What we're about

We're a group of local WordPress developers, designers, and publishers who get together to share our knowledge and experience, and to meet other WordPress users in the area. This WordPress Meetup is open to all who love WordPress --- join us!

Facebook page: http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20201130174940/https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-WordPress-Meetup-606707739513303/

Upcoming events (1)

WordPress Meetup #47: 「順便智能櫃 」ShipAny API x WooCommerce 功能介紹及示範 (Cantonese 廣東話)

WordPress User Meetup covers WordPress core, Themes, Plugins and related topics. Fee: Free of Charge Speaking: Cantonese Venue: Online conference via ZOOM Agenda: 2:00pm - 順便智能櫃 API x WooCommerce 功能介紹及示範 (Cantonese 廣東話) by Andy sir 物流是開網上商店的一大難題,如何能根據訂單總重量取得運費?如何讓客人選擇在智能櫃取貨?如果快速填好物流單? 我會介紹這插件如何透過ShipAny API 取得物流訊息 ,及分享製作這個Woocommerce 插件的樂趣! 2:30pm - Q&A, helpdesk and talk followed by general discussion (please send us WordPress question before meetup) 3:00pm - Meetup closing Speaker bio: 畢業於中文大學,後於理工大學取得資訊科技碩士學位。 曾經營網上商店,主攻歐美市場,日夜癲倒,廢寢忘餐。 之後在跨國IT公司擔任軟件工程師,為國際級企業製作網上商店,貨品大賣。 2年後另自組公司,為上市公司建立電子商務系統,當然也利用SEO技術協助不少中小企業進軍網上業務。 近年尋到自己的跑道,投身教育,開班分享自己的知識。曽任政府部門創業課程導師。 現任點止學嘢教育中心課程總監、跨境電商平台的技術顧問。 他把SEO的技術結集成書,是《SEO秘技100招》的作者。 ----------------------------------- We're always looking for new speakers, so contact the co-organizer (Ivan So) in the meetup.com sidebar if you have a topic or improvement about WordPress Meetup. Sponsor: Weglot is one of the best WordPress multilingual plugin to translate and display a WordPress website in multiple languages. Founded in 2016, Weglot is trusted by more than 50,000 websites owners and developers, with a 5-star rating on the WordPress directory (800+ reviews). http://wayback.fauppsala.se:80/wayback/20201130174940/https://weglot.com/ Coupon code: HKWG20 (It's a 20% discount code).

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