
WordPress Now Available

Posted May 27, 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. Filed under Releases.

I am very happy to announce that the first release of WordPress is now available for download. A full change log is available, but here is a brief overview of the new features.

  • Texturize — So good it’ll make your quotes curl.
  • WordPress Links — A link manager with everything you’d expect, from Weblogs.com support to a handy bookmarklet. Manage as many blogrolls as you like, and have complete control over their display.
  • XHTML 1.1 — WordPress is compliant with XHTML standards up to 1.1, though by default it sends a 1.0 document type to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Highly Intelligent Line Breaks — Occasionally called “nl2br on steroids,” this brand new function adds line breaks except where there is already a block level tag or another line break.
  • New Administration Interface — We’ve made it as simple as possible, and no more. Everything has been restructured from the ground up in a fully compliant XHTML/CSS interface.
  • Manual Excerpts — This allows you to handcraft summaries of your posts to appear in your RSS feed and other places.
  • New Default Templates — Again we’ve streamlined theses with the latest in simple, easy-to-understand standard XHTML and CSS. And not a CSS hack in sight.
  • Plus numerous behind the scenes code cleanups, making this release faster and more stable than ever.

WordPress is available completely free of charge under the GPL license. Enjoy!

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  1. WordPress Now AvailableExtra, extra, read all about it.

    I am very happy to announce that the first release of WordPress is now available for download. A full change log is available, but here is a brief overview of the new features.

    Texturize — So good it’ll ma…

    Trackback from photomatt on May 27, 2003

  2. WordPress 0.7 Released!The first (non-beta) version of WordPress has been released! The official announcement is on the WordPress Development blog.
    * Texturize – So good it’ll make your quotes curl.
    * WordPress Links – A link manager with everything you’d expec…

    Trackback from Journalized on May 27, 2003

  3. Word up dog!WordPress 0.7 was released last night, if you’re running b2 or if you’re in need of a proper blog system, I can’t recommend it enough.

    Trackback from Binary Bonsai on May 27, 2003

  4. Congratulations.

    Comment from Michael on May 27, 2003

  5. This is a test, this is only a test.Alrighty. So in my quest for php blog superiority, I’m now trying out WordPress. Its running concurrently in the WordPress directory.

    WordPress is the official branch of B2 and so I’m not sure if that means that its the successor of B2 or not…

    Trackback from jon abad dot com on May 27, 2003

  6. Why gold version? Sounds strong for a 0.7 😉

    Comment from Sebastian on May 27, 2003

  7. First non-β WordPressToday the first real 0.7 of WordPress was released. Few bugs where ironed out and new features went in. But have a look for yourself.

    * Texturize — So good it’ll make your quotes curl.
    * WordPress Links — A link manager with everything you’…

    Trackback from The Playground on May 27, 2003

  8. This is gangster!

    Comment from João Araguz on May 27, 2003

  9. do you have/plan a rss feed for this section? would be nice to stay op to date…

    Comment from marten on May 27, 2003

  10. good work playas! 🙂

    Comment from Christina on May 27, 2003

  11. Congratulations!

    Comment from greg on May 28, 2003

  12. As for future versions, consider looking at MT-RefSearch for PHP code for searching / highlighting search terms from the referrer. At the moment it is MovableType-specific (MySQL lookups), but I’m sure it would just be a simple matter to change it to match WordPress’ database.

    Good job on kicking off a new engine!

    Comment from eliot on May 28, 2003

  13. WordPress b2/cafelog derivativeCongratulations to Matthew and Mike on the release of WordPress, which is the official fork in the b2/café php blog tool.

    On a test server I converted the data from my current b2-based blog to WordPress with very little trouble. Especially helpful was…

    Trackback from hatch.org on May 29, 2003

  14. I wanna see screen shots! And I can import my b2 right?

    Comment from chris on May 30, 2003

  15. Thank you so much for making everything compatible with b2 .6.1! My upgrade was a snap! I can’t wait to see this product mature; with all the talent working on this project, it’s going to be awesome!

    Comment from Brandon on June 1, 2003

  16. Hmm. Valid CSS, but not valid XHTML. Can’t have two identical ID values. Should change the ID on the announcement signup to something else if you want to be perfectly nitpicky and purely validate. But I don’t care about that… I’m just delighted to see SOMETHING done with B2. I was dreading switching to something else since nothing seems to support *export* from B2. Thanks for making this available!

