Classic Widgets


Classic Widgets is an official plugin maintained by the WordPress team that restores the previous (“classic”) WordPress widgets settings screens. It will be supported and maintained until at least 2022, or as long as is necessary.

Once activated, this plugin restores the previous widgets settings screens and disables the block editor from managing widgets. There is no other configuration, the classic widgets settings screens are enabled or disabled by either enabling or disabling this plugin.


Are there any settings?

No, there are no settings. Once activated, this plugin restores the previous (“classic”) WordPress widgets screen and disables the block editor from managing widgets.


August 19, 2021
Leave the old widget interface. It is simple and intuitive. The new one is even worse than gutenberg (i was sure there could be nothing more bad than gutenberg editor but i was wrong! Buttons are floating all over and changing position. Seriously wordpress developers just making an editor with nice flat buttons does not make it good. You cant understand what are you adding in this nightmare. It is a mess. I hope the Gutenberg virus will not spread anymore.
August 19, 2021
Thanks. Leave the old classic widgets alone, the Gutenburg ones are unmanageable for tens of 1000's of websites. They are horrid and smell and spilt coffee all over my code, not to mention they were banging pots and pans at 3am.
August 18, 2021
Thanks for creating this plugin. I found the new widgets page very confusing, so this fixes that.
August 18, 2021
Took me an hour to figure out what happened to the widgets. With the new block version, Wordfence kept throwing errors about the security of my site whenever I tried editing. Finally saw a link to this plugin to go back to the classic editor. All frustration was gone after installing when I saw the familiar interface. Please make this a permanent plugin. The block editor is broken for me and can't be used.
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Contributors & Developers

“Classic Widgets” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Classic Widgets” has been translated into 22 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Update filter name.


Initial release.