Event Time Announcer

Event in UTC on fredag den 11 juni 2021, 20:00:00

Event Time in UTC, Time Zone

fredag den 11 juni 2021

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Current time: fre, 16:18:13

Converted Time Stockholm, Sweden

fredag den 11 juni 2021

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Current time: fre, 18:18:13

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The Event Time Announcer converts the time of your planned event to local times all over the world for easy sharing and linking.

Event Times Around the World

Accrafre 20:00Casablanca *fre 21:00Kolkatalör 01:30Reykjavikfre 20:00
Addis Ababafre 23:00Chicago *fre 15:00Kuala Lumpurlör 04:00Rio de Janeirofre 17:00
Adelaidelör 05:30Copenhagen *fre 22:00Kuwait Cityfre 23:00Riyadhfre 23:00
Algiersfre 21:00Dallas *fre 15:00Kyiv *fre 23:00Rome *fre 22:00
Almatylör 02:00Dar es Salaamfre 23:00La Pazfre 16:00Salt Lake City *fre 14:00
Amman *fre 23:00Darwinlör 05:30Lagosfre 21:00San Francisco *fre 13:00
Amsterdam *fre 22:00Denver *fre 14:00Lahorelör 01:00San Juanfre 16:00
Anadyrlör 08:00Detroit *fre 16:00Las Vegas *fre 13:00San Salvadorfre 14:00
Anchorage *fre 12:00Dhakalör 02:00Limafre 15:00Santiagofre 16:00
Ankarafre 23:00Dohafre 23:00Lisbon *fre 21:00Santo Domingofre 16:00
Antananarivofre 23:00Dubailör 00:00London *fre 21:00São Paulofre 17:00
Asuncionfre 16:00Dublin *fre 21:00Los Angeles *fre 13:00Seattle *fre 13:00
Athens *fre 23:00Edmonton *fre 14:00Madrid *fre 22:00Seoullör 05:00
Atlanta *fre 16:00Frankfurt *fre 22:00Managuafre 14:00Shanghailör 04:00
Aucklandlör 08:00Guatemala Cityfre 14:00Manilalör 04:00Singaporelör 04:00
Baghdadfre 23:00Halifax *fre 17:00Melbournelör 06:00Sofia *fre 23:00
Bangkoklör 03:00Hanoilör 03:00Mexico City *fre 15:00St. John's *fre 17:30
Barcelona *fre 22:00Hararefre 22:00Miami *fre 16:00Stockholm *fre 22:00
Beijinglör 04:00Havana *fre 16:00Minneapolis *fre 15:00Suvalör 08:00
Beirut *fre 23:00Helsinki *fre 23:00Minskfre 23:00Sydneylör 06:00
Belgrade *fre 22:00Hong Konglör 04:00Montevideofre 17:00Taipeilör 04:00
Bengalurulör 01:30Honolulufre 10:00Montréal *fre 16:00Tallinn *fre 23:00
Berlin *fre 22:00Houston *fre 15:00Moscowfre 23:00Tashkentlör 01:00
Bogotafre 15:00Indianapolis *fre 16:00Mumbailör 01:30Tegucigalpafre 14:00
Boston *fre 16:00Islamabadlör 01:00Nairobifre 23:00Tehran *lör 00:30
Brasiliafre 17:00Istanbulfre 23:00Nassau *fre 16:00Tokyolör 05:00
Brisbanelör 06:00Jakartalör 03:00New Delhilör 01:30Toronto *fre 16:00
Brussels *fre 22:00Jerusalem *fre 23:00New Orleans *fre 15:00Vancouver *fre 13:00
Bucharest *fre 23:00Johannesburgfre 22:00New York *fre 16:00Vienna *fre 22:00
Budapest *fre 22:00Kabullör 00:30Oslo *fre 22:00Warsaw *fre 22:00
Buenos Airesfre 17:00Karachilör 01:00Ottawa *fre 16:00Washington DC *fre 16:00
Cairofre 22:00Kathmandulör 01:45Paris *fre 22:00Winnipeg *fre 15:00
Calgary *fre 14:00Khartoumfre 22:00Perthlör 04:00Yangonlör 02:30
Canberralör 06:00Kingstonfre 15:00Philadelphia *fre 16:00Zagreb *fre 22:00
Cape Townfre 22:00Kinshasafre 21:00Phoenixfre 13:00Zürich *fre 22:00
Caracasfre 16:00Kiritimatilör 10:00Prague *fre 22:00

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (64 places).

fre = fredag den 11 juni 2021 (105 places).
lör = lördag den 12 juni 2021 (38 places).

Questions about this event? Please contact the person or organization that created this announcement, not us at timeanddate.com.

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