Translate WordPress

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WordPress 5.6 Translation Status (November 19, 2020)

If you received a notification about this post, then the reason is (most probably) that you’re registered as General Translation Editor for one or several WordPress locales. If you believe that to be in error, please reach out to the Polyglots Global Mentors’ team via a comment to this post or (better) via Slack (see about how to join Slack).

WordPress 5.6 is planned to be released on December 8, 2020, and now it’s at RC1 (hard string freeze stage). Let’s work together to complete translations in time!

Please don’t forget to watch the #polyglots channel on Make WordPress Slack for important updates, and ask any questions – your inquiry will help other translators too!

Dev at 100% (15)

Congrats to these 15 teams for completing early! 🥳

#sq, #ar, #ca, #nl_NL, #nl_NL_formal, #en_GB, #gl_ES, #ja, #ru_RU, #es_AR, #es_MX, #es_ES, #es_VE, #sv_SE, #cy

Dev between 95% and 100% (46)

Great job getting ready for the release! 👍

#af, #as, #eu, #zh_TW, #hr, #da_DK, #nl_BE, #en_AU, #en_CA, #en_ZA, #eo, #et, #fi, #fr_BE, #fr_CA, #fr_FR, #de_DE, #de_AT, #de_DE_formal, #de_CH, #de_CH_informal, #el, #he_IL, #hu_HU, #id_ID, #it_IT, #kab, #ckb, #dsb, #nb_NO, #fa_IR, #pl_PL, #pt_BR, #pt_PT, #pt_PT_ao90, #ro_RO, #skr, #sr_RS, #sk_SK, #es_CL, #es_CO, #es_CR, #bo, #tr_TR, #uk, #hsb

Dev between 90% and 95% (16)

#bs_BA @kenan3008
#bg_BG @tyxla @nofearinc @nbachiyski @petya @silvinafurnadzhieva @kldn @vloo
#zh_CN @jimmyxu @lufffy
#zh_HK @chrischiu @greglui @cyis100 @jimmywong911 @ckykenken @gamerz @mackstudio @tangrufus @wisley
#cs_CZ @kalich5 @wpcz @mobby2561
#ka_GE @dimitrigog @tazotodua
#lv @albertsb @armandsdz @capsx @edzuss99 @elvisandersons @gkulups @grivitis @lauvz @p0stman @karlisupitis @kskaredovs @maris-o @mikslatvis @nauriskolats @orvils @peteris @rmkapins @timlatvia @rolandinsh @unigunde @veisis @webhaus
#mk_MK @kuzmanov @darkog @701mk @m1tk00 @tomepajk
#nn_NO @chriscena @meinmycell @hgmb @peterhoob
#pt_AO @marcio-zebedeu
#snd @aamirraz @passoniate @aursani @fayazgabol @kashifgabol @lutuf @xpertone @rashidshar @zaheer01
#es_PE @braulioaquino
#es_PR @grpecunia
#th @imnok @9rt9rt @ibdz @dussarong @kazama @mennstudio
#uz_UZ @azamat88 @ulugov
#vi @rilwis @htdat @nguyenvanduocit @khoipro @lokiwp @philiparthurmoore @tatthiennguyen @thup90 @tonybui-1 @khunglong @tucq @dinhtungdu

Dev between 50% and 90% (49)