    Comment from JC on June 3, 2003

  17. We do want to be perfectly nitpicky, and this oversight has been corrected.

    Comment from Matt on June 3, 2003

  18. I dont suppose a release of WordPress will support multiple blogs off one install? with a simple signup for if possible (like b2++)

    its a feature that I have seen requested numerous times and is a bit too advanced for a new-to-php user to implement themselves…

    Comment from jepo on June 6, 2003

  19. […] Development Blog › WordPress Now Available […]

    Pingback from WordPress Station » Blog Archive » Happy Birthday WordPress! on May 27, 2006

  20. […] WordPress sous les conseils d’une amie de Matt. Dès la 27 mai, le code était stabilisé, la version 0.7 sortait. Le 2 janvier 2004 voit l’arrivée de la version 1.0. Et ainsi de […]

    Pingback from WordPress a 5 ans | WordPress Francophone on January 24, 2008

  21. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » WordPress Birthday Party on May 25, 2008

  22. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress › Blog » WordPress Birthday Party on May 25, 2008

  23. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party on May 25, 2008

  24. […] you should join us this Tuesday, May 27, for a birthday party to celebrate the 5th year since the first release of WordPress.org, the software that powers this […]

    Pingback from WordPress Party in San Francisco « WordPress.com on May 25, 2008

  25. […] sudah berumur 5 tahun, berarti sudah 5 tahun wordpress melayani para blogger, dimulai dari wordpress 0.7 dan sampai sekarang, dimana wordpress sudah sampai ke versi 2.5.1, untuk itu, pihak wordpress akan […]

    Pingback from Ulang Tahun WordPress | Danu Belajar nge-Blog on May 25, 2008

  26. […] their 5th anniversary. Can you believe it? 5 years! WordPress has come a long way since this WordPress announcement, 5 years […]

    Pingback from It’s my party and I’ll blog if I want to — WP Project on May 25, 2008

  27. […] Die beliebte Blog-Software WordPress feiert seinen 5. Geburtstag! Am 27. Mai 2003 wurde von Matt Mullenweg die Version 0.7 veröffentlicht. […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday WordPress! » dath.info on May 25, 2008

  28. […] Для тех кто не помнит – всё началось с версии 0.7 […]

    Pingback from 5-летие WordPress | IнTересности on May 25, 2008

  29. […] zwei Tagen, am 27. Mai 2008 wird WordPress fünfjährig. Die erste Version von WordPress mit der Versionsnummer 0.7 erschien in noch ziemlich einfacher Ausführung. WordPress 0.7 ist im Vergleich zur heutigen […]

    Pingback from Schweizer WordPress Magazin » News Versioning » 5 Jahre WordPress on May 25, 2008

  30. […] חמש שנים (פחות יומיים) שחרר מאט מולנווג את וורדפרס 0.7, הגרסה הראשונה של וורדרפס. מאט השתמש ב-b2/cafelog של מייקל […]

    Pingback from יומולדת חמש לוורדפרס - סקירה מצולמת של וורדפרס 0.7 » הבלוג של רן יניב הרטשטיין on May 25, 2008

  31. […] احتقال محبي ومستخدمي نص التدوين البرمجي WordPress بمرور خمس سنوات على صدوره في عام […]

    Pingback from خمس أعوام على ووردبريس | www.Steaf.com on May 25, 2008

  32. […] have come a long way, from the first release of  WordPress on March 27, 2003 to the newest release WP […]

    Pingback from GreenBucks » Blog Archive » Happy 5th Birthday WordPress on May 26, 2008

  33. […] is the announcement of first wordpress 0.7 release on May 27, 2003: WordPress Now Available Also available at […]

    Pingback from Congratz WordPress and Happy Birthday to WordPress - Richardcqz Secret HideOut on May 26, 2008

  34. […] Mullenweg, founder of WordPress, announced the first release of WordPress (version 0.7) on May 27th, 2003. Related PostsWordPress Party on Monday, May 21stEFF’s 17th Birthday Party […]

    Pingback from WordPress 5th Birthday Party This Tuesday in San Francisco | Laughing Squid on May 26, 2008

  35. […] أول إصدار من برنامج الوورد بريس […]

    Pingback from عيد ميلاد الوورد بريس - كل سنة وانت طيب يا جميل on May 26, 2008

  36. […] 5周岁了(从这个0.7版本算起),本月27日Matt […]

    Pingback from WordPress 5周岁Party | 煎蛋 on May 26, 2008

  37. […] been 5 years of first announcement of WordPress. During all that time, millions of downloads, thousands of plugins and the most important a great […]

