A recap on WCEU 2021

It’s just a week since WordCamp Europe 2021 and we are still excited about it. And we’re even more excited about the idea of seeing each other again in real life in Porto in 2022.

Now, from the calm after the storm, we can bring you some figures and conclusions about what WordCamp Europe 2021 was like.

The event in numbers

Sometimes numbers speak louder than words, so here are some total figures on the success of the event:

Total registrations3329
Unique viewers on Hubilo1857
Total views on YouTube6190
Different countries attending121
Total number of speakers42
Total number of sponsors43
Total number of organisers40
Total number of volunteers12

Social media interactions

Numbers also tell us a lot on general public acceptance. Here are some statistics on how the public interacted on social media:

Social networkImpressionsClicksLikesMost active cityPostsHashtag users

The online event

After an intense selection procedure we decided upon Hubilo as the event platform for WCEU 2021.

It was the platform which met most of our requirements. We wanted to continue offering live captioning, just like we have done in previous years and with Hubilo it was possible.

We also wanted the event experience to be great without the need to use all kinds of other tools, just the web browser. So this year it was not necessary to use Zoom to chat with other participants.

We decided to make the online version of WordCamp Europe free once more. All expenses were covered by our sponsors.

Having no admission fee made us decide to talk about claiming seats instead of buy tickets, as we felt that a free ticket is just not a ticket as we normally would see it.

This had another side effect that we saw last year as well: a larger number of no-shows, people who claimed a seat but didn’t attend at all. Apparently people are more inclined to attend when they have paid for it than when it is free.

Ticket registration was done on the WCEU website and after the registration had been closed, all registrations were exported to the Hubilo platform. This is the reason why it was not possible to join the event immediately after you had registered on the WCEU website. 

Unfortunately there were a lot of issues with people not having received the confirmation email with the link to the event platform. This was something outside our control. We have shared our experience and suggestions on this to Hubilo.

Your feedback

Your experience and opinion on WordCamp Europe 2021 is very important to us.

We will be sending you a feedback form and we hope that you’ll give us honest feedback. Of course the results of this feedback will be published on this website.

Our speakers are eagerly looking forward to your feedback on their sessions too. You can do that right now if you haven’t done so:

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