There are several ways to get WordPress. The easiest is through a hosting provider, but sometimes tech-savvy folks prefer to download and install it themselves.
Either way, you can use your WordPress through a web browser and with our mobile apps.
請使用我們的行動版 App,便可隨時隨地撰寫或更新內容。
進一步瞭解行動版 AppWordPress 主機服務提供商
無論使用者的技術能力如何,SiteGround 都能提供頂級的網站效能及技術支援。加入對 SiteGround 的 WordPress 服務感到滿意的客戶的行列,便能以合宜的價格取得所需的技術協助。
前往 Siteground無價、免費及自由
下載 WordPress 並使用它建置網站。
You’re on your way with the latest WordPress!
For help getting started, check out our Documentation and Support Forums.
Meet other WordPress enthusiasts and share your knowledge at a WordPress meetup group or a WordCamp.
To support education about WordPress and open source software, please donate to the WordPress Foundation.