    Pingback from Gabfire web design » 5 years of a great success on May 26, 2008

  38. […] 再过两天,5月27日,WordPress就五岁了 – 从0.7版的发行开始计. […]

    Pingback from 1986 To Present » Blog Archive » WordPress五周年聚会Party WordPress五周年聚会Party on May 26, 2008

  39. […] 2003 года Matt Mullenweg опубликовал запись о выходе первого релиза под номером 0.7 одной из самых популярных платформ для […]

    Pingback from WordPress празднует своё 5-и летие on May 26, 2008

  40. […] matt大大说,从0.7版本开始算起到今年5月27号,WordPress整整5岁了。 […]

    Pingback from 恭喜,WordPress五周岁 | 默默の丸 on May 26, 2008

  41. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party | | Ads News on May 26, 2008

  42. […] Šajā adresē (2003. gada 27. maijs) varat iepazīties ar to, ko piedāvā pirmā oficiālā WordPress bloga platformas versija 0.7. […]

    Pingback from Vai zini, cik ‘vecs’ ir WordPress? Jau 5 gadi! :: VārduPrese.lv on May 26, 2008

  43. […] 从0.7版本开始算起到今年5月27号,WordPress整整5岁了。 […]

    Pingback from Rinseng » WordPress五周岁了 ‖ 为什么我的眼里常含泪水?因为我对这土地爱得深沉……沉重悼念汶川地震中遇难同胞 on May 26, 2008

  44. […] 5 years of wordpress blogging niceness. […]

    Pingback from Barnhard Blog » Blog Archive » 5 Years of WordPress on May 26, 2008

  45. […] ka kaluar neper nje rruge te gjate qysh prej fillimit kur eshte bere i mundshem per publikun, pra i mundshem per tu shkarkuar, saktesisht 5 vite prej tani. Ne anen tjeter, deshem ose jo […]

    Pingback from Arian’s Caffe | WordPress urime ditelindjen e 5-te on May 26, 2008

  46. […] *The first official release (non beta) of WordPress was back in May 27, 2003.. […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday WordPress! « Buddy Blogs on May 26, 2008

  47. […] WordPress-Gründer & -Entwickler Matthew “Matt” Mullenweg die frohe Kunde: “WordPress Now Available” – und zwar in Version 0.7. Damals bemerkenswerte Features waren die Funktion »Link Manager«, […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday, WordPress! on May 26, 2008

  48. […] Happy Birthday WordPress! Today sees WordPress turning 5 years old, it’s amazing to see how things has progressed since the first origonal release of version 0.7. […]

    Pingback from WordPress turns 5 years old today! | iMod on May 26, 2008

  49. […] day 5 years back i.e 27 May , 2003 WordPress team released the first ever version of WordPress i.e 0.7 .That time it was one of the most advanced blogging script available […]

    Pingback from WordPress Turns 5 Today on May 27, 2008

  50. […] O WordPress faz hoje 5 anos. No dia 27 de Maio de 2003 foi lançada a primeira versão oficial do WordPress. A versão 0.7. […]

    Pingback from Parabéns WordPress - 5 anos | Ferramentas para blogs, Noticias, WordPress, Tutoriais e muito mais... - MUIOMUIO.NET on May 27, 2008

  51. […] Heute vor 5 Jahren, am 27. Mai 2003, wurde die erste Version von WordPress, die Version 0.7, veröffentlicht. Dazu findet sich hier der entsprechende Blogeintrag auf der offiziellen WordPress Website: WordPress Now Available […]

    Pingback from Herzlichen Glückwunsch WordPress | Sabiro on May 27, 2008

  52. […] is the post dated 27 May 2003 WordPress Now Available By Matt. Filed under […]

    Pingback from WordPress celebrates 5 years - 27 May 2003 to 27 May 2008 | My Blog Posts on May 27, 2008

  53. […] Happy Birthday, WordPress 🙂 Posted in Calvados by wOOL on May 27th, 2008 https://wordpress.org/development/2003/05/wordpress-now-available/ […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday, WordPress :-) « wOOL’s Blog on May 27, 2008

  54. […] Vor genau fünf Jahren wurde WordPress mit der Version 0.7 ‘geboren’, heute ist es bei Version 2.5.1 angelangt. Ich selbst nutze das Blogsystem erst seit knapp 2½ Jahren, davor habe ich schon mal mit b2evolution gebloggt. […]

