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العربية / Arabic

Locale Managers (3)

General Translation EditorsTranslation Editor Translation editors can approve translations for projects. The GTE (General Translation Editor) and LM (Locale Manager) roles can add new users with the "Project Translation Editor" role that can approve translations for specific projects. There are two different Translation Editor roles: General Translation Editor and Project Translation Editor (3)

Project Translation Editors (92)

Current Translation Contributors (295)

7amosatv, a.alyoubi, a20z, aalghamdi, aalshaikh, abasobito, Abd AlRahman, ABDELILLAH ELKRAIMI, Abdeslam Lachhab, abdox4g, Abdullah Ali, abdullahalmusa, Abdulrahman Almajed, abeers, aBuhaTim, addaui, adel915, adhubyani, Adil El hallaoui, Adil_HeRo, Ahmad Al Hariri, ahmadjordan, ahmadnet20, ahmadtwawlbe2008, Ahmed Abbadi, Ahmedbakr, Ahmed Bougandoura, ahmedelbriky, Ahmed Elgameel, Ahmed Majid, ahmed mansour, ahmedmohamed84, ahmedrabea79, Ahmed Rashed, ahmedsaad20, akhbarlive, alaa202, Alaa Nassef, Aladdin Raider, alawadhi, Aldoseri, Alex Kirk, algheilani, Ali Basheer, Ali Saki, aliyanowh, alkhatersa, alloushm, almadani.99, almahmoud, almkdad, almodhesh, alnaharitech, alrasbi, alsharafi, alsrwani, altayyar, amasabi, AmauriC, aminagr, Amjad, ammaryasser98, amr habib, Anas Arab, Anas Bin Afif, ar4web, Arab Eagles Advertising, Arab Window, Arij Shahla, Arslan Arain, asma-alwan, asoftdb, awadalshehri, aymanfikry, aymang, aymenyaseen, azzo112, baderalrayyes, bakraloufi, baraanasser5, barod1989, Basheer Radman, bashir101, bassem2home, bassemM, Bbioon, bekyahia, bellegend, benizec, bensa3ed, billoosijok, Blossom Themes Support, boutayeb, buraidahj, BurijKing, byronkeet, CHERRAD, Chris, dailybarid, dilshadbitweny, dmsaqeel, drhelp007, Duke Yin,, eee32, elbaramouny, elsoar, emad897, engak, entar99ammar, Essam Saad, everestthemes, extrasport, Eyadoo, Fadel Tchalabi, Fadi Nicolas Zahhar, fadysghatas, Fajr Yassin, fakhriaz, fanaanweb, faraj1978, Fathallah Wael, Fatima85, ferasallaou, ferass01, fitdizer, franji, glotfy, gnassro, habusarhan, hadi, Haitham Laith, Hamada Habib, haroobi, Hassan, Hassan Matoog, hdraye, Hew, hexray2020, hiabusiness, hosam105, hosammorey, htdesign, Htewech7, Huda Mohammed, iabdu, ibounty, ilyass1987, imarah, ISMAILALI, jazaman, Juicer Translation Team (CLPTE), Jwana Altwaim, kazeninja20, Kenan, khaled alrimi, khaledelpop, kholoudkandil, kiwifu, layal9090, ledjerbien, Lite_Gamer, lourari, maamoon95, Madi, Mahesh Waghmare, Mahmoud Abd El Aziz, maldurazi, malouka1977, mammdo7, marah1998, mcfarhat, medfan2003, Medhat Albsugy, medserviceguide, mesterperfect, mhalmasri, MHD88, mhdtmd, mido1112005, mimv, Mo'ath Zaghdad, moathworks, Modern Tribe, Inc., Mohamed Saad, mohamedsunbae, Mohamed Taman, mohammad albadrany, Mohammad I. Okfie, Mohammad Qara, Mohammed Assar, mohanadiq, mohannadkamara, mohmadpop200, mokhtarsaad, motammel, moxyb, mrhamza, mrkash5h, muathye, muhanned85, muhaymin, mustafamohsen, mustafamsy, Mutaz, Nabaa Media, Nabeel, Nabil Moqbel, Nagdy, najwabetar, nalhazmii, Nashwan Doaqan, nasserrashed, nawareg, Nawras, nerooo, njnvjrnv, nooh43, Norah Alhathloul, obadasaada, Omar Amassine, Omar Kasem, onefree, OsamaPro, osmanabdelrhman, Oualid Bouaziz, ourlife2020, pkjha, q8trends, Radwan Hallak, RAHMANI AbdElFattah, ramico, ramonopoly, ramymelegy, Rara Themes Support, Rasheed Bydousi, Reema Alnafisi, saadfaris, SaebMsarwa, Said El Bakkali, saidino, salahwh, Sale7, Samah Nasr, samehali9, sami2018afndi, samizarraa, Saria Hijazi, sattamjh, scoool, shadialaghbari, shhada, shupo, simonie, sirapa, skatheri, sniper90, souhaib100, Subrata Mal, sulaimani, sumayya93, tageld, Talib AdDaoud, tamernady, tbenmila, tearprice005, themeansar, themebeez, thrmda, Translations by Automattic, turkialsharafi, Waghlis, wail75, Waleed, Waleed-Hammoud, waleedelsefy, WC Lovers, webdeveloper456, Webinane, WebUser, woj24, wp-buy, WP-Translations, wpdevelop, yahy0o, Yoast, yonisws, yoo9, youhiba, zeinnabil, ZintaThemes, Ziyad, Zohair RezaeiMobin, أنور, and خالد محمود.

