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WordCamp Europe 2021 will be online

The Global Leads of WCEU 2021, along with the Porto Local Team Lead and our mentors from WordCamp Central, have decided to hold WCEU 2021 as an online event.

In a world filled with uncertainty, we would like to provide a bit of clarity about the upcoming WordCamp Europe.

After careful consideration, and following guidance from WordCamp Central, we have agreed to hold WCEU 2021 online.

Although it was a difficult decision, it also seems the right thing to do. Considering the continuing uncertainty regarding COVID-19, we are hesitant to draw so many individuals from so many different places into one physical space.

We understand that this decision will come as a disappointment to many. We know that this event is a much-needed social outlet for many in our community and that an online event isn’t quite the same as a physical event. We’re so sad to not be able to greet you all in person in Porto in June.

The decision does have many positive aspects, however:

  • It removes uncertainty for attendees and sponsors.
  • It avoids the eventual future hassle of cancelling flights and accommodations.
  • It allows for a huge global audience to attend without expense or risk. WCEU 2020 Online was a huge success with more than 8,000 attendees from around the world, who experienced 3 full days of learning, sharing, and fun online. 
  • Making the decision now allows us to focus all our organizing efforts on creating the very best online event possible, and to take into consideration some of the great ideas that are coming up in discussions around online event formats.


We are hopeful that we will be able to gather safely in 2022. To that end, and with hearts full of hope, we have already booked the Super Bock Arena (Pavilhão Rosa Mota) for June 2 – June 4, 2022. If everything falls into place as we hope it will, we’ll see you there!

Join us

We hope you’ll consider joining the WCEU 2021 Online Organizing Team to help us make this the best virtual WCEU ever. We will reach out to applicants in September, after a brief summer break.  

Thank you

Thank you for your understanding and participation, both in WCEU 2020 Online, and in our upcoming online event!

Be well,
Your WCEU 2021 Global Leads, Porto Local Team Lead, and WordCamp Central Mentors:
Moncho, Lesley, Taeke, Bernhard, José, Rocío, and Hugh

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