    Pingback from Steffinos Gedankenhabitat » 5 Jahre WordPress on May 27, 2008

  55. […] Днес се навършват 5 години от пускането на първата публична версия на WordPress. […]

    Pingback from И бира » Blog Archive » Честит Рожден Ден, WordPress! on May 27, 2008

  56. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party | Raavi's Blog: Ganduri Blog-ate on May 27, 2008

  57. […] schauen wie die neue Version 2.6 wird. Aber die aktuelle Version 2.5.1 läuft. das waren die Features der ersten Version. Hoffentlich wird WordPress mit zunehmendem Alter nicht zickig 😉 […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday WordPress » Websenat on May 27, 2008

  58. […] vor fünf Jahren, wurde die erste WordPress 0.7 Version von einem stolzen Matt Mullenweg auf dem WordPress Development Blog […]

    Pingback from WordPress feiert fünften Geburtstag « c/o operative on May 27, 2008

  59. […] un día como hoy, hace 5 años atrás, Matt Mullenweg publicaba un post en WordPress.org, en donde anunciaba el lanzamiento de la primer versión de WordPress, un sistema de blogs de […]

    Pingback from Feliz Cumpleaños WordPress! | GeeksRoom on May 27, 2008

  60. […] WordPress was released to the world five years ago today. Celebrate in SFO, Sydney, or with me at whatever bar I find myself at in New Hampshire tonight. DM me with any ideas. Related:Many Eyes, Bugs Being Shallow, All ThatWordPress 2.5 Out, MaisonBisson UpgradedInteresting WordPress PluginsWordPress 2.5 Offers Built-In Gravatar SupportBuddyPress: The WordPress Of Social Networks? This entry was written by Casey and posted on May 27, 2008 at 7:37 am and filed under Technology with the following tags: birthday, party, wordpress. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. « Another Gun Control Analogy […]

    Pingback from » Happy Birthday WordPress on May 27, 2008

  61. […] 今天是wordpress 5周年庆。自从2003.5.27的0.7 版本开始至今的2.51,wordpress走过了风风雨雨的5周年。 […]

    Pingback from WordPress 5岁啦 | 老N的博客 on May 27, 2008

  62. […] 2003年5月27日发布 WordPress 0.7,到今天WordPress 已经走过了5年的历程。2008年5月27日,WordPress […]

    Pingback from WordPress,生日快乐! - WordPress中文站 on May 27, 2008

  63. […] 27 Maggio 2008, da Davide, nella categoria Blogging. Alzi la mano chi, ben 5 anni fà, scaricò la prima release di WordPress, a quei tempi non così celebre come […]

    Pingback from 5 anni di WordPress - Paradise City on May 27, 2008

  64. […] a WordPress Party along with others in the works around the world to celebrate the occassion. Oh, how our baby has […]

    Pingback from Weblog Tools Collection » Blog Archive » Happy Birthday WordPress! on May 27, 2008

  65. […] exactamente 5 años WordPress liberaba su versión 0.7 y así nacía el CMS líder para blogs propios; ni Matt debe haber imaginado que esto iba a […]

    Pingback from WordPress cumple 5 años | Denken Über on May 27, 2008

  66. […] dia 27 de maio de 2003 foi lançado o WordPress 0.7, neste post você pode ver o anuncio desta primeira versão. Para comemorar estes 5 anos de vida será […]

    Pingback from O WordPress completa hoje 5 anos | pBlog on May 27, 2008

  67. […] decade old. I’ve seen the very first announcement of WordPress in their website. It is dated May 27, 2003 and saying that WordPress is now available for […]

    Pingback from Happy 5th Birthday WordPress - BlogBucks [dot] net on May 27, 2008

  68. […] 5 anni fa, il 27 maggio del 2003, veniva rilasciata la versione 0.7 di WordPress, prima release pubblica. Da allora la piattaforma […]

    Pingback from Blogmaster - 5 anni di WordPress on May 27, 2008

  69. […] 2008 با فتحی همانطوری که می دانید امروز پنجمین سالروز ارائه نسخه هفت دهم وردپرس است به عنوان اولین توزیع رسمی از محبوبترین سرویس […]

    Pingback from وردپرس پارتی ، جشن تولدی برای وردپرس بزرگ! « یک فتحی on May 27, 2008

  70. […] official launch of WordPress , the Blogging Application. They’ve come a long way since their original 0.7 release. To celebrate they will be throwing a party in San Francisco at 111 Minna, starting at 9PM (local […]