Past Translation Contributors (457)

01walid,, 4sellshop, 5water, 6eotech, 27med7assan, ???????? ????????, aaalbadi1, aalzoman, Aaron Douglas, aatkco, Abdal Malik, Abdelhadi Touil, Abdelhak Fareh, Abderraouf Mehdi Bouhali, Abdulaziz AlJassar, abdull85, Abdullah Adawi, Abdullah Albakour, abdullahba, Abdulrahman Bajandooh, Abdulrahman Sharif, abdumu, abdunnasirs, abnud1, Abo Atef, Abodivb, Aboelabbas, abood02, aboodred1, AboRa3d, abudy_iraq, Adam Boush, adammk, Adel Tahri, adib alalimi, adild, Adil Elsaeed, Adnan Al-Malek, aelbokl, aghiadaldoukhna, ahmadabuaysheh, Ahmad Al Maaz, Ahmad Magdy, ahmadmg, ahmed.sami, ahmed alnagar, AhmedBadie, Ahmed Hamdi, Ahmed Hamouda, ahmedlotfey, Ahmed Magdi, Ahmed_Yahia, aimane00, akmm, aksfl, ala101, alaahariri, Alaa Najmi, Alaa Rihan, alabsy, alakameljebali, alani95, Alboorii, aldobaie, ALFARES909, alfasatwi, algeriandz, alhatmi, alhitary, ali4karbala, Ali Aqoub, alibakrofficial, alibarakat, alidoom2010, Ali Hassan, Ali Khallad, aljaziwp, Almo16, almusalli, alphadsy, alshizawi, althahabi, amanymaher82, Amer Melebari, aminawp, aminezouhair, amjad116, Ammar Alakkad, ammarmoualla, Amr Ali, amralmohamdy, ams1991, Andrew dela Serna, Anzawi, apk2down, aqazi Studio, ArabianChem, asf4ever, atatreh, aThemeArt, Atiaf Hussain, awam10, awesomesupport, awsdib, Ayman Mohey, Aymene Bourafai, azez alzamil, azhar2086, azzuwayed, babouselim, bahebeco, baselseif, bassamh, bassem.mak, batelazmy, bem.dh, blackwords, bluedan21, Bonah Net, BrOkEn_iCe, browserweb, bslanbt, Budoor, Bullet.Boy, bvard, celarbi, cherairabdelhafid, code2be, CREATIVES TEAM, CyrilG, darknesso, dd32, deaomu, Delta Serv, detailscloud, Dharmesh Patel, Dlovan Bashir Ali, dodosmsm, domestix007, Dominik Schilling, Dr. Mohamed Saleh, drhoussem, Driss Baidou, DrMohamedGamal, drxabdulrahman, e1c159eb, eadoking, ed3scom, egyhots5, elbakali dev, Elementor, emirpprime, eng0aks, engytay, eshawas, Eslam Yosef, esmailsasso, exit99studio, fadi007, farahatxbs, faressoft, Farisms111, feras.alhammadi, fettet, firstnet2, forfuture, furat2014, General, GFXWAY, Ghadi N, Ghalib, Ghazzi Alotibi, gmcbaha, hadinaser, Hafiben, halsanei, hamidben, hamsat5, Hasan, hasan83, hasanalzahrani, hasan_kassem, hassoun, heba sawalha, Heyoya, hicham.077, Hissro, hkais, hobiano, hol4ko, hoseintamimi, Hussin abdalla abdulkarim, Ibrahim, IbrahimAlfatesh, iFlendra, Imad Eddin, iMezied, imoud, iraqziad, isaudi, Ismail El Korchi, issaalhadithi, ixenox, jaafer7, jadoux, Jamal Kassem, janinehpierre,, Jenia, Jeremy Massel, Jeremy Varnham, jigsaw1980, John Blackbourn, jsamesgsfus, julesaus, just-egy, Jwtiyar, kare3m, karimchedid, kashmiry, kayzeqo, kemoday, ketatakhalil, Khaldoun, Khaleal, khaled3afan, khaledsa, khalid.alhosany, kinan9011, kinandev, Kise, klamtech, kmoj86, kyatama, lamsh, Leap13, letsfx, libbard, limothna, Louy