Our Privacy Policy explains our principles when it comes to the collection, processing, and storage of your information. The Cookie Policy specifically explains how we, our partners, and users of our services deploy cookies, as well as the options you have to control them.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files, that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to ‘remember’ you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a ‘session cookie’) or for multiple repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors, and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in. Cookies may be set by the site that you are visiting (known as ‘first party cookies’), or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (‘third party cookies’).
Cookies set by
We use cookies for a number of different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons; some enable a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users; and some allow the display of advertising from selected third party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a visitor takes a particular action (clicking the ‘like’ or ‘follow’ button on a post, for example).
Below the different categories of cookies set by are outlined, with specific examples detailed in the tables that follow. This includes their name and purpose. Certain cookies are only set for logged-in visitors, whereas others are set for any visitors, and these are marked below accordingly. Where a cookie only applies to specific subdomains, they are included under the relevant header.
Strictly Necessary: These are the cookies that are essential for to perform basic functions. These include those required to allow registered users to authenticate and perform account related functions.
Functionality: These cookies are used to store preferences set by users such as account name, language, and location.
Performance: Performance cookies collect information on how users interact with websites hosted on, including what pages are visited most, as well as other analytical data. These details are only used to improve how the website functions.
Şopandin: These are set by trusted third party networks (e.g. Google Analytics) to track details such as the number of unique visitors, and pageviews to help improve the user experience.
Third Party/Embedded Content: makes use of different third party applications and services to enhance the experience of website visitors. These include social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (through the use of sharing buttons), or embedded content from YouTube and Vimeo. As a result, cookies may be set by these third parties, and used by them to track your online activity. We have no direct control over the information that is collected by these cookies.
Xurek | Dirêjî | Meqsed | Tenê Bikarhênerên Têketî? |
devicePixelRatio | Jixwebera gerokê (Salek) | Used to make the site responsive to the visitor’s screen size. | Na |
wordpress_test_cookie | Danişîn | Test dike ku gerok xurekan qebûl dike an na. | Na |
_ga | 2 sal | Google Analytics - Used to distinguish users. | Na |
_gat_<property-id> | 1 minute | Google Analytics - Used to throttle request rate. | Na |
_gid | 24 hours | Google Analytics - Used to distinguish users. | Na |
tk_ai | 24 hours | Jetpack - Stores the unique identifier for the publisher to enable Jetpack to collect data. | Na |
tk_lr | 1 sal | Jetpack - Stores the unique identifier for the publisher to enable Jetpack to collect data. | Na |
tk_or | 5 years | Jetpack - Stores the unique identifier for the publisher to enable Jetpack to collect data. | Na |
wp-settings-{user_id} | 1 sal | Used to persist a user’s wp-admin configuration. | Erê |
wporg_logged_in wporg_sec |
14 days if you select “Remember Me” when logging in. Otherwise, Session. | Used to check whether the current visitor is a logged-in user. | Erê |