#am @fantaw @teferra @jowi2020
#arg @juanpabl
#hy @aaleksanyants @progmastery
#ast @chrismilleresp @dangerouspiper @enolp @ivarela @quiquead @terecapi
#az @muhsinmushviq @teymurio @togrul614
#bel @agfare
#bn_BD @wzislam @badsha_eee @tareq1988
#ceb @undefinedmj
#en_NZ @jjripikoi @ryanhellyer @netweb @tareiking @toherangi @wealthy @webaware
#fur @ensoul
#gu @afsanamultanii @afzalmultani @bhargavmehta @dipeshkakadiya @mehulkaklotar @ronakganatra @sanjaydabhoya
#haz @tohave
#hi_IN @ankit-k-gupta @gagan0123 @gyan @hardeepasrani @juhise @monikarao @jainnidhi @rajeevbhandari @saurabhshukla @1anand
#is_IS @birgire @egill @gudmundur @valurthor
#jv_ID @ekajogja @mrfoo @itxitx @mova-nugraha-ardi @movanugraha @pallawa
#kk @iakkz @kaznet @uki2017
#km @so_vichet @vannkorn
#kmr @berevaji @bikarhener @resadcibrani @ridwanxelil
#lt_LT @ideag @jonasltu @pokeraitis
#lug @thehopemonger @laurencebahiirwa @timhergty
#mai @roshanchy
#mg_MG @many @sitrakaandrinivo
#ms_MY @webgrrrl @mohdrafie @zeo @tarmiziaffandi
#ml_IN @abhilashenair @achyuthajoy @ajithrn @mbigul @harishanker @jagadees @jayeshsan @kcjagadeep @manojkmohan @nejwrks @nitkr
#mr @fitehal @mkrndmane @prathameshp @codexdemon @patilswapnilv
#mn @gansukh @uranbold
#ary @sa3idho
#my_MM @dennismaang @minnkyaw @herzcthu
#ne_NP @kafleg @rabmalin @shivashankerbhatta @meissudeep
#pcm @beembor09 @femiyb
#oci @cedric3131
#ps @theuniqueperson @msadat @sajadsafi
#pa_IN @kuldeepsidhu88 @pikasingh
#roh @3laurasch @domkikong @vindu @gion-andri @jachen @swissspidy @stampapleds
#gd @akerbeltzalba @alasdairmaccaluim @gunchleoc @macmhicheil
#szl @gkkulik
#si_LK @anandawardhana @bckurera @chevindu @dazunj @himasha @malinthe @mohanjith
#sl_SI @hekos
#azb @tohave
#es_GT @xicoofficial @wowdevshop
#es_UY @ranss
#sw @jacksiro @jacksiroke
#tl @carl-alberto @krzheiyah @kel-dc
#ta_IN @arunprakash @farookibrahim @hareesh-pillai @imanickam @menakas @simplysaru @varunms @venkatsr @vibgyj
#ta_LK @bagerathan
#tt_RU @qdinar
#te @bravokeyl @veeven
#ug_CN @alim-ahat @karluks @moorshidi @sepra
#ur @mrahmadawais @hibashaikhpk @maedahbatool @farhandanish1 @sajidzaman @saqibameen

Happy translating, and thank you for everyone who are making WordPress available in your language 🙌


The 2020 Polyglots Translator Research Form is Now Open!

(Please note that we’ve changed the name of the project from “2020 Polyglots Team Survey” to “2020 Polyglots Translator Research.” We are referring to the same thing, but wanted to avoid any confusion with the WordPress 2020 Survey.)

After some planning and tweaking, we now have all the pieces we need to kick off the 2020 Polyglots Research. We need your input and help with the following:

  • Take part by answering the questions in the 2020 Polyglots Translator Research form (roughly 15 questions, this should take you about ~5 minutes)
  • Translate the announcement template into your language and publish it on your Rosetta site (/news/ blog or /team/ P2)
  • Share the form and/or the announcement post with translation contributors (on your local Slack, personal groups & social media, or any other appropriate channels)
Show full post

Here are translated announcement posts you can share on your social media and/or send out to contributors (some has translations of the questions):

日本語 (Japanese)
Français (French)
Русский (Russian)

The form is open from November 9 to December 8 (UTC+0). You can also access the research form from the header of during this time.

We want to ask you to make sure that you clearly indicate this research is separate from the WordPress 2020 Survey to avoid any confusion. But, of course, it would be great to encourage your audience to participate in both the survey and the translator research!

Please leave a comment with a link if you have published the announcement post in any other language! And if you have any creative ideas to reach as many translation volunteers as possible, we’d love to hear about them.