    Pingback from The Midnite Chronicles » 5th Anniversary on May 27, 2008

  71. […] Hoje dia 27 de maio nosso querido software de publicação, completa 5 anos de existência, veja aqui o post com o lançamento da primeira versão (0.7) em 2003, em São Francisco USA será feita uma […]

    Pingback from <small> Parabéns WordPress 5 anos | CgBrasil.net on May 27, 2008

  72. […] Estados Unidos, pra comemorar a data. Como diz o Mark Ghosh, do Weblog Tools Collection, “Oh, como nosso bebê […]

    Pingback from WordPress completa 5 anos de existência on May 27, 2008

  73. […] is WordPress’ birthday. Today, WordPress turns five. Five years of being there for us, bloggers. Five years of delivering […]

    Pingback from Happy Fifth WordPress! | Blogging Tips from Blogsessive on May 27, 2008

  74. […] cumple hoy cinco años, y se anda organizando fiestas en distintas partes del planeta. Felicidades. Parece que fue ayer. De esos cinco, yo llevo ya cuatro con […]

    Pingback from Cinco años de WordPress | Mangas Verdes on May 27, 2008

  75. […] día como hoy, en el año 2003, Matt publicaba este anuncio: Estoy muy contento de anunciar que la primera versión de WordPress está ahora disponible para su […]

    Pingback from Sobre WP » WordPress cumple 5 años on May 27, 2008

  76. […] WordPress is making five years, five years of intense blogging! There was a long but beautiful way from the first release – 0.7. […]

    Pingback from Happy birthday WordPress! | AlexTips.com | Blogging tips and more on May 27, 2008

  77. […] und praktisch keiner hats gemerkt, wie es scheint. Am 27. Mai 2003 schrieb Matt Mullenweg einen Hinweis auf die erste, öffentliche Version 0.7 und los ging es mit der Weltrevolution. Naja, auch egal. Wenn niemand darüber schreibt, nehme ich […]

    Pingback from WordPress wird 5 Jahre alt … | blog@netplanet on May 27, 2008

  78. […] 5 años, WordPress anunciaba la liberación de la versión 0.7 de publicación de contenidos mas popular actualmente. Aun recuerdo cuando aun usaba b2 en aquellos […]

    Pingback from Feliz Aniversario de WordPress | Foobarra on May 27, 2008

  79. […] le 27 Mai 2003 a vu l’ annonce de la sortie de la première version publique de WordPress 0.7 […]

    Pingback from Joyeux Anniversaire WordPress : 5 ans Déja ! | ::: Dz*Ordre ::: on May 27, 2008

  80. […] on Mai 27, 2008 – 9:36 pm Astăzi wordpress face 5 ani de când funcţionează! …de la lansare până in prezent. Etichete: […]

    Pingback from ziua wordpress | paulierco's blog on May 27, 2008

  81. […] was just 5 short years ago that Matt and the WP team unveiled the publishing platform that essentially changed the way people viewed media and content creation […]

    Pingback from 5/27: WordPress 5 year Anniversary party « O-Scene on May 27, 2008

  82. […] anos depois do lançamento da primeira versão, a Automattic, empresa por trás do WordPress, tem como um dos principais investidores a The New […]

    Pingback from Tiago Dória Weblog » Blog Archive » WordPress completa 5 anos on May 27, 2008

  83. […] 27 de mayo de 2008, se cumplen 5 años de la liberación de la primera versión de WordPress, 0.7. En este post del blog de WordPress.org, se anuncia su salida, en 2003. ¡Felicidades a el CMS más […]

    Pingback from WordPress cumple 5 años | Microutopia on May 27, 2008

  84. […] Pentru amatorii de istorie, post-ul primei versiuni a wordpress-ului poate fi gasit aici. Deasemenea, pentru cine inca nu si-a facut upgrade, ultima versiune  – 2.5.1 – poate fi […]

    Pingback from 5 ani de WordPress | WordPress guide - Ghid pentru WordPress on May 27, 2008

  85. […] Oha, fast verpasst – WordPress wird heute fünf Jahre alt. […]

    Pingback from Webrocker » Fünf Jahre Wortquetsche on May 27, 2008

  86. […] Mullenweg, grundaren av WordPress, tillkännagav den första utgåvan av WordPress (version 0.7) 27e Maj […]

    Pingback from Grattis, WordPress fyller 5 år! | Bloggtidningen on May 27, 2008

  87. […] was five years ago today that Matt Mullenweg posted a link to download version 0.7 of WordPress, making WordPress publicly […]

