This morning, I got a text from my dad. It was a simple text. So simple, in fact, that even the most casual observer would find it pretty straightforward. He texted me to ask how I was doing this morning. That's literally the entire content of his text. How are you doing this morning?My dad … Continue reading again…
two blocks…
I had to run an errand. It was important. I was out of gin. That's one of the very few things that I still go get. Almost everything except liquor we have delivered. Yes, it's admittedly a privilege. A significant one. But given a huge pile of givens — including but not limited to the … Continue reading two blocks…
changing the things I can…
My neighbor's kids used to whisper that I was a shut-in. They used to think I was afraid to leave my house because as far as they could tell I was always home. Their dad taught them if there was ever an emergency and he wasn't home or they couldn't find him that they should … Continue reading changing the things I can…
let’s play office…
I've been a remote worker for about a decade now. Even before I started working for the famously distributed Automattic, I worked from home. First picking up the odd gig as a copywriter, then as a girl Friday for a meal planning company and its lovable yet inherently lazy founder. So I'm no stranger to … Continue reading let’s play office…
you deserve a push up pop…
Remember when you were a kid and you had to do something that you didn't really want to do but you had no choice in the matter? You know, kind of like every single day of your adult life, but earlier. Back when it seemed to you that SOMEDAY you would be able to grow … Continue reading you deserve a push up pop…
meditation via animal crossing…
Meet my Animal Crossing alter ego Camik and two of her very best little animated friends Seapea and Karmatosed... Back in March of this year as the pandemic lockdown was sweeping the world and I had not one but two birthdays to celebrate in my home I started seriously contemplating the purchase of a Nintendo … Continue reading meditation via animal crossing…
I’m worried sick you’re not worried about being sick…
We're four months into a mostly self imposed quarantine caused by a global pandemic the likes of which I've never seen. I mean I've imagined it. I've imagined worse. Lifelong anxiety disorder and a love of zombie movies will do that to you. I've long been convinced that when the time comes that we have … Continue reading I’m worried sick you’re not worried about being sick…
happy father’s day to me…
I wrote something a long time ago. It was one part of a single sentence that I wrote here on my blog when I was in the midst of what turned out to be a pretty messy and unhappy divorce. Not that many divorces are happy. But mine was rough. I'm speaking for myself here. … Continue reading happy father’s day to me…
are you my mother?
Mother’s Day in a global pandemic isn’t really looking fun and relaxing for me. As a mom I feel like I’m on triple duty right now. Quadruple duty. All the duties. Mired in working, parenting, managing a household in super weird times, being a partner, supporting my family and friends, and trying to keep myself … Continue reading are you my mother?
your post…
Growing up, I didn't have a sister. As previously discussed I haven't always been good at being friends with women. And maybe it's because I wasn't ready. But maybe it's also because it took time for me to meet my people. My person. My James. Is this one of those sappy reflection posts? Maybe? Is … Continue reading your post…