Make WordPress Training

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Agenda for October 30, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting! As a team, we will stick to UTC time.

Alert: This agenda is long. Consider a quarterly progress report and introducing topics we need to work through over the next few months. It would help to review the overview before the meeting and then clarify parts during the meeting.

Today’s Agenda

  1. Team Reps
  2. Additional roles
    1. Welcome committee
    2. Meeting note taker
    3. Checking inboxes from forms on Training and Learn websites for new contributors
    4. APAC timezone facilitator
  3. Badges redefined while not with GitHub & track current contributions & props. We don’t need to have answers now but do need to help track who has contributed during this season of transition.
  4. Audit update – all live lessons have had a first pass! Here are small chunks of areas to contribute:
    1. Call for screenshots contributors
    2. Call for code snippets help
      1. Proofreading
      2. Testing
    3. Call to remove some templated post content that has moved to taxonomy
      1. Target Audience
      2. Experience level
      3. Types of instruction
      4. Time duration
  5. Lesson plans nearly “done” – these are medium chunks of ways to contribute
    1. Refer to our Trello – almost done column at the FAR right.
    2. As a team, do you want to just pick and choose, or shall we start with those almost done?
  6. High-level organization and potentially larger areas of commitment for contribution
    1. Additional proposed lessons and organization of a series of lessons
      1. Learn WordPress Course Planning & our Trello lesson plan ideas (middle column roughly)
    2. Slides – we have talked about them for ages. They are useful for instructors to use when presenting. They may or may not hold up well in pre-recorded videos for the Community online workshop route, but can be.
      1. Historically, the team has settled on We have a good bit of content on that now.
      2. We rejected Google Slides after putting considerable work into 2 screen ratios and a template to standardize the look.
      3. Issue tracker
      4. Key posts
      5. It’s a big ask to have some means for slides functionality on the Learn site.
        1. Understandably .org is very stringent on adding plugins to a multi-multi-site.
        2. We need revision control tools
        3. We need a way to make it easiest on attendees to view slide decks, presenters to access the slides, and display in any manner
        4. Do we need the means for storing that to be open source-based code?
        5. If we add something to .org, what are our long term commitments and expectations to a new tool?
        6. Would this solve ease of contribution?
        7. Do we revisit tools again that we have already decided against?
    3. More granular auditing work is on the horizon. We need to plan how to track so many moving parts
      1. If/when we include videos on lesson plans (like the video Workshops portion of the site), tracking updates to those. Unlike Vimeo, WPTV videos do not get overwritten with newer uploads, so embeds will need to be tracked. Related – when it hits core, we may get chapter options!
      2. Links to Support/DevDocs articles –
        1. oEmbed?
        2. Taxonomy
        3. Get notified about articles updated
      3. Revision control for lesson plan post content. If a lesson is live, we need to have a draft version to prepare for releases and also to be proofread and revised before it goes live.
      4. Sensei assessments are an option on Learn.
        1. We have assessment questions for each lesson. Those do need to be available for facilitators in a live setting without requiring users have internet connectivity.
        2. We can additionally convert our assessment questions to Sensei quizzes.
      5. The trouble with terminology (teacher, coach, instructor, class, workshop, curriculum, course, class, and more).
    4. Cross-team coordination
      1. Workflows on releases and procedure
      2. Release squad
  7. Open announcements/discussion

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

#learn-wordpress, #slides

Agenda for October 23, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Audit Progress: 47 of 85 lessons audited
  2. Learn Course Planning discussion and feedback
  3. Next week: team reps.
  4. Open announcements/discussion

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

Agenda for October 16, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Audit Progress: 47 of 85 lessons audited
    1. Fixing broken images call for help
    2. Finding broken links and more
  2. Structure of Workshops, Courses, Lessons, Quizzes call for feedback
  3. Team Rep discussion
  4. Open announcements/discussion

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

Call for Screenshots Contributors

The Training team is in the midst of auditing lesson plans on the Learn site. We have many lesson plans with broken images. We’d love your help with correcting this.

Here’s how to contribute:

Thank you Marketing team for putting out the call for support on this!

Hi, sorry for my long absence. I think it can be my new start point.
Count on me 🙂

Agenda for October 9, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Audit Progress: 47 of 85 lessons audited
  2. Marketing Team & Learn site working project
  3. Open announcements/discussion

Learn Site

Functionality Requests

We are working toward 2 large factors needed on the Learn site to help the team focus there.

  • Slides – many lesson plans have slides. They are still on GitHub and there is no synchronization at this time between Learn & GitHub.
  • Revision tool – We need a way to “stage” a lesson after a published version goes live. Specifically, this would be helpful at working on upcoming content to stay in synch with releases.

We are communicating with multiple teams (Community, Meta, and more) to achieve this.

Maintenance Meeting

Yesterday’s Learn maintenance meeting included Marketing. Marketing will include information in the upcoming Month in WordPress in November and Meetup newsletter for October that will help promote the need for contributors interested in small chunks of work, such as fixing screenshots.

Team Rep

Can we revisit our Team Reps? At this time, most of those listed on the Updates site are not able to participate regularly with the team. Interested? Let’s think on this.

Join Us!

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

Agenda for October 2, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Audit progress
  2. Leaving Github requirements meeting
  3. Open announcements/discussion

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

Agenda for September 25, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Audit progress
  2. Open announcements/discussion

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

Agenda for September 18, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Call for volunteers
    1. Today’s notetaker & willing to post Recap notes (we have a reusable block for that now)
    2. Welcoming new users to our Slack channel
    3. Alternate meeting for Pacific Rim
  2. Update on Lesson Plan audit
    1. Replay: Passcode: #4AWNuNL
    2. Edit Flow in Learn
    3. Proposing Slides support on Learn
  3. Discussion items in the near future
    1. Renaming Lesson Plan Workshops (courses?)
    2. Lesson plans that involve brands need to be discussed/considered.
    3. Discussion on where lesson plans live
  4. Open announcements/discussion
    1. Contributor open office hours

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:

#learn-wordpress, #slides

Agenda for September 11, 2020

Please join us Friday at 11:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meeting!