    Pingback from Red Pill: Shiny New Toy’s Blog » Happy 5th Birthday, WordPress on May 27, 2008

  88. […] hoy, y nada mas y nada menos que 5 años, desde aquel 27 de mayo de 2003 en donde se lanzo la version 0.7 de wordpress . Desde Ladowindows queremos enviarles la mayor de las felicitaciones a todo el equipo que hace […]

    Pingback from WordPress cumple 5 | LadoWindows on May 28, 2008

  89. […] Mullenweg, grundaren av WordPress, tillkännagav den första utgåvan av WordPress (version 0.7) 27e Maj […]

    Pingback from delade | Grattis, WordPress fyller 5 år! on May 28, 2008

  90. […] Aqui esta el post de ese tiempo para los que o quieran ver… […]

    Pingback from fpipe87 » Blog Archive » 5 años de WordPress! on May 28, 2008

  91. […] First WordPress version released on 27/05/03. [via WordPress] […]

    Pingback from Selamat Hari Lahir WordPress. | Malaysian Daily Tech Blog on May 28, 2008

  92. […] is turning 5 years old today as of May 27, 2008. The first version of WordPress 0.7 is announced on May 27, 2003. Congratulations to Matt Mullenweg and Automattic. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Turning 5 Years Old | WING LOON on May 28, 2008

  93. […] WordPress | WordPress Birthday Party Link: WordPress | WordPress Now Available (Mayo 27 del 2003) Link: Cofradia Digital | Quinto aniversario de WordPress Posts […]

    Pingback from Feliz 5to. aniversario de WordPress | Seraphinux on May 28, 2008

  94. […] 2003 mayıs ayında doğan WordPress 5 yıldır hayatımızda. [via] […]

    Pingback from İyiki doğdun WordPress | Blog ve Wolkanca on May 28, 2008

  95. […] noch Details zur Party in San Francisco… zum hingehen klappt wohl jetzt nicht mehr ganz Und hier geht es zum offiziellen Announcement für die erste WordPress Version, dass war dann die Version […]

    Pingback from Rol!’s Blog » Happy Birthday WordPress « on May 28, 2008

  96. […] پیش در تاریخ ۲۷ می اولین نسخه رسمی وردپرس یعنی نسخه ۰/۷ منتشر شد. از اون روز تا حالا وردپرس، محبوبترین سیستم وبلاگ […]

    Pingback from وردپرس فارسی » وردپرس 5 ساله شد on May 28, 2008

  97. […] ετικέτα: wordpress 5 χρόνια πέρασαν από την ανακοίνωση της πρώτης release του WordPress, δημοφιλούς php script για την δημιουργία online blogs. […]

    Pingback from 5 χρόνια για το WordPress « Altervedo’s Weblog on May 28, 2008

  98. […] blogs WordPress ha cumplido ya, ni más ni menos, que 5 años. Todo un lustro desde que sacaron su primera versión en el 27 de mayo del […]

    Pingback from Blog de Sergio Álvarez Fernández » WordPress 5 años on May 28, 2008

  99. […] a WordPress Party along with others in the works around the world to celebrate the occassion. The first version of WordPress was announced on May 27th 2003, and latest version 2.5.1 was made available on April 25, […]

    Pingback from WordPress’ 5th birthday » D' Technology Weblog: Technology, Blogging, Tips, Tricks, Computer, Hardware, Software, Tutorials, Internet, Web, Gadgets, Fashion, LifeStyle, Entertainment, News and more by Deepak Gupta. on May 28, 2008

  100. […] Op 27 mei 2003 is de eerste versie van WordPress door Matt Mullenweg online gezet. Da’s dus precies 5 jaar geleden. Ik zeg; Daar moet op gedronken worden! […]

    Pingback from WordPress 5 jaar | Bakkel dot com on May 28, 2008

  101. […] de diverse activitati, pur si simplu nu am realizat ca s-au implinit deja 5 ani de cand a aparut WordPress. Foarte des intalnita pe bloguri, datorita simplitatii instalarii si a usurintei de a lucra cu […]

    Pingback from La Multi Ani WordPress! - Admin @ Blogorama.ro on May 29, 2008

  102. […] уордпрестің туған күні екен. Уордпрес туралы бірінші пресс-релиз шыққанына міне бес жыл болыпты. […]

    Pingback from wordpress – 5 жыл « blog туралы блог on May 29, 2008

  103. […] que todo empezara con aquella primera versión estable (0.7) ya han pasado nada más y nada menos que cinco años en los que WordPress no ha parado de crecer. […]