Alakkad, LuckyWP, m3uuf, maarouf, maboelennin, mabuodeh, madalin.ungureanu, maelhabashy, magnifico101, mah86, maherqari, mahfoof, Mahmood Abbas, mahmoud.kamel, mahmoudegx, Mahmoud Hossam, majdmf, majidh, majidkadi, makkacom, malikjozane, malkhouly, Manar Aldroubi, Manzilak, Manzoor Wani, mass4u, mastro100s, matrixboy, Maxime, Mazen Hrazi, Mazen M, mazenumar, mburaik, mchebib, Mecko, medhatfawzy, medsuk, meedawi, megamindp, mgam, MGBHallinONE, midoam2003, minomouh, mirsino, miso872, mizyan, mkahaleh, moalim, Modar Soos, ModernResearch, moh-mustafa, Mohamed.Alahdal, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Mohamed Abd Elhalim, mohamedahmed, Mohamed Binothman, MohamedMaher, mohamed mowafy, mohammad75, mohammadshabanazzouz, mohammadyalqudah, Mohammed Alozaibi, Mohammed Al Saadi, mohammedasaad, mohammedaskar, mohannadtjo, Moh Farawati, moiqd, mona fayyad, moodyali80, Mosaab, mosab1, mostafael, Mr.ayed abduallh, mrabdulaziz, mrakor, mtaha, mu7amed0, Muhammad Yazen Ghazal, Muneera_Salah, Mustafa Online, Nabil, nadeem1999, nadhirboukhenifra, Naoko Takano, nashaaz, Nawaf Moqbel, nawrashariri, Naxia, Nazmul Hassan, nevineadel, nhnm1, Niall Kennedy, nicexit, nidamo, nilesouq, Nizar Almohammad, nouamanb, Noz, nusaybahm, obada.qawwas, Ocreative, ojaimi, omar fanger, oqtonion, osamaalfageeh, OuiT, Parodic Medor, Petya Raykovska, PHPar, phpawcom, podoomda, PoliteShrimp, Pufak, Ra3, rafiqfaqeh, Ragab M. Ammar, Rahmani Moatez Belleh, ramisadi, Rami Yushuvaev, Rashad_AboSada, Redouane, Remkus de Vries, Rifai, robotmarketer, rouabasset, Saabana, saadi91, saadshaban3kol, saadsoul, sabeurdz, saeed amani, safi2266, salehcm, salki, sallak, sameh1919, samerassil, samiexa, samishadaydeh, samook25, sarah elmalky, sarsar89, sayedemad, Scout4all, Sekander Badsha, sendhil, sh5abit, Shady Sharaf, shahad11, shammel, sharktest, shawahna, shehab14, Sidati, silverks, sirage1234, sirage12345, SmSm AleX, southarabia,, startop, Subah, subswiss, SudaFOSS,, talal868, tamaraali17, Tamer Imran, TarikBarraj, TchekliT, techniwd, technomacx, temantse, the comer, thed7m, themedleb, thesilent000, Translations by Semper Plugins,, Twitter Translations Team, Ultimate Member, urlord, Varun Sharma, vip055, waaelg, waanaasah, waed, waleed2020, waleedwahba, walidovski, wassem mansour, way2enjoy, wdabdeen98, web2dev, wesellhost, withsalah,, wphrmanager, xsav2, xXDaViNCi I, yahya92, yahyaaq, Yaser Maadan, yazeed_bajeal, yjaffal, Yoav Farhi, yousef ali, yousefalienjoy, Zaher Kadour, zahranhost, zeine77, ziadmasry, zicrosoft, zidpixel, ziyadmg, and zooz.

Note: Is this a language that you speak? Join the WordPress translation team for Arabic!