RSVPMaker for Toastmasters
This Toastmasters-specific extension to the RSVPMaker events plugin adds role signups and member performance tracking.
Udvid din WordPress oplevelse 57.939 plugins.
This Toastmasters-specific extension to the RSVPMaker events plugin adds role signups and member performance tracking.
The best WP plugin for backup, anti spam, malware scan, CDN, AMP, social, search, contact…
Restaurant menu and ordering made simple. Create a drink and food menu, and accept orders…
Discover whole new ball game of pop-ups. Popup whatever floats your boat, customize it however…
Aktivere WordPress klassiske editor og gamle stil med redigere sider og indlæg med TinyMCE, Meta…
The best anti-spam protection to block spam comments and spam in a contact form. The…
The best WP plugin for backup, anti spam, malware scan, CDN, AMP, social, search, contact…
bbPress is forum software for WordPress.
A feature plugin to integrate Plugins & Themes automatic updates in WordPress Core.
The Gutenberg plugin provides editing, customization, and site building features to WordPress. This beta plugin…
Aktiver totrinsgodkendelse ved hjælp af tidsbaserede engangskoder (OTP, Google Autentificering), Universal 2. faktor (FIDO U2F,…
Creates unique passwords for applications to authenticate users without revealing their main passwords.
Bare endnu et kontaktformular plugin. Simpelt, men fleksibelt.
Gør din WordPress-SEO bedre: Skriv bedre indhold og optimér din WordPress-website fuldt ud med Yoast…
Aktivere WordPress klassiske editor og gamle stil med redigere sider og indlæg med TinyMCE, Meta…
The best anti-spam protection to block spam comments and spam in a contact form. The…