    Pingback from Internet: WordPress cumple 5 años - Bitelia on May 29, 2008

  104. […] may be few 3 days late but it’s okay.. hehe.. WordPress come a long way from it’s initial 0.7 release so get those balloons and start blowing it up because it’s WordPress’ 5th anniversary! […]

    Pingback from BlackDot Project » WordPress just turned 5! on May 29, 2008

  105. […] live feed!And I’m yet to complete a half year of my experience with WordPress. If we’d take a look back unto what WordPress was years ago, to the present 2.5.1 stable, indeed everyone can say and would […]

    Pingback from Celebrete WordPress' Birthday w/ a premium theme from Blog Oh Blog! | Pinoy Teens Online on May 29, 2008

  106. […] le 27 Mai 2003 a vu l’ annonce de la sortie de la première version publique de WordPress 0.7 […]

    Pingback from 5 ans de wordpress on May 30, 2008

  107. […] Oggi è il 5 compleanno di WordPress, […]

    Pingback from - All-Unlock Blog - Il Blog di All-Unlock Forum, notizie su telefonini, operatori , unlock (sblocco) dei cellulari… on May 30, 2008

  108. […] cand te gandesti ca totul a inceput in 2003, cand a aparut primul WordPress. Etichete: blog , review , wordpress « Lovitura de teatru… in turul 2 Blaga si […]

    Pingback from Pe 27 Mai a fost ziua WordPress » Ammadeuss.net on June 1, 2008

  109. […] arról, hogy 2003. május 27.-én jelent meg a WordPress első, nyílvános kiadása, a 0.7. Vagyis, az öt gyertyát elfújhatunk a képzeletbeli […]

    Pingback from 5 éves a WordPress | WordPress Magyarország on June 4, 2008

  110. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party on June 4, 2008

  111. […] Que Todo Empezara Con Aquella Primera Versión Estable (0.7) Ya Han Pasado Nada Más Y Nada Menos Que Cinco Años En Los Que WordPress No Ha Parado De Crecer. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Cumple 5 Años « Mexfull on June 6, 2008

  112. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from Just Blogging Info » Article » WordPress Birthday Party on June 6, 2008

  113. […] мая движку WordPress исполнилось 5 лет! …А начиналось все в далеком 2003 году. […]

    Pingback from The мой блог ™ » Archive » C Днем рождения! on June 6, 2008

  114. […] dia 27 de maio de 2003 foi lançado o WordPress 0.7, neste post você pode ver o anuncio desta primeira versão. Para comemorar estes 5 anos de vida será […]

    Pingback from Blog Suspeito.Net » O WordPress completa hoje 5 anos on June 13, 2008

  115. […] ezt a blogmotort.  2003.május 27.-én adták ki a 0.7-es verziót. Az akkori funkciókról itt tájékozódhatsz  Itt már láthatod te is hogy mennyi minden változott fejlődött. Napról […]

    Pingback from Öt éves a wordpress | Fridrik Béla | Efrud on June 22, 2008

  116. […] Birthday Party On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. To celebrate we’re throwing a party in San Francisco at 111 Minna, starting at 9PM. You can get […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party | Energy Pundit on July 2, 2008

  117. […] ma już pięć lat! Jego pierwsza wersja, 0.7, została wydana 27 maja 2003 roku. Istnieje nawet krótka notka na blogu WordPressa z tamtego dnia. Z tej okazji została nawet zorganizowana impreza w San […]

    Pingback from WordPress ma już pięć lat! » RavSite on July 7, 2008

  118. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party at Blog-Lord.Com on July 13, 2008

  119. […] primera versión que vio la luz fué la 0.7 en Mayo de 2003, y la acojida fue increible. Las nuevas mejoras en relación al predecesor […]

    Pingback from La historia de WordPress hasta el día de hoy | aNieto2K on July 14, 2008

  120. […] La primera versión que vio la luz fué la 0.7 en Mayo de 2003, y la acojida fue increible. Las nuevas mejoras en relación al predecesor […]

    Pingback from PerformSec Blog » La historia de WordPress hasta el día de hoy on July 16, 2008

  121. […] you should join us this Tuesday, May 27, for a birthday party to celebrate the 5th year since the first release of WordPress.org, the software that powers this […]

    Pingback from WordPress Party in San Francisco | Blog To The World on July 19, 2008

  122. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from WordPress Birthday Party | Life Journey on August 21, 2008

  123. […] https://wordpress.org/development/2003/05/wordpress-now-available/ […]

