Thank you for taking this short survey to help us improve the Learn platform. The questions below should take no more than 5 minutes of your time.  We only want your answers, so you will remain completely anonymous!

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* 1. Choose the option below that best explains why you use

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* 2. What is your experience level with WordPress and its features?

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* 3. Which range includes how long you have used (or contributed to) WordPress?

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* 4. How did you discover WordPress could meet your needs?

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* 5. Based on its ease of use, how would you rate the search function on the site?

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* 6. Did the filters feature improve your ability to find what you were looking for?

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* 7. How intuitive is the site’s navigation? Rate how easy it is to get around

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* 8. Select the response that most closely matches your opinion to the following statement: The simplicity of the site’s theme added to its usability.

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* 9. How would you describe the lesson plans available on

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* 10. As a learner, how helpful were the workshops available on

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* 11. Select the option(s) below that you think would most improve your learning experience with the workshops at

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* 12. Think about the workshop(s) you’ve completed. How would you rate your engagement with the content?

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* 13. Select the option that best matches your opinion about the amount of time it took to complete the workshop(s) you have taken:

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* 14. Please list the titles of any workshops along with a brief description of how to improve them, or leave blank if you have no recommendations:

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* 15. I am most incentivized to continue using and/or contributing to the site because… (select all that apply)