Thanks for collaborating on this post, @evarlese, @chaion07, @psmits1567, @devinmaeztri , @webcommsat, @nalininonstopnewsuk, @meher, @lmurillom, @oglekler.


PTE Request for WordPress Real…

PTE Request for WordPress Real Cookie Banner: GDPR (DSGVO) & ePrivacy Cookie Consent

I’ve suggested translations for this plugin and would like to have them reviewed.
I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: WordPress Real Cookie Banner: GDPR (DSGVO) & ePrivacy Cookie Consent

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


Hallo Matthew @devowl!
Da du deutschsprachiger Plugin-Autor bist, können und wollen wir dir die PTE-Rechte für de_DE natürlich nicht verweigern. Daher bist du nun PTE.

Einige Übersetzungen passen allerdings noch nicht hundertprozentig. Daher möchten wir an dieser Stelle dringend auf Styleguide, unser verbindliches Glossar und die Regeln für Komposita (Durchkoppeln mit/ohne Bindestrich) hinweisen.
Wir empfehlen immer, die deutschsprachigen Strings entsprechend zu erstellen, um den Nutzern deines/eures Plugins eine möglichst hochwertige, professionelle und konsistente Lokalisierung zu bieten.

Das Polyglots-Team unterstützt gerne bei allen Fragen oder der Umsetzung im deutschen Slack #polyglots Channel. So tritt man dem deutschen Slack-Channel bei.

Done for de_DE @tobifjellner

PTE Request for DUTCH Copyright shortcode creator VICT

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for DUTCH Copyright shortcode creator VICT. We have a number of great translation editors that we’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin(s). Please add the following users as translation editors for their respective locales:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


In order to have the PTE role assigned, you need to indicate the URL (slug) of the plugin. Are you asking about ?

Also: When a locale is awarded, all variants are included. Therefore I have removed _formal from your request.

Also please have a look at the glossary for locale nl-NL. You need to inprove several words used in the suggestions. We do not use “plug-in”, “website”, “jouw”. these are some examples that I noticed. The link to the locale glossary can be found in the screen where you add the suggestions.

Within the glossary you will also find directions how to translate for locale nl-NL.
The translation looks OK beside the wrong words used. So if you correct those, we can give you the PTE role.

I’m removing the to-do status of this request since there currently is nothing more left for the locale team(s) to do. In order to proceed with this request, you (or, where applicable, the translator) can follow the instructions given in previous comments.

If and when you submit updated translations, please either comment under this post, mentioning #nl_NL or @psmits1567

PTE Request for Live Chat…

PTE Request for – Live Chat (Messenger API) + PolyLang – Tracking: Emails and Notifications for WooCommerce – Invoices for WooCommerce – Obiór osobisty z WooCommerce – InPost Paczkomaty, Poczta, Żabka, Ruch

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for above plugins. We want to translate it into our native language. Please add the following users as translation editors for their respective locales:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for CTCL Phone Pay

I’ve suggested translations for this plugin and would like to have them reviewed.
I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: CTCL Phone Pay

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Jetpack CRM…

PTE Request for Jetpack CRM – Clients, Invoices, Leads, & Billing

I’ve suggested translations for this plugin and would like to have them reviewed.
I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: Jetpack CRM – Clients, Invoices, Leads, & Billing

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


PTE Request for Leaky Paywall

I’ve suggested 84 translations for the Leaky Paywall Subscription Platform and would like to have them reviewed. I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: Leaky Paywall Subscription Platform

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


Hello Polyglots,

I’m the developer of GenerateBlocks:

I’d like to add the following user as an editor:

Thank you!


Hi @edge22,

Same here…
Your plugin GenerateBlocks is currently 100 % translated for German (Default) and German (Formal), too. Our gPTE (= Global PTE) @transl8or took care of it. As the amount of strings by @dasigna is too low to give PTE rights, I would suggest getting back to us later, when @dasigna has suggested more strings.

Thanks a lot.

