WordPress - Do Something When A Plugin or Theme Updates

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Creative Filtering In WordPress Plugins

I've went on and on about "well-built" plugins for WordPress. As much as I'd like plugins to "filter all the things", in reality, they never account for all use cases. One such challenge I had recently involved the WP WooCommerce Mailchimp plugin.

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After a very busy summer and autumn preparing the show, everything went live the night after Thanksgiving. As mentioned in the lead-up to this season, the new elements have been added to the display, new songs are being included, and a website has been launched.

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WordCamp US 2019 Wrap-Up

I just returned back from #WCUS 2019 in St. Louis, and this, by far, is my favorite city. Many seem to agree, since it's already been decided to return for 2020!

Being one of the co-leads for WordPress 5.3, my agenda was quite different than in WordCamps past. I wanted to attend some talks, gather some swag, and, most importantly, meet my other "squad" members in person. I've spent the past few months Slacking with them on the daily, and I had yet to meet most face-to-face.

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Per usual, I'm well underway in getting ready for the holidays. October through mid-January is a big deal for me. All of my bulk-buy pre-orders of components have been received and dozens of Amazon orders have been placed. My weekends between now and early 2020 will be consumed by prop building, sequencing, cabling, and testing. It's not easy, but it's so much fun.

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SGDQ 2019 Donation Tracker Re-Creation

Twice a year, gamers from all over the world come together to "speedrun" both new and old games alike. Games from every platform and every era. Even better, it's a week-long marathon to raise money for charity, and it's streamed live on Twitch for millions to follow along. Although I'm not a big gamer, I've been watching both Awesome Games Done Quick(AGDQ) and Summer Games Done Quick(SGDQ) for about five years now.

Each marathon gets better. More games, larger sponsors, more money raised, and, finally, better production quality. The SGDQ that just finished raised over $3 Million for Doctors Without Borders, and the production and organization is top-notch.If you can't watch the whole SGDQ 2019, at least watch the last few hours. The grand finale run of Chrono Trigger ended up smashing the total-money-raised record for any GDQ and was just insane. Specifically, I was impressed with the donation tracker.

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