WordCamp Rochester 2020 Logo

That’s a Wrap!

Thank you to everyone who attended WordCamp Rochester 2020! We had a successful day of online learning, sharing and networking. What an amazing group of people!

If you didn’t get a chance to leave session feedback, please fill out the feedback form below.

The videos for the sessions will be available soon on WordPress.tv

Please help us to continue providing and improving future WordCamps by completing the short survey.

A special Thank You to our Attendees, Speakers, Volunteers and especially our Sponsors. Without you, our WordCamp would not be possible.

Please support our Sponsors; they make it possible to bring you WordCamps around the globe.

See you next year!
Sarah, Maryann, Trevor, & Tricia

PS – Join us at a future meetup!
Learn more here: WPRochester.com

WordCamp Rochester Brownie Blog


Yoast is a Platinum sponsor! Did you know that you can use the Yoast plugin to help rank your site higher in search engines? That is really cool. Talk with them more in their sponsor room!

WordCamp Rochester Brownie Blog

Imran Sayed

Imran has a passion for teaching and sharing knowledge. In addition to teaching programming on WordPress and Laravel on his YouTube channel, Imran is a WordPress Developer at rtCamp. He is also a WordCamp Speaker, Organizer, WordPress Meetup Organizer, and a regular contributor to the WordPress community. He is also a core contributor in WordPress and has a rich experience in Node, React and Laravel.

In his session called Fastest way of creating Gutenberg block with minimal javascript knowledge, Imran will share his story, research and methods that helped him build blocks quickly with the power of Gutenberg. If you want to create reusable blocks quickly with minimal JavaScript, you should come to this session!

Fastest way of creating Gutenberg block with minimal javascript knowledge with Imran Sayed