Done for de_DE @tobifjellner

(Post Title) PTE Request for…

PTE Request for AfterPay payment gateway for Woocommerce

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for afterpay-payment-gateway-for-woocommerce ( We have a number of great translation editors that we’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin(s). Please add the following users as translation editors for their respective locales:

— nl_NL – @afterpay
— nl_BE – @afterpay
— de_DE – @afterpay
— de_AT – @afterpay
— de_CH – @afterpay
— fr_BE – @afterpay
— fr_FR – @afterpay
— nb_NO – @afterpay
— sv_SE – @afterpay
— fi_FI – @afterpay
— da_DK – @afterpay

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


The idea is that translations should be approved by people who know the target language well enough to check that translations are correct, follow the style guide of each locale (see: ), etc.

Best candidates for this are the translator themselves.
So we urge translators to register an account with, submit a decent number of waiting strings, and then get in touch with their language team for feedback and possibly getting awarded PTE status. In many cases by joining the language-specific Slack workspace, see:
(And I think you, as a plugin developer also want your plugin to blend in well with the translations of themes and WordPress core, right?)

Actually, we DO have such a different role, it’s called CLPTE, Cross-Locale PTE. But in order to be eligible for that one, you need to source your translations from professional translators and also provide channels for feedback on translations, etc. You can read more about it in

So – what language(s) do you personally know well enough to vouch for the translation quality?

As far as fr_FR is concerned, there are no suggestions to check so there’s nothing we can do. And it seems to be the case for every available language…

@afterpay, please read how the French translation team handles PTE requests.


Translations for locale nl-NL are not done by a human, so I did set them to fuzzy. So no PTE rol for locale nl-NL

PTE Request for Sidebar Login…

PTE Request for Sidebar Login

I’ve suggested translations for this Sidebar Login plugin and would like to have them reviewed. I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: Sidebar Login

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


Dear @grapplerulrich, thanks for your reply. I have translated 33 parts of the plugin.

However, they are in the waiting queue. I don’t know what to do next, or whom should I contact. The last translation in this language was submitted 5 years ago! I want to move forward right now. Can you give some idea of what would be the next step? I can see that there is no translation editor for this specific project yet.

As you can see in the comment below, your request has been approved by the bn_BD team.
Ulrich responded first because you initially tagged your request to the team of Swiss German.

PTE Request for WP-Strava I’ve…

PTE Request for WP-Strava

I’ve suggested translations for this plugin and would like to have them reviewed.

Name: WP-Strava

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


Just review and approve (thats done!) or do you want PTE for this plugin?

@fierevere I think the title says it… (“PTE Request for…”) 🙂

While the post text says “i have suggested and like them reviewed”
Just trying to ensure what is the real intention, most people just copy request template 🙂

Really, I used a copy-paste of the template. Enough to you review and approve. For me no difference PTE or Contributor, thanks

Hello Polyglots,

I’m the developer of GeneratePress:

Can we add the following user as an editor?



Hey @edge22 and @dasigna,

I’ve just today overhauled the default (informal) and formal #de_DE translations for the GeneratePress theme and taken in the latest suggestions by @dasigna from last week.

Formal: and

are currently with 100% “in synch” and consistent like it should be, which means that they only differ in the explicit informal/formal strings.
If you like to maintain this, please, please make sure to keep both sides up-to-date. That would be really great!

For an editor assignment you gotta ask someone who’s currently GTE, like @jensratzel.

All the best.

Hi @edge22,

Your plugin is currently 100 % translated for German (Default) and German (Formal). Our gPTE (= Global PTE) @transl8or took care of it. As the amount of strings by @dasigna is too low to give PTE rights, I would suggest getting back to us later, when @dasigna has suggested more strings.

Thanks a lot.

Done for de_DE @tobifjellner

Help me fix placeholder inconsistencies in some translations


As part of my work on a linter for translations, I’ve reviewed the translations that we use for the WordPress iOS app and especially the consistency in their use of placeholders (%d, %@, etc).

I have found a couple of inconsistencies, especially some translations don’t use the same placeholders as the original, and will need to be fixed (especially since usage of mismatching placeholders in a given translation can lead to a crash of the app when formatting the final text).