wporg_locale | 1 sal | Used to persist a user’s locale configuration. | Erê |
Xurek | Dirêjî | Meqsed | Tenê Bikarhênerên Têketî? |
welcome-{blog_id} | Daîmî | Used to record if you’ve chosen to hide the “Welcome” message at the top of the corresponding blog. | Na |
showComments | 10 sal | Tê bikaranîn ji bo tesbîtkirina tercîha te ya wextê xwendinê şîrove bila bêne nîşandan an veşartin, tê bikaranîn. | Na |
Xurek | Dirêjî | Meqsed | Tenê Bikarhênerên Têketî? |
trac_form_token | Danişîn | Ji bo parastina li hemberî sextekariya daxwaza nav-malperî wek biyangeke ewlehiyê bi kar tê. | Na |
trac_session | 90 roj | Ji bo girtina agahiyên danişîna anonîm bi kar tê. | Na |
Xurek | Dirêjî | Meqsed | Tenê Bikarhênerên Têketî? |
codexToken | 6 meh | Tê bikaranîn ji bo kontrolkirina seredêra vê gavê bikarhênerek WordPress.orgê ye an na. Tenê ger gava ku tu têdiketî navê pêl bikî ser “Min tê de bihêle” wê bisazîne. | Erê |
codexUserId codexUserName |
6 meh | Used to check whether the current visitor is a logged-in user. | Erê |
codex_session | Danişîn | Used to check whether the current visitor is a logged-in user. | Erê |
Xurek | Dirêjî | Meqsed | Tenê Bikarhênerên Têketî? |
camptix_client_stats | 1 sal | Ji bo şopandina seredêrên bêhempa yên ji rûpela bilêtan ya li ser malpereke WordCamp-ê. | Na |
wp-saving-post | 1 roj | Ji bo şopandina şandiyên qeydkirî yên mewcûd heye an na, tê bikaranîn ji bo şandiyeke ku vê gavê wê were sererastkirin. Ger hebe destûr dide bikarhêner ku daneyê vegerîne. | Erê |
comment_author_{hash} | 347 roj | Ger qutîka bijartina ya “Nav, epeyam, û malpera min di vê gerokê de bivêşere ji bo ku cardin karibim şîrove bikim.” bijartî be ji bo şopandina navê şîrovekarê tê bikaranîn | Na |
comment_author_email_{hash} | 347 roj | Ger qutîka bijartina ya “Nav, epeyam, û malpera min di vê gerokê de bivêşere ji bo ku cardin karibim şîrove bikim.” bijartî be ji bo şopandina epeyama şîrovekarê tê bikaranîn | Na |
comment_author_url_{hash} | 347 roj | Ger qutîka bijartina ya “Nav, epeyam, û malpera min di vê gerokê de bivêşere ji bo ku cardin karibim şîrove bikim.” bijartî be ji bo şopandina URLya şîrovekarê tê bikaranîn | Na |
wp-postpass_{hash} | 10 roj | Ji bo domandina danişînê hate bikaranîn ger şandiyek bi pêborînê parastî be | Na |
wp-settings-{user} | 1 sal | Hate bikaranîn ji bo parastina sazkariyên bikarhêner yên wp-admin | Erê |
wp-settings-time-{user} | 1 sal | Dema ku wp-settings-{user} hate sazandin | Erê |
tix_view_token | 2 roj | Hate bikaranîn ji bo danişîna ku naveroka xisûsî ya CampTix-ê bi rê ve dibe | Na |
tk_ai | Jixwebera gerokê | Hate bikaranîn ji bo şopandinê | Na |
jetpackState | Danişîn | Ji bo domandina Halê Jetpackê hate bikaranîn | Erê |
jpp_math_pass | Danişîn | Piştrast dike ku bikarhêner ji problema matematîkê re rast cewab daye gava têdikeve. | Na |
stnojs | 2 roj | Bi bîra xwe bîne ger bikarhêner nexwazibe JavaScriptê bi kar bîne | Na |
wordpress_logged_in_{hash} | Danişîn | Danişîna bikarhêner bi bîr bîne | Erê |
wordpress_test_cookie | Danişîn | Biceribîne ku xurek karin bêne sazandin an na | Na |
Kontolkirina Xurekan
Dibe ku seredêr bixwazibin bikaranîna xurekan sînordar bikin, an bi temamî rê li ber sazandina wê bigirin. Piraniya gerokan rêyan peyda dikin ji bo kontrola tevgerên xurekan wek dirêjahiya dema depokirinên wan, an li seranserê fonksiyoneliya cihgirtî an bi wasiteya pêvekên aliyên sêyem.
Ji bo hîn bibî xurek çawa tên birêvebirin û jêbirin, here aboutcookies.orgê. Ji bo lêhûrbûna li ser xurekên reklaman û rêvebirina wan, here youronlinechoices.euê (li YEyê bicihkirî ye) an aboutads.infoê (li DYAyê bicihkirî ye).
Hin bernameyên taybet ên opt-out berdest in li vir:
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Bi bîr bînin ku sînorkirin an naçalakkirina bikaranîna xurekan, fonksiyonîtiya malperan dikare sînordar bike, an jî rê li ber bigire ku bi awayekî rast bixebite.