Classic Widgets (傳統小工具)


Classic Widgets 是由 WordPress 團隊維護的官方外掛,它能還原舊版 (傳統) 小工具設定畫面。官方會提供的完整技術支援及維護直至 2022 年,或視需要延長/縮短期限。



不需要。這個外掛不需要設定。這個外掛能還原舊版 (傳統) 小工具設定畫面,並在管理小工具的畫面停用區塊編輯器。


2021 年 6 月 16 日
The WordPress transition to block widgets breaks many custom classic widgets. Thankfully, the WordPress team developed this plugin to restore classic widgets. However, it would be better if the new block widget system considered classic widgets more carefully.
2021 年 6 月 14 日
I ran an agency who's been using Gutenberg for all of our clients since it's launched. But I honestly feel using blocks for widget is a downgrade. Widget supposed to be consistent. I don't want my Footer and Sidebar to be a Body Content 2.0. I'll definitely install this on all of my old and future sites.
2021 年 6 月 11 日
I activated this plugin and now a blank page comes up when I go to edit the page. If I deactivate it, the new block widget editor just rolls and never finishes loading. I can't edit my widgets at all because neither the plugin nor the new editor is working. Very frustrating. UPDATE: I'm not sure if this is actually related but once I removed some old plugins that I was not actually using this plugin worked perfectly. 4 stars for the issues I had but happy with it once it began to work.
2021 年 6 月 1 日
This plugins works well but it really should've been incorporated into the Classic Editor plugin, with an extra option to turn the feature on/off. Once 5.8 rolls out, I'll now be forced to go back to every single site just to add an extra plugin.
2021 年 5 月 7 日
very good and on time As recently as yesterday I tried to edit the widget, but I couldn't even add the "First Footer - 1st Column". But I found a way around this: disable the Gutenberg plugin, complete my plan, and re-enable it. And then you're done! I hope for the further development of Gutenberg, in which there will be no such difficulties.
閱讀全部 5 則使用者評論


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Classic Widgets (傳統小工具) 外掛目前已有 13 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

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Update filter name.


Initial release.