Can I ask contributors/editors in each of these locales to fix the corresponding translations – so they use the same %d/%@/etc placeholders in the translations than the ones used in the original? Don’t hesitate to comment to let me know when translations for your respective locale have been fixed!

Thanks for your contribution!

  • #ar Inconsistencies
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
%li words, %li characters Int,Int
Are you sure you want to continue?⮐ All site data will be removed from your %@. String
Content Structure⮐Blocks: %li, Words: %li, Characters: %li Int,Int,Int Int,Int
Media uploaded (1 file) Int
You have %lu hidden WordPress sites. Int
You recently made changes to this post but didn't save them. Choose a version to load:⮐⮐From this device⮐Saved on %@⮐⮐From another device⮐Saved on %@⮐ String,String String
© %ld Automattic, Inc. Int String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Unable to upload 1 post, %ld files Int
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Media filesize (%@) is too large to upload. Maximum allowed is %@ String,String String
There has been an unexpected error while sending your reply String
When you make changes in the editor you'll be able to see the history here String
WordPress version too old. The site at %@ uses WordPress %@. We recommend to update to the latest version, or at least %@ String,String,String String,String
your new domain %@ is being set up. Your site is doing somersaults in excitement! String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Are you sure you want to continue?⮐ All site data for %@ will be removed from your %@. String,String
Content Structure⮐Blocks: %li, Words: %li, Characters: %li Int,Int,Int Int,Int
Media uploaded (1 file) Int
You have %lu hidden WordPress sites. Int
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
By setting up Jetpack you agree to our⮐%@ String
Media uploaded (1 file) Int
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
If you remove %@, that user will no longer be able to access this site, but any content that was created by %@ will remain on the site. String,String
Would you still like to remove this person? String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Are you sure you want to rewind your site back to %@?⮐This will remove all content and options created or changed since then. String String,String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Media uploaded (1 file) Int
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
If you remove %@, that user will no longer be able to access this site, but any content that was created by %@ will remain on the site. String,String String
  • Inconsistencies in locale #nl_NL

Note: this one has actually already been fixed by @psmits1567

Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Connecting %@ String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
The site at %@ uses WordPress %@. We recommend to update to the latest version, or at least %@ String,String,String String,String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
Error updating %@. String
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
%@ of %@ used on your site String,String String
%li words, %li characters Int,Int
Are you sure you want to continue?⮐ All site data for %@ will be removed from your %@. String,String String
Are you sure you want to rewind your site back to %@?⮐This will remove all content and options created or changed since then. String
Are you sure you wish to remove the topic '%@'? String
Media uploaded (1 file) Int
You have %lu hidden WordPress sites. Int
Original Expected types Actual types in translation
%li words, %li characters Int,Int
If you remove %@, that user will no longer be able to access this site, but any content that was created by %@ will remain on the site. String,String
Media uploaded (1 file) Int
You have %lu hidden WordPress sites. Int


Japanese fixed. Thanks for letting us know!

PTE Request for Blocking for Yandex.Advisor

Hello Polyglots, I am the plugin author for for Yandex.Advisor. We have a number of great translation editors that we’d like to be able to approve translation for our plugin(s). Please add the following users as translation editors for their respective locales:

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!


название плагина мы обычно не переводим, хотя при нацеленности именно на русскоязычного пользователя – можно наверное.


Да, он в основном и рассчитан на русскоязычную аудиторию.

PTE request for Keys Master

Hello all!
I’m the plugin author of Master and I would like to become PTE for thefr_CA locale.

Thanks in advance.


PTE Request for Twenty Nineteen, Twenty Twenty and Twenty Twenty-One

I’ve suggested translations for this project, and I would like to have them reviewed.
I’d also like to become a PTE.

Name: Twenty Nineteen – Chinese (China)

Name: Twenty Twenty – Chinese (China)

Name: Twenty Twenty-One – Chinese (China)

If you have any questions, just comment here. Thank you!
