session for our team on Saturday. He thinks it went well and says that @miriamgoldman @angelasjin and @Kelli Wise can let us know.

One of the things he’s working on is getting our Train the Trainers workshop up in the new #training Team’s GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. system. “I hit a glitch in my GitHub learning experience so the train-the-trainer training lesson plan isn’t up there yet. Hope to get to that by the end of the week.”


@miriamgoldman‘s report:

@miriamgoldman: I can confirm @larryswanson’s report. It was fantastic. I have my notes at home.
I participated in the Train the Trainers workshop. Very good. My next step is to review the initial training video, and get myself comfortable with the curriculum.

@jillbinder: Awesome. We also have a recording of the first module fully played out (and with additional teacher notes) so that is available for anyone who wants to understand further.

@miriamgoldman: After that, I will set my availability to train others – being on the east coast it will help to have options. I will also be running the workshop MYSELF, upon determination of WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Ottawa’s dates.

I will be working with @dianewallace on following up with those who have held the workshop. We just have a few logistics to clear up before before that can commence.

The obvious, I’ve been doing the reminders for the meetings. And organically promoting our team where I go.
I will be at WordCamp Montreal, and will be promoting our group there.

I’ve applied to WCLAX and WCPhilly so hopefully I will get in and promote there too. Also applied to WCUS too.

That’s it for our team. Since it’s a long weekend here, I plan to continue my community deputy training as well.

@jillbinder: Hey, a favour — while you’re going through Deputy training, could you tell me if anything is relevant to our group? That is an item that @andreamiddleton thought might be helpful for me in our team but it’s a long training and it went to the bottom of my to do list…

Our group is sort of in a no person’s land in between ready-made WordPress group structures, so she and I have been pulling and guessing here and there as to what is useful.

@miriamgoldman: Of course!


What @dianewallace and @miriamgoldman are up to:

@dianewallace and @miriamgoldman are starting up the follow-ups with Meetups who have run it. Diane has written a first draft of an email to send to them in HelpScout (and some are not in our HelpScout). I need to go through and do a second draft.


What @cguntur, @mariaojob, and @dianewallace are up to:

@cguntur has been doing a great job continuing to do our HelpScout queue every workday, even while she’s in India right now! She also wrote up some instructions to help folks write our Recap posts. (Which I still need to review.)

Next week Chandrika is traveling and wasn’t sure what her internet situation will be, so @mariaojob and @dianewallace will fill in her for her again like they did recently.


What @tinat has been doing:

@tinat was our representative at WCEU Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. and in WCEU in general. She did a lot of promoting for our group and new Meetups and groups out there are interesting in our work.
On Contrib day she wrote a first draft for a “So you’re a WordCamp and you’re not getting diverse speakers applying, what can you do” (<– my unofficial name for it 😉 ) “Improving your diversity speaker roster” post. It’s waiting for me to do up a second draft.

She also got someone on the WordPress TV team to agree to edit our current train the trainers video down to tighten it up.

She might have done more, but that’s what I remember right now!


What @simo70 has been doing:

@simo70 has been continuing to run the workshop for WordPress and non-WordPress meetups in Italy. She ran one at a non-WordPress (I think?) in Milan recently. It went really well and she has very positive feedback from it!


@sheilagomes‘ report:

“One piece of news I have is that I discussed with our local group in our last meetupMeetup All local/regional gatherings that are officially a part of the WordPress world but are not WordCamps are organized through A meetup is typically a chance for local WordPress users to get together and share new ideas and seek help from one another. Searching for ‘WordPress’ on will help you find options in your area. about starting a new meetup called Women in WordPress (Mulheres no WordPress, in portuguese, as we are a brazilian group), which would address topics on diversity and anything related to women’s issues and work related to WP. I’d appreciate it if you or others could point me to other similar initiatives.”

@jillbinder: Yes! You’ll want to talk to:

  • @bridgetwillard and @jenblogs4u have started up a Women Who WordPress group in OC and have been working to spread chapters globally. ( (Best logo:
  • @morgankay started up a WordPress Women series in Seattle. She’s a good resource too.
  • @cguntur attended that and may also be able to help from an attendee’s perspective?
  • @zoonini has done a lot of work for women in tech in general. I’m not sure if she has a specific women’s group but I do know she has collected a number of resources.

@miriamgoldman: That’s another of my lengthy to-dos. I’m considering launching a chapter here in Ottawa for our area, and obviously those from Montreal and Toronto who wish to join us can, if they are in town.

@jillbinder: That would be amazing, @miriamgoldman! Mayyyybe partnering with someone to co-create that so that there is a bit less on your to do plate for it? 😉

@miriamgoldman: Haha, yes @jillbinder. I’m talking with Christie Witt soon here.


Question from @angelasjin

@angelasjin just did the training with Larry and made a request for today’s meeting:

Can we discuss where all the latest materials and resources are currently housed?

@jillbinder: Answer:

We have 2 workshops in the #training team space:

The main thing that we are promoting, which is our Speaker Training and Diversity Outreach workshops. It is 5 modules, and the latest version is always at:

I made a handy link so I could easily point people to it when I’m public speaking about it.

And also it’s easy to share here, online, tell people about it, spread the word, etc. 🙂

The other is our Train The Trainers workshop. This is for: How do we teach people how to run our main workshops. I have a non-public version written out. Larry is hoping to have it up in the #training team’s new system within about a week. Once we have that link we can share it.



@jillbinder: Thanks @miriamgoldman, @dianewallace, and interested lurkers. 😉

Everything’s going great, I will be available to work on things again soon, and I will talk to you all again soon.


End time stamp in Community-Team Slack