    Pingback from WordPress, five years of web history. | iPassion on September 3, 2008

  124. […] 可以看到Matt先生在2003年5月23日博客上写的,wordpress可以下载了。 随机文章:Linux内核中的Copyright武当轻功第80届奥斯卡颁奖部分奖项将博客从新版blogspot导入到wordpress使用google日历短信提醒功能 cT=”0″;nc=”#444444″;nBgc=”#FFF7DE”;nBorder=”#F5E5A9″; tc=”#649B00″;tBgc=”#FFF4D0″;tBorder=”#F5E5A9″; tDigg=”%E6%8E%A8%E8%8D%90″;tDugg=”%E5%B7%B2%E8%8D%90″; defaultItemUrl=”http://lijie.org/articles/wordpress-from-the-very-gitgo.html”;defaultFeedUrl =”http://lijie.org/feed”; […]

    Pingback from WordPress历史版本下载 | 李杰的博客 on September 9, 2008

  125. […] On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from that original 0.7 release. […]

    Pingback from FOR WORDPRESS - WordPress Birthday Party on September 23, 2008

  126. […] I’m yet to complete a half year of my experience with WordPress. If we’d take a look back unto what WordPress was years ago, to the present 2.5.1 stable, indeed everyone can say and would […]

    Pingback from Celebrete WordPress' Birthday w/ a premium theme from Blog Oh Blog! | Pinoy Teens on October 6, 2008

  127. […] I like to look back every now and again at the old versions of wordpress, like the very first release which I believe was 0.7. Read that post. […]

    Pingback from WordPress 2.7 Release | Johnathan Lyman on December 11, 2008

  128. […] 2003 First official version of WordPress open-source blogging software released for […]

    Pingback from a blog about blogging, by Blog Bloke on February 8, 2009

  129. […] WordPress Now Available (v0.70) […]

    Pingback from The manual Excerpt in WordPress. What, why, how, tips and plugins - op111.net on February 17, 2009

  130. […] 2003 First official version of WordPress open-source blogging software released for […]

    Pingback from A History of Blogging | Blog Tips Helping You To Be A Better Blogger - by Blog Bloke on April 7, 2009

  131. […] vor 6 Jahren erschien die erste offizielle Version von […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday WordPress! » WordPress-Buch on May 26, 2009

  132. […] Mai 27th, 2009 | In eigener Sache Heute vor 6 Jahren wurde die erste offizielle WordPress Version 0.7 veröffentlicht. Ich bin erst seit Version 2.6 dabei, schreibe diese Zeilen mit der aktuellen […]

    Pingback from Happy Birthday WordPress | Burns Textwiese on May 27, 2009

  133. […] paar Tage später, am 27. Mai 2003 wurde unter dem Titel „WordPress Now Available“ der erste offizielle Release mit der Versionsnummer 0.7 veröffentlicht: I am very happy […]

    Pingback from WordPress - von der Idee zum ersten Release - aber das ist eine andere Geschichte, WordPress, Matt, Little, „WordPress, Mike - WordPress Deutschland Blog on May 27, 2009

  134. […] Lieblings-CMS WordPress wurde 27. Mai 2003 in der ersten Version veröffentlicht. Fünf Jahre später warten wir auf Version […]

    Pingback from Christoph Hörl — Freier Webworker und Berater — WordPress feiert 5. Geburtstag — Allgemein on May 27, 2009

  135. […] alles gute! eben im blog von wordpress deutschland entdeckt. die original ankündigung damals sah so aus. Share and […]

    Pingback from happy birthday wordpress | möchtegern blogger on May 27, 2009

  136. […] to WordPress! Did you know WordPress just turned 6 years old today? (their first version 0.7 was released on May 27, […]

    Pingback from May WordPress Meetup at AJ’s Cafe « Ferndale WordPress Meetup Group on May 27, 2009

  137. WordPress wird sechs…


    Trackback from Steffen Kahl on May 30, 2009

  138. […] is a free content management system that’s been around since 2003. It’s probably the most widely used blogging platform in the world and functions wonderfully […]

    Pingback from Need a (new) Web site? Get up and running quickly with WordPress | Evans Codeworks Inc. on August 17, 2009

  139. […] är WordPress – bloggverktyget som klev ut på webballmänningen första gången 27 maj 2003. Det är för övrigt också den open source-plattform som vi alla här på Mindpark, utan att det […]

    Pingback from Mindpark #008: WordPress och den kollektiva koden · Mindpark on September 30, 2009

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