Today’s Agenda

  1. Call for volunteers
    1. Today’s notetaker & willing to post Recap notes (we have a reusable block for that now)
    2. Welcoming new users to our Slack channel
    3. Alt meeting for Pacific Rim
  2. Recap of Learn site meeting
  3. Update on Lesson Plan audit
  4. Discussion items
    1. Renaming Lesson Plan Workshops (courses?)
    2. Lesson plans that involve brands need to be discussed/considered.
    3. Discussion on where lesson plans live
  5. Open announcements/discussion
    1. Contributor open office hours

Lesson Plan Audit Update

  • See the far right 5 columns on our Trello board.
  • We have notes from @azhiyadev in the comparison category.
  • Lessons in the Almost Ready column are easy lifts to finish. Could we get volunteers to finish those?
  • Speaker Diversity lesson plans from @jillbinder are a priority, and Jill has rewritten a considerable amount as part of the #WPDiversity program.
  • Auditing each lesson on Learn also involves
    • Completing metadata
    • Checking for missing images, replacing as possible
    • Looking for Slides in GitHub repo
    • Grammar/spellcheck
    • Content completion
    • Internal linking within the Learn site (not back to GitHub lesson plans)
    • Updating outdated links to Codex to HelpHub/Developer Docs
    • Callout formatting
  • It’d be super helpful to have a lesson plan reusable block on Learn.
  • Additional help auditing the lesson plans would be most appreciated!

You are welcome to join the team at any time! If you are new to the Training Team, please introduce yourself in the #training channel before the meeting (or anytime!) and feel free to join us in the meeting and participate as you are able.

Training Team Mission

The WordPress training team creates downloadable lesson plans and related materials for instructors to use in live environments.

Getting Involved

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in, comment on posts, and participate in meetings and on projects.

Team Links:


Recap for Training Team Meeting September 4, 2020

Attendance: @chetan200891, @courane01, @knilkantha, @chaion07, @thisisyeasin, @webcommsat, @carike, @tikolan, @azhiyadev

Slack timestamp

Introductions were made and then @courane01 revisited the goal of the Training team, creating lesson plans and instructional materials for anyone to use when teaching others WordPress. Plans have been used in Meetups, traditonal classrooms, bootcamps and workshops. The #community-team uses plans in several outreach initiatives as well, particularly around what is open-source. A few people pop into #training asking to be trained.

@courane01 asked for people interested in being the key lead for welcoming new people to the channel, similar approach to how #marketing welcomes new people to their channel.

Training team current priorities

Cross-team collaboration for Learn site.

After years of hard work, Lesson plans are now live on However, it is not quite ready to draw attention too yet. Meeting notes for Learn site maintenance meeting held Friday 4 September 2020 in #community-team are now available.

Prioritize lesson plans that are current/hot topics, identify which need just a little push to take live.

The team needs to assess the state of lesson plans that are ready to be visible. @carike has done a great job of finding glitches from syncing from Github and @courane01 has tried to compare this against the team’s Trello board (tracks what is done and ready to be live).

There are a few pull requests in Github that should be reviewed/accepted on lesson plans. @courane01 suggested possibly working on a few lessons plans that are new/hot topics like all the changes to using the block editor brought up in 5.5.

@webcommsat is working with @hlashbrooke in the community on promotions and it will be good to gather some key info regarding lesson plans on Learn when this is ready to be promoted.

Discussion welcome on lesson plans. They have been built in Github and @courane01 would like to revisit if this should continue to be the case. The inital reason for using Github was when they were moved, all lesson plans images were lost from the Training team P2 never to be restored.

Need to consider new lesson plans to be drafted. @courane01 has come up with a few but has not written the content for them yet. @webcommsat and @hlashbrooke have talked about linking these lessons/guides from the Q&As they are working on from the release and marketing. It would be good to look at how they can be aware of when these are ready and cross promote the resources. If anyone would like to write these plans then please contact @chetan200891 or @courane01 for access.

Determine what is an agreeable arrangement with brands on brand-specific mentions for important and unavoidable areas like contact forms.

An appropriate strategy is needed to teach things like contact forms or other areas that many sites need, but core doesn’t include. Later we can explore the lessons around very common plugins.

Plan/document how to partner with brands.

There is a need to think through what an appropriate mention of brands entails or could do.

Sync up with Polyglots for translating lesson plans.

@courane01 mentioned the need to prepare for partnering with #polygots as we get lessons live. The video workshop area is moving towards those needs as well.

Open announcements/discussions

Based on the Doodle poll, team meeting moving forward will be held on Fridays at 11:00 UTC in #training. @courane01 would be delighted to see a second meeting time for PM in the Americas and AM for parts of the pacific rim. A few people have expressed interest in that time slot.

Please feel free to reach out anytime to get connected, account permissions, etc. For getting onboarded and to start contributing please look at the post written by @chetan200891 It also includes video tutorials.

Action Items

  • @azhiyadev to assist @courane01 in reviewing what is on Learn, comparing it to Trello and identifying what should be live on Learn.
  • Discussion welcome on if lesson plans should continue to be built using Github or some other alternative solution.
  • A few pull requests in Github need to be reviewed/accepted on lesson plans
  • Getting Trello/Github PRs current. We can manually move the completed plans over for now. Github Sync to Learn is disabled until bugs have been sorted. Does anyone have any ideas on comparing those?
  • Draft new lesson plans highlighted above.