
WordPress is continually under development. Currently, work is underway on Phase 2 of the Gutenberg project. The Gutenberg project is a reimagination of the way we manage content on the web. Its goal is to broaden access to web presence, which is a foundation of successful modern businesses. Phase 1 was the new block editor, which was released in WordPress 5.0, you can see that in action here. Throughout 2020 there is a focus on full site editing as we continue to progress through Phase 2.

For 2020 the project also has the following 7 priorities, as outlined in this post by project executive director Josepha Haden:

  • Çêkirina blokekê ji bo menuyên rêdîtinê.
  • Ji bo keşfkirina blokan û bi hêsanî sazkirina wan pelrêçeke WordPress.orgê ava bike.
  • Ji bo bikarin hildemandinên jixweber yên rûkar û pêvekan tercih bikin ji bikarhêneran re rêyek veke.
  • Rêyeke peyda bike ji bo rûkaran da ku qadên naverokan bi dîtbarî qeyd bikin, û wan li Gutenbergê derpêş bikin.
  • Bo piştgirîdana blokan qadên sererastkirina alavokan û Taybetkarê bilind bikin.
  • Rêyeke peyda bike ji bo bikarhêneran, da ku karibin hildemandinên otomatîk a guhertoyên Kakila sereke tercîh bikin.
  • Ji bo çareserkirina 6,500 pirsgirêkên me yên vekirî li ser Tracê komeke triyajê(sefandin) bide hev.

Dixwazî beşdar bibî? Here Make WordPressê! Hertim pêdiviya me bi mirovan heye ji bo wergerandin, sêwirandin, belgekirin, pêşvebirin û bazarkirina WordPressê.

Guhertoyên plankirî yên berdest

Vayê li vir guhertoyên plankirî yên vê gavê, û lînkên li xalên werçerxên wan ya di şopgera mey ya pirsgirêkan. Demên texmînî ji bo mexseda gotûbêj û plankirinê ne, û gava belavkirina guhertoyê nêzîk bibe wê zelaltir bibe.

Guherto Planned
5.6 (Trac) Hezîran 2020
5.7 Adar 2021
5.8 Hezîran 2021
5.9 Îlon 2021
6.0 Hezîran 2021

For more information on the planned release schedule, please read the Make WordPress Core post about the tentative release calendar for 2020-2021.

The month prior to a release new features are frozen and the focus is entirely on ensuring the quality of the release by eliminating bugs and profiling the code for any performance issues.

Tu dikarî puxteya guhertoyên me yên berê li ser rûpela me ya dîrokê bibînî

Nexşerêya demdirêj

While Phase 2 of Gutenberg is expected to continue at least through 2020, there are already plans for Phase 3 and 4. During the State of the Word from WordCamp US 2019, Matt shared the following vision for phases in Gutenberg:

The Four Phases of Gutenberg

  1. Easier Editing — Already available in WordPress, with ongoing improvements
  2. Customization — Full Site editing, Block Patterns, Block Directory, Block based themes
  3. Collaboration — A more intuitive way to co-author content
  4. Multi-lingual — Core implementation for Multi-lingual sites