Classic Widgets (傳統小工具)


Classic Widgets 是由 WordPress 團隊維護的官方外掛,它能還原舊版 (傳統) 小工具設定畫面。官方會提供的完整技術支援及維護直至 2022 年,或視需要延長/縮短期限。




不需要。這個外掛不需要設定。這個外掛能還原舊版 (傳統) 小工具設定畫面,並在管理小工具的畫面停用區塊編輯器。


2021 年 7 月 28 日
Thank You! What a relief to be able to have the Widget area restored to its original excellent design. The Gutenberg Blocks just don't make the grade. It's twice as much work. WordPress core used to make sense, now it doesn't. Why take something that worked so well and mess it up for the people who use WordPress. Not just developers and designers but users of WordPress. I won't be surprised if there are two versions of WordPress. 1)The original WordPress core that went from a blogging platform to becoming the most used software worldwide. 2) The Gutenberg WordPress. A Block System with blank pages and hidden features that only the people who created them know where they are and what they do and how to operate them.
2021 年 7 月 27 日
I'm still mad about guttenberg, but out of sight out of mind. We all know widgets needed some updating... but not like this. Stupid single column blocks....scroll ..scroll.., at least before you could see most widgets at a single glance. Honestly all these changes are probably making a lot of us better developers as we realise were on a different path from wordpress and we look for better ways to build sites.
2021 年 7 月 27 日
Thank you! Just spent half the night trying to figure out WTF was wrong with my widgets as there was NO notification that this would happen and Gutenberg Widget Block SUCKS!! Now I just have to go to all my client's sites and install the Classic Widget Plugin - EISH!! WP you are costing me time and money 🙁 PLEASE allow for an option re the awful Gutenberg Widget Block
閱讀全部 51 則使用者評論


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Classic Widgets (傳統小工具) 外掛目前已有 18 個本地化語言版本。 感謝全部譯者為這個外掛做出的貢獻。

將 Classic Widgets (傳統小工具) 外掛本地化為台灣繁體中文版


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Update filter name.


Initial release.