“Gutenberg” is a codename for a whole new paradigm in WordPress site building and publishing, that aims to revolutionize the entire publishing experience as much as Gutenberg did the printed word. Right now, the project is in the first phase of a four-phase process that will touch every piece of WordPress — Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual — and is focused on a new editing experience, the block editor.
The block editor introduces a modular approach to pages and posts: each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing WordPress users to create media-rich pages in a visually intuitive way — and without work-arounds like shortcodes or custom HTML.
The block editor first became available in December 2018, and we’re still hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for the next three phases of work. The Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest version of the block editor so you can join us in testing bleeding-edge features, start playing with blocks, and maybe get inspired to build your own.
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User Documentation: See the WordPress Editor documentation for detailed docs on using the editor as an author creating posts and pages.
Developer Documentation: Extending and customizing is at the heart of the WordPress platform, see the Developer Documentation for extensive tutorials, documentation, and API reference on how to extend the editor.
Contributors: Gutenberg is an open-source project and welcomes all contributors from code to design, from documentation to triage. See the Contributor’s Handbook for all the details on how you can help.
We’d love to hear your bug reports, feature suggestions and any other feedback! Please head over to the GitHub issues page to search for existing issues or open a new one. While we’ll try to triage issues reported here on the plugin forum, you’ll get a faster response (and reduce duplication of effort) by keeping everything centralized in the GitHub repository.
The four phases of the project are Editing, Customization, Collaboration, and Multilingual. You can hear more about the project and phases from Matt in his State of the Word talks for 2019 and 2018. Additionally you can follow updates in the Make WordPress Core blog.
I was very resistent in the beginning but now I can't imagine going back to crappy bloated pagebuilders. My gutenberg pages are blazing fast and all customers are able to use them with ease.
Haven't built my own blocks yet but will definitely give it a try.
My first experience with Gutenberg was NOT fun. That was at first release. I packed up my multisite and relocated to the fork of WordPress. And was I ever miserable. Not because of the fork itself, but because I was still stuck with a blogging platform with no creative functions (unless you were a php developer and knew your way around CSS styling). The CSS I didn't mind too much, but I revolted at the idea of having to learn complex coding skills just to create content. So I was not happy with the fork of classic WordPress, and Gutenberg (back then) wasn't thrilling me either.
Fastforward to now. Recently (as recent as a few days ago), I decided to try Gutenberg again and check out the improvements. The problem for me was that my sites had been reverted to the fork of classic WordPress, and within my WordPress dashboard, there was no way for me to just...you know, return to WordPress 5.5.1 seamlessly just so I could try out the improved Gutenberg. SIGH! I had to do it manually. So I did! Because I was desperate to say goodbye to classicly limited old WordPress.
Last night, I was up til after 3am. Having a WONDERFUL TIME! creating my first Gutenberg-"powered" site (I did mention that I have a multisite installation). It did take a few minutes of pecking around the page to learn the icons and their functions and once I did, I didn't want to go to bed! I absolutely LOVE the ease of using columns in a post or on a page. SO simple, and quick, compared to classic WordPress. You guys have REALLY improved Gutenberg since its inception, and so much so that I didn't even need to use a theme with predesigned layouts nor a plugin to create columns. Thank you! My previous review about Gutenberg was a 1 star, this one is a genuine 5! I can't wait to see how Gutebnerg continues to improves over time.
I do suggest improved styling capabilities without having to resort to manual CSS styling, or the use of plugins for styling, but compared to where WordPress WAS, you all have brought it SUCH a long way ahead. I absolutely love it! And don't worry: those who are expressing their angst at the "change" (improvement) will come round, if they change their mindset and instead of using Gutenberg as a "builder", use it as an actual editor. As for the classic "tiny" editor, it does offer freedom of styling for those who are code savvy in that regard and have the time. Me? I'm a university graduate who already has a career, and it isn't website development. I simply want to create content for my readers and customers, efficiently and quickly, and Gutenberg gets that part RIGHT.
Like any aother sane WordPress user I try to keep the number of installed plugins to a minimum and to be forced to install one just to be able to continue using the product really sucks. I'm a senior developer myself and I fully understand the ambition and reasoning behind this change but from a user perspective it's really bad. The name itself is also quite disrespectful to Gutenberg and his family imo. This is unfortunately the worst thing to happen to WordPress to this day and I hope Gutenberg will be put back in the grave where it belongs.
The experience with the editor has been good so far. Lite and fast.
I'd like to see more basic features added like padding and margin for each block instead of manually adding it with css. A better UI is needed badly, blocks are not very well distinguished when there is no content in it.
Overall we need a good set of blocks to build more complex layouts. A contact form would be very welcomed instead of needing an extra plugin for that.
I despise using wordpress now. It has not only ruined a whole lot of posts that I now have to go back and "fix" with this utterly useless editor, it has broken all sorts of features on my site. I just can't believe this shitty software was forced onto everyone as an improvement. Devs should be ashamed for ruining the wordpress experience, now I have to spend 10 times as long just trying to do simple things that were so easy to do before. You idiots are lucky that wordpress is one of the best free solutions, but I will be looking for alternatives to this trash as soon as I can move my site.