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Opened 3 days ago

Last modified 3 days ago

#5240 new task

Github Repo for Hosting Team Handbook

Reported by: mikeschroder Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Version Control Keywords:



TL;DR: It'd be helpful to have a hosting-handbook or similar repo for the hosting handbook in the WordPress.org Github org.

Longer form:
The hosting team is in the process of auditing the current handbook and updating it. it was initially created in Markdown, then migrated into the handbook from an external repo.

This was done mainly because the team has had a difficult time collaborating and organizing changes (tickets/PRs) in the Make handbook directly.

Now, there's an audit happening in Markdown in another repo outside of the WordPress.org organization as well, and it'd be helpful to get the current content into a repo within WP.org's organization so that we can set up automatically importing the handbook and review+merge the audit.

Slightly off-topic, perhaps, there's also a need for *some* location to track more general projects and tickets within the hosting team. Some of this is happening under the phpunit-test-reporter repo now, for lack of a better space. I'm not sure if this new repo would be the ideal place for that as well, but perhaps better than one focused on code?

Other ideas for organizing are welcome, of course, since I'm not completely familiar with the .org conventions.

Thanks much!

Change History (6)

This ticket was mentioned in Slack in #hosting-community by mike. View the logs.

3 days ago

#2 @mikeschroder
3 days ago

  • Component changed from General to Version Control
  • Type changed from defect to task

#3 @dd32
3 days ago

Do you want a fresh repo, or to transfer an existing one into the WordPress organization? Either is possible and easy to do.

#4 follow-up: @mikeschroder
3 days ago

Since neither is up to date, I think it'd probably be easiest to start fresh.

#5 in reply to: ↑ 4 ; follow-up: @dd32
3 days ago

Replying to mikeschroder:

Since neither is up to date, I think it'd probably be easiest to start fresh.

https://github.com/WordPress/hosting-handbook created and assigned you admin status of it, Hopefully that lets you invite others to collaborate on it (They may need to have an existing role on the org though, ping in #meta to invite others if needed).

Ideally we'd also setup a Team in GitHub to help manage the members, but I've skipped that for now.

Slightly off-topic, perhaps, there's also a need for *some* location to track more general projects and tickets within the hosting team. Some of this is happening under the phpunit-test-reporter repo now, for lack of a better space. I'm not sure if this new repo would be the ideal place for that as well, but perhaps better than one focused on code?

I'm not sure what kind of projects/tickets you're needing to track, but it sounds like this new repo would probably do?

#6 in reply to: ↑ 5 @mikeschroder
3 days ago

Replying to dd32:

https://github.com/WordPress/hosting-handbook created and assigned you admin status of it, Hopefully that lets you invite others to collaborate on it (They may need to have an existing role on the org though, ping in #meta to invite others if needed).

Ideally we'd also setup a Team in GitHub to help manage the members, but I've skipped that for now.

Thanks much! That works.

I'm not sure what kind of projects/tickets you're needing to track, but it sounds like this new repo would probably do?

Some of it is work on the handbook, which this clearly covers, and more recently partially-related things, like prepping for WCEU contributor day.

I agree it's worth giving this a go and seeing how it works.

Thanks much!

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