I’d like to start an experimental channel for all WordPress team reps to collaborate in. It would be set up very similarly to #core-committers and #5-8-release-leads where it’s open, but posting is requested to be limited to team reps.
Some Background
Many contributors (whether they were team reps or not) have suggested this over the years and I have been strongly against it every time. I worry that it will create a new silo, that it will cause team reps to stop reaching out to one another directly, or that it will somehow create a feeling of “exclusivity”.
But given the way our project has grown and the way the world has changed how we do things (learning/working/living moving increasingly online), I feel it’s time to give the channel a try. Like the last couple of coordination channels I’ve created, I have some thoughts on what the expectations should be:
- All team reps will be included in the channel by default.
- The primary goal is ease of collaboration, not private decision-making conversations.
- The channel can be used by team reps for cross team collaboration or hand off.
- The channel can be used by me (though I am not a team rep!) to share important information and also to check in with everyone more easily.
Do you have feedback?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Discussion is open through May 28, 2021. 🙂
Well, it sounds a slight bit exclusionary but that might be needed at that.
You need a place to have leadership group talks from time to time.
there’s also a need to be able to talk without those of us ‘outside the leadership’ from just getting in the way. Or talking out of turn.
Sounds like a great tool to solve the constant question of “which team(s) do I need to contact about this” – just post it into the channel, and the affected team(s) will be able to respond.
So +1 from me.
Seems like a great idea – at least as a test run. I have always struggled to collaborate across teams. Who to talk to, when, how to approach them etc. A public channel where this can happen makes sense to me.
TBF you’re the rep of … all of us 🙂 That’ll be interesting. I’m in.
I’m all for it if it improves communication in some way. I don’t have a strong opinion otherwise.
Yes, please! Since selected to be a team rep this year, I’ve found it a little bit odd that this kind of communication place that can help and encourage cross-team collaboration didn’t already exist.
Also given that the team updates are more one-way communication by providing answers to questions rather than having a discussion with project leadership, I hope that the new channel will help to establish a greater sense of belonging and working together instead of feeling that your team works completely alone.
Indeed, although this type of channel may seem exclusive, it is true that in many cases communication between teams is done on a one-to-one basis between people, and between one thing and another, information is lost because either the rest of the team is not aware of something, or functionalities and configurations of elements that affect everyone are lost along the way.
On the other hand, it can also serve to share experiences when working and trying new things.
As a last detail, and if the channel works well, I would like to propose, for a second phase, to include some people from local communities that work actively and can act as a link “between global and local”. It would be necessary to analyze well how and who, but in many occasions the (ES) Spain team could surely take advantage of information that would help to improve.
Also, communication and workflows that are based on one-to-one interactions increase the bus effect. Not the bus effect on actual code base but on contributing processes and workflows which are not documented because this one person knows how it’s been done.
I am in! Ever since I joined the release teams, I realized the lack of cross-team and sometimes non-effective collaboration there is. A place where we can all come together is welcome. Also, IMHO, it being an open channel removes the exclusiviness since anyone can join if they wish.
I agree with @javiercasares that we need to include local team leads, as they are our bridge to local communities.
If we have clear expectations and goals for the channel and it should be a great source of information, where we keep everyone informed of what teams are doing and most importantly, find ways to collaborate together.
As you know… yes 🙂
I am all for this. For a while now I’ve been asking for ways to collaborate with other teams all over the internet. Even if it’s just a single place to say what kind of help a team needs or ask for direction where to seek collaboration, it will be a huge improvement. Thank you for putting this idea into action.
I’m all for this. If we set expectations and the goal of this channel is clear I don’t see it being an issue. It would then be team reps responsibilities to feedback to their teams.
I might have mentioned wanting this very thing to a few folks. Fostering cross-team collaboration and focused project leadership/team relations is welcomed.
I personally believe this can help connecting the missing dots between teams and other leadership roles within. Since becoming a rep in December last year I have always realistically hoped for a communication channel similar to this. Since it would also be open to the public, I feel that adds to inclusion and transparency of the concept. Let’s do this! Thank you!
I’m all for this! So many great reasons for cross-team communication. Thanks, Josepha!
Thanks 🙂 I am on it.
I think this is a great idea.
[…] Experiment: A Public Channel for All Team Reps […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Team floated a proposal to tweak existing core icons and add new ones.Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. The Support Team is considering adding two or more deputies to the team. The Themes Team […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Team floated a proposal to tweak existing core icons and add new ones.Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. The Support Team is considering adding two or more deputies to the team. The Themes Team […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Team floated a proposal to tweak existing core icons and add new ones.Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. The Support Team is considering adding two or more deputies to the team. The Themes Team […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Team floated a proposal to tweak existing core icons and add new ones.Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. The Support Team is considering adding two or more deputies to the team. The Themes Team […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
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[…] Josepha Haden publicēja eksperimentu, lai izveidotu publisku kanālu komandas pārstāvjiem. […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]
[…] Experiment: A Public Channel for All Team Reps […]
[…] Josepha Haden published an experiment to create a public channel